Wanne mbaroni wakidaiwa kuhujumu miundombinu ya Tanesco, SGR

Wanne mbaroni wakidaiwa kuhujumu miundombinu ya Tanesco, SGR

Wanne mbaroni wakidaiwa kuhujumu miundombinu ya Tanesco, SGR

Dar es Salaam. Watu wanne wamekamatwa na Jeshi la Polisi kwa vipindi tofauti wakidaiwa kuhujumu miundombinu ya Shirika la Umeme Tanzania (Tanesco) na Shirika la Reli Tanzania (TRC).

Mara kadhaa TRC imekuwa ikieleza kuwapo kwa baadhi ya watu wanaokula njama za kuharibu miundombinu ili kuzorotesha usafiri wa treni ya kisasa (SGR).

Kwa mujibu wa taarifa iliyotolewa na Mkoa wa Kipolisi Rufiji, watuhumiwa wawili walikamatwa Desemba 13, 2024 wakiwa na vipande vya shaba 426 vyenye uzito wa kilo 7,728 na nyaya za shaba zenye uzito wa kilo 2,628.5 zilizotambuliwa kuwa ni mali zilizoibwa kutoka kwenye miundombinu ya Tanesco.

Pia wanadaiwa kukamatwa na nyaya za shaba za TRC zenye uzito wa kilo 430 na vipande vya shaba vilivyotengenezwa kutoka kwenye nyaya ambazo zimeibiwa Tanesco na TRC ili kuficha uhalisia wake.

Kwa mujibu wa taarifa hiyo iliyotolewa jana Desemba 14, 2024 watuhumiwa walipataikana baada ya kukamatwa gari aina ya Fuso lililobeba shehena ya vipande na nyaya za shaba walizotoa kiwandani kwao.

“Gari hilo lilikuwa linatoka kiwandani kwao kwenda kuzificha baada ya kuona operesheni kali ya Polisi inayoendelea,” imesema taarifa hiyo.

Wawili hao wanadaiwa kukamatwa ikiwa ni saa chache tangu jeshi hilo kutangaza kuwashikilia watuhumiwa wengine wawili wenye asili ya Asia Desemba 12, 2024 katika Wilaya ya Mkuranga, Mkoa wa Kipolisi Rufiji.

Katika tukio la awali raia hao wa kigeni wanadaiwa kukutwa na nyaya za shaba ambazo zilitambuliwa kuhujumiwa kutoka miundombinu ya Tanesco na TRC zilizokutwa katika kiwanda chao.

Wawili hao walikutwa na nyaya za shaba za Tanesco zilizokuwa na kilo 608.6 na kilo 5,500.17 za TRC.

Hatua hiyo inaelezwa ni mwendelezo wa operesheni zinazofanywa na Jeshi la Polisi kwa ajili ya kulinda miundombinu hiyo, ili kuhakikisha usafiri wa treni ya umeme unafanya kazi katika ufanisi unaotakiwa.

Treni ya SGR ambayo inafanya safiri kati ya Dar es Salaam, Morogoro hadi Dodoma ilikuwa na changamoto iliyoathiri ratiba za wasafiri.

Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa TRC, Masanja Kadogosa akizungumza na Mwananchi Novemba 5, alisema kuna njama zinazofanywa kwa lengo la kuhujumu mradi huo.

Kadogosa alisema hujuma hizo si za hivi karibuni, bali zilianza muda mrefu huku akieleza baadhi ya wahusika wamekamatwa ambao wako mbioni kuchukuliwa hatua.

Kadogosa alisema kumekuwa na sintofahamu ikiendelea, wengine wakihisi kuna mgawo wa umeme kwenye SGR.

“Kuna nyaya zilikatwa kwenye eneo kati ya Soga na Pugu na waliofanya hivyo si vibaka, ni watu wenye nia ya kuhujumu mradi huu na wanajua walichokuwa wanakifanya.

“Kuna ambao tumeshawakamata na ushahidi upo, na hii si mara ya kwanza, hatukutaka kuwatangaza kwa sababu tulihitaji ‘tu-dili’ nao kimyakimya, hatua dhidi yao zinaendelea na watakapohukumiwa wananchi watawafahamu,” alisema akieleza hujuma ndizo zimekuwa zikiathiri safari za treni hiyo.

Katika kukabiliana na hilo, Novemba 9, 2024 wabunge waliiagiza TRC kufunga kamera za ulinzi mara moja maeneo yote ya reli ili kukabiliana na watu wanaohujumu miundombinu ya SGR.

Mwenyekiti wa Kamati ya Kudumu ya Bunge Miundombinu, Selemani Kakoso alisema kufungwa kwa kamera za ulinzi (CCTV) kutawezesha kukabiliana na hujuma kwa mradi huo.

Kakoso alisema mbali ya kamera, uwekwe ulinzi wa mfumo wa umeme ambao wote wanaotaka kuihujumu reli hiyo wanaswe na mifumo ya umeme.

“Hii itasaidia sana kwa sababu sisi

Watanzania kuna watu ambao bado hawaoni umuhimu wa kutunza hii miundombinu, ndiyo maana watu wanashuhudia mradi mkubwa unaweza kujengwa kwenye barabara, eneo lote ambalo wameweka vibao ambavyo vinawasaidia hata wenyewe, wanakuja kutoa na kwenda kuuza kama chuma chakavu.

“Vitu hivi havitusaidii kwa sababu Serikali imewekeza fedha nyingi ikiwemo kuahirisha kufanya mambo mengine ili kuimarisha mradi huu. Hivyo, watu wanapaswa kuelewa kiwa mradi tulionao ni wa kwetu sote si wa TRC pekee,” alisema.

Safari ya kwanza ya treni ya umeme ilianza Juni 14, 2024 kutoka Dar es Salaam kwenda Morogoro ikiwa na mabehewa 14 yaliyojaa. Julai 25, 2024 treni hiyo ilianza safari za Dar es Salaam hadi Dodoma.

Source: mwananchi.co.tz

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‘No Marburg Confirmed In Tanzania’, But Mpox Remains ‘Public Health Emergency’
Tanzania Foreign Investment News
Chief Editor

‘No Marburg Confirmed In Tanzania’, But Mpox Remains ‘Public Health Emergency’

‘No Marburg Confirmed In Tanzania’, But Mpox Remains ‘Public Health Emergency’

Monrovia — The Director General of the African Centers for Disease Control, Jean Kaseya, has said the center stands ready to support Tanzania and other countries in the region where suspected cases of the infectious Marburg Virus Disease have been identified. The World Health Organization earlier this week issued an alert warning of a possible outbreak in the country, although the Tanzanian Health Ministry has said tests conducted on available samples did not show the existence of Marburg in the East African nation.

“As of the 15 of January 2025, laboratory results from all suspected individuals were negative for Marburg Virus,” Tanzanian Health Minister Jenista Mhagama said in a statement. This would have marked the country’s second experience with the highly infectious disease that recently killed over a dozen people in neighboring Rwanda. Tanzania previously reported an outbreak of Marburg in 2023 in the  Kegara region, said to have been the epicenter of the new suspected cases.

At the Africa CDC online briefing on Thursday, Kaseya also said another infectious disease, Mpox, “remains a public health concern”. He said that while in December 2024, the disease had afflicted 20 countries, a new country – Sierra Leone – has been added to the number after recent outbreak there. Sierra Leonean health authorities said on January 10 that two cases of Mpox had been confirmed in the country and dozens of contacts are being traced.

With thousands of confirmed cases of Mpox across Africa and more than 1000 people having died of the disease  – mainly in Central Africa – Kaseya emphasized the need to increase testing, a theme he’s heralded before. The Africa CDC boss said over the next few months the continental health watchdog will deploy additional epidemiologists and community health workers to areas considered hot spots of infectious diseases in the region.

Source: allafrica.com

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Tanzania's opposition party ACT Wazalendo honours veteran politician under new policy
Tanzania Foreign Investment News
Investment News Editor

Tanzania’s opposition party ACT Wazalendo honours veteran politician under new policy

Unguja. Opposition party ACT Wazalendo today officially bids farewell to its former Chairman, Juma Duni Haji, also known as Babu Duni, as part of a new policy designed to honor retired senior leaders at a ceremony held at Kiembesamaki, Zanzibar.

The initiative highlights the party’s commitment to recognizing and supporting individuals who have served with dedication and integrity.

Babu Duni, who stepped down earlier this year, was succeeded by Othman Masoud, now the First Vice President of Zanzibar.

The policy aims to provide ongoing respect and support to retired leaders, ensuring their continued recognition and contribution to the party’s development.

“Recognizing their significant contributions to the development and prosperity of the party, this policy ensures that retired leaders continue to be acknowledged and respected by both the party and the community,” the policy states.

To benefit from this policy, leaders must not have left or been expelled from the party. They must have served the party with honor and dedication. The national leadership committee will determine whether a leader has fulfilled these criteria.

The policy seeks to honor retired leaders, protect their dignity, acknowledge their contributions, leverage their ideas for the party’s growth, and support them to the best of the party’s ability.

In honoring these leaders, the party will provide a vehicle, the type of which will be determined by the national leadership committee. Additionally, they will receive a monthly allowance, with the amount also set by this committee.

Other benefits include health insurance. If a leader does not own a home, the party will cover their rent at a rate decided by the committee.

The leadership committee may also grant special recognition based on the leader’s contributions. Retired leaders will participate in decision-making meetings according to procedures outlined in the party’s constitution.

Depending on the party’s resources at the time, the policy may also apply to retired deputy chairpersons for both the mainland and Zanzibar, the Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General for both mainland and Zanzibar, and the party’s Attorney General.

Additionally, leaders, executives, or members with exceptional contributions to the party’s protection, advocacy, and defense may also benefit, as determined by the leadership committee.

Currently, those who are eligible for benefits under this policy include Juma Duni Haji (retired party Chairman) and Zitto Kabwe (retired party leader).Continue Reading