Teknolojia yatajwa kupaisha kilimo, ufugaji

Teknolojia yatajwa kupaisha kilimo, ufugaji

Unguja. Makamu wa Pili wa Rais wa Zanzibar, Hemed Suleiman Abdulla amesema teknolojia imeleta mabadiliko katika sekta ya kilimo na ufugaji.

Hemed amesema hayo baada ya kutembelea na kukagua bidhaa za kilimo na ufugaji leo Agosti 9, 2024 katika maonyesho ya wakulima Nanenane katika viwanja vya Dole Kizimbani, Unguja.

Amesema maonyesho hayo yanatoa fursa kwa wananchi kupata taaluma ya kulima na kufuga kwa kutumia mbinu za kisasa ambazo humuwezesha kupata mavuno mengi kwa muda mfupi na gharama nafuu.

“Teknolojia ya kilimo imeleta mageuzi makubwa katika sekta hii, wakulima wanasisitizwa kuendelea kutumia teknolojia ya kisasa ili kuendana na ushindani uliopo katka soko la dunia,” amesema.

Amesema Serikali itaendelea kuliboresha eneo la maonyesho ili litoe huduma bora kwa wakulima na wananchi huku akiwahamasisha wananchi kutembelea eneo hilo kwa lengo la kujifunza kilimo cha kisasa na chenye tija.

Waziri wa Kilimo, Maliasili na Mifugo Zanzibar, Shamata Shaame Khamis amesema mwamko wa wafanyabiashara katika maonyesho hayo umekuwa mkubwa na kuvuka lengo la wizara la kusajili wajasiriamali 500, jambo ambalo limewanyima fursa baadhi yao ya kushiriki katika maonyesho hayo kutokana na wingi wa maombi.

Shamata amesema kutokana na mwamko wa wajisiriamali waliojikita kwa wingi katika kilimo na ufugaji kumeongeza uzalishaji wa ndani, hususani mazao ya mboga na kupunguza kuagiza bidhaa hizo kutoka nje ya Zanzibar.

Takwimu zinaonyesha uzalishaji wa mbogamboga na matunda umeongezeka kutoka tani 66,310 mwaka 2022 na kufikia tani 87,971 mwaka 2023.

Amesema wizara inajipanga kutanua wigo zaidi wa maonyesho hayo kwa kuboresha miundombinu katika maonyesho hayo ili kuwawezesha wafanyabiashara kuonyesha biashara zao katika mazingira bora yenye kuleta ufanisi wa ufanyaji wa shuhuli zao. 

Baadhi ya washiriki wameeleza manufaa waliyoyapa ikiwemo kupatiwa mikopo ya kujiendeleza kibiashara.

Zaituni Ali Juma, mkulima wa mbogamboga amesema: “Tumepata faida kwani tumeongezewa elimu, tumepata fursa ya mikopo hapahapa lakini tumeunganishwa na wadau na kupanua wigo wa masoko yetu.”

Maonyesho ya Nanenane yaliyoanza Agosti Mosi yanatarajiwa kufungwa Agosti 14, 2024.

Source: mwananchi.co.tz

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Britam half-year net profit hits Sh2bn on higher investment income
Tanzania Foreign Investment News
Chief Editor

Britam half-year net profit hits Sh2bn on higher investment income

Insurer and financial services provider Britam posted a 22.5 percent jump in net earnings for the half-year ended June 2024, to Sh2 billion, buoyed by increased investment income.

The rise in half-year net profit from Sh1.64 billion posted in a similar period last year came on the back of net investment income rising 2.5 times to Sh13.27 billion from Sh5.3 billion.

“We are confident in the growth and performance trend that Britam has achieved, supported by its subsidiaries in Kenya and the region. Our business is expanding its revenue base while effectively managing costs,” Britam Chief Executive Officer Tom Gitogo said.

“Our customer-centric approach is fueling growth in our customer base and product uptake, particularly through micro-insurance, partnerships, and digital channels.”

The investment income growth was fueled by interest and dividend income rising 34 percent to Sh9.1 billion, which the insurer attributed to growth in revenue and the gains from the realignment of the group’s investment portfolio.

Britam also booked a Sh3.79 billion gain on financial assets at a fair value, compared with a Sh1.8 billion loss posted in a similar period last year.

The increased investment income helped offset the 12.7 percent decline in net insurance service result to Sh2.13 billion in the wake of claims paid out rising at a faster pace than that of premiums received.

Britam said insurance revenue, which is money from written premiums, increased to Sh17.8 billion from Sh16.6 billion, primarily driven by growth in the Kenya insurance business and regional general insurance businesses, which contributed 30 percent of the revenue.

The group has a presence in seven countries in Africa namely Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Sudan, Mozambique, and Malawi.

Britam’s insurance service expense hit Sh13.6 billion from Sh11.3 billion, while net insurance finance expenses rose 2.6 times to Sh12.3 billion during the same period.

“Net insurance finance expenses increased mainly due to growth in interest cost for the deposit administration business driven by better investment performance. This has also been impacted by a decline in the yield curve, which has led to an increase in the insurance contract liabilities. The increase has been offset by a matching increase in fair value gain on assets,” said Britam.

Britam’s growth in profit is in line with that of other Nairobi Securities Exchange-listed insurers, which have seen a rise in profits.

Jubilee Holdings net profit in the six months increased by 22.7 percent to Sh2.5 billion on increased income from insurance, helping the insurer maintain Sh2 per share interim dividend.

CIC Insurance Group posted a 0.64 percent rise in net profit to Sh709.99 million in the same period as net earnings of Liberty Kenya nearly tripled to Sh632 million from Sh213 million, while Sanlam Kenya emerged from a loss to post a Sh282.2 million net profit.

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