Zanzibar Housing Corp kick out rogue tenants

Zanzibar Housing Corp kick out rogue tenants

Zanzibar/Unguja. The Director-General of the Zanzibar Housing Corporation (ZHC), Mwanaisha Ali Said, has warned tenants who have changed the houses into brothels and unlicensed guest houses.

Her warning comes amid rumours that the house belonging to ZHC have been turned into places where people meet for sexual activities and prostitution.

Speaking to the media, the DG said there are also allegations that some tenants have been renting the houses for drug consumption.

ZHC to kick out rogue tenantsIn addition to that, she said there are some tenants who have been putting the houses as collateral in banks or financial institutions and turning the houses into garages.

She said such behaviours are against lease agreement and the laws.

“Also there agents who cooperate with ZHC Officials to sell the houses,’ she said.

ZHC has been given the authority to manage the housing sector in Zanzibar with 2,303 houses for rent in Unguja and Pemba.

Ms Mwanaisha emphasised that they will continue to take stern measures against anyone who is found breaking lease agreement.

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