Tanzania yaahidi kuendeleza ushirikiano na China

Tanzania yaahidi kuendeleza ushirikiano na China

Dar es Salaam. Tanzania imeahidi kuendeleza ushirikiano zaidi na nchi ya China ikiwa ni kuimarisha uhusiano wa kidiplomasia ambao umedumu kwa zaidi ya nusu karne.

Hayo yamebainishwa leo Jumatatu Aprili 15, 2024 na Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje na Ushirikiano wa Afrika Mashariki, January Makamba wakati wa sherehe za maadhimisho ya miaka 60 ya uhusiano kati ya China na Tanzania zilizofanyika jijini Dar es Salaam ambapo zimehudhuriwa na viongozi mbalimbali wa nchi hizo mbili.

Waziri Makamba amesema waasisi wa mataifa hayo mawili, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, Sheikh Abeid Karume, Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai na wengine walianzisha na kujenga mshikamano ambao hauna budi kuuendeleza kwa nguvu zote.

“Hayati Mwalimu Nyerere alifungua njia alipotembelea Beijing Februari 1965, Waziri Mkuu wa China Zhou Enlai naye alikuja Juni mwaka huohuo.”

“Hata viongozi wa sasa, Rais Xi Jinping alitembelea Tanzania Machi 2013 wakati Rais Samia Suluhu Hassan alitembelea Beijing Novemba 2022 tangu wakati huo ustawi katika nyanja za maisha umekua ikiwa ni pamoja na elimu ya juu utalii na utamaduni,” amesema Makamba.

Amesema China ina historia kubwa hapa nchini akitolea mfano ujenzi wa reli ya Tanzania Zambia (Tazara) yenye urefu wa kilomita 1,868.

Hata sasa kampuni na wawekezaji wa Kichina wameendelea kuwekeza nchini katika ujenzi wa miundombinu kama barabara, kongani ya viwanda na hata Mkongo wa Taifa wa Mawasiliano na maeneo mengine ya kimkakati. 

Amesema Rais Samia na Xi Jinping waliunganisha uhusiano kwa mikakati ya kina ya ubia wa ushirikiano, “kimsingi nchi hizi zimeunda ushirikiano wa kimkakati katika ngazi za kisiasa, kiuchumi na kijamii. 

Akizungumza kwenye hafla hiyo,  Balozi wa China nchini, Chen Mingjian amesema katika kuhakikisha maendeleo ya Tanzania yanazidi kushika kasi nchi ya China imejizatiti kuwekeza zaidi kwenye uchumi wa buluu, kidijitali na viwanda.

Mingjian amesema China wanafurahia uhusiano na Tanzania kama ulivyoasisiwa na viongozi waliopita ndiyo maana  watu wa Jamhuri ya China wanaongoza kwa uwekezaji hapa nchini.

“China inabakia kuwa mshirika mkubwa zaidi wa biashara wa Tanzania kwa miaka minane mfululizo, mwaka 2023 kiasi cha biashara baina ya nchi hizi  mbili kilifikia Dola za Marekani bilioni 8.78 ambayo ni zaidi ya Sh22.6 trilioni,” amebainisha Mingjian.

Akieleza matumaini yake katika miaka 60 ijayo ya ushirikiano wa nchi hizo mbili, Rais na Mtendaji Mkuu Kituo cha Sera za Kimataifa Afrika, Balozi Omary Mjenga amesema diplomasia itaongezeka zaidi na anauona uhusiano utakuwa zaidi ya hapa.

“Vyuo vya Kichina vinafundisha Kiswahili na hapa vinafundisha Kichina, hivyo itafikia pahala tunasikilizana vizuri matokeo yake uhusiano wa kitamaduni, uchumi utazidi kukua zaidi ya hapa,” amesema Balozi Mjenga.

Naye, Mwenyekiti wa Taasisi ya Mwalimu Nyerere, Joseph Butiku amesema maana ya diplomasia ni kuishi kwa kuelewana, na nchi hizi zimeelewana kwa muda mrefu katika Nyanja mbalimbali.

Ameshauri kwamba kinachotakiwa kufanywa hivi sasa ni kuongeza suala kama la uzalishaji wa mazao ambayo yanahitajika kwa kiasi kikubwa nchini China, jambo ambalo ni faida kwa uchumi wa nchi.

“Watu hawa wanataka vitu vingi vya uchumi na imefikia wakati wanawafundisha watu wetu kulima kilimo cha kisasa cha maparachichi ambayo yanahitajika huko kwao, kwa hiyo unaona ni jinsi gani kuna umuhimu na ushirikiano huu wenye tija,” amesema Butiku.

Source: mwananchi.co.tz

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Tanzania Confirms Outbreak of Marburg Virus Disease
Tanzania Foreign Investment News
Chief Editor

Tanzania Confirms Outbreak of Marburg Virus Disease

Dodoma — Tanzania today confirmed an outbreak of Marburg virus disease in the northwestern Kagera region after one case tested positive for the virus following investigations and laboratory analysis of suspected cases of the disease.

President of the Republic of Tanzania, Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan, made the announcement during a press briefing alongside World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in the country’s administrative capital Dodoma.

“Laboratory tests conducted in Kabaile Mobile Laboratory in Kagera and later confirmed in Dar es Salaam identified one patient as being infected with the Marburg virus. Fortunately, the remaining suspected patients tested negative,” the president said. “We have demonstrated in the past our ability to contain a similar outbreak and are determined to do the same this time around.”

A total of 25 suspected cases have been reported as of 20 January 2025, all of whom have tested negative and are currently under close follow-up, the president said. The cases have been reported in Biharamulo and Muleba districts in Kagera.

“We have resolved to reassure the general public in Tanzania and the international community as a whole of our collective determination to address the global health challenges, including the Marburg virus disease,” said H.E President Hassan.

WHO is supporting Tanzanian health authorities to enhance key outbreak control measures including disease surveillance, testing, treatment, infection prevention and control, case management, as well as increasing public awareness among communities to prevent further spread of the virus.

“WHO, working with its partners, is committed to supporting the government of Tanzania to bring the outbreak under control as soon as possible, and to build a healthier, safer, fairer future for all the people of Tanzania,” said Dr Tedros. “Now is a time for collaboration, and commitment, to protecting the health of all people in Tanzania, and the region, from the risks posed by this disease.”

Marburg virus disease is highly virulent and causes haemorrhagic fever. It belongs to the same family as the virus that causes Ebola virus disease. Illness caused by Marburg virus begins abruptly. Patients present with high fever, severe headache and severe malaise. They may develop severe haemorrhagic symptoms within seven days.

“The declaration by the president and the measures being taken by the government are crucial in addressing the threat of this disease at the local and national levels as well as preventing potential cross-border spread,” said Dr Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa. “Our priority is to support the government to rapidly scale up measures to effectively respond to this outbreak and safeguard the health of the population,”

Tanzania previously reported an outbreak of Marburg in March 2023 – the country’s first – in Kagera region, in which a total of nine cases (eight confirmed and one probable) and six deaths were reported, with a case fatality ratio of 67%.

In the African region, previous outbreaks and sporadic cases have been reported in Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Equatorial Guinea, Rwanda, South Africa and Uganda.

Marburg virus is transmitted to people from fruit bats and spreads among humans through direct contact with the bodily fluids of infected people, surfaces and materials. Although several promising candidate medical countermeasures are currently undergoing clinical trials, there is no licensed treatment or vaccine for effective management or prevention of Marburg virus disease. However, early access to treatment and supportive care – rehydration with oral or intravenous fluids – and treatment of specific symptoms, improve survival.

Source: allafrica.com

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