Shirika la Umeme Zanzibar ZECO likitumbuiza
Utendaji kazi katika Shirika la Umeme umeporomoka kwa kiwango kikubwa huku wananchi wakilalamikia huduma zisizoridhisha.
Habari kutoka ZECO zinasema kuwa wateja wanaoomba kufungiwa mita katika mitaa yao wanasuburi kwa muda mrefu wengine miezi miwili, mitatu hadi sita.
Mbali na mita, huduma nyengine ambazo wananchi wanalalamikia ni pamoja na matengenezo ya dharura pale panapotokea hililafu, mafundi wa ZECO inawachukua muda mkubwa kurekebisha.
Habari zaidi kutoka shirika hilo zinasema kuwa kumekuwa na makundi yanayotishia ufanisi wa kazi huku wafanyakazi hasa wa ngazi ya chini wakilalamikia maslahi duni wanayopata na kuchelewa kushughulikia kwa madai yao mbalimbali.
Makamu wa pili wa Rais wa Zanzibar na kiongozi wa wafanyabiashara wa serikali katika Baraza hilo mwezi Disemba alisema kuwa serikali inafanya juhudi kuhakikisha kunakuwepo na fursa sawa katika kutoa huduma za umma.
Hivi karibuni, serikali ya Zanzibar ilipunguza gharama za kuunganishiwa umeme, mpango ambao ulikuwa na lengo mahususi kuweka mazingira ya wateja kupata huduma ya umeme.
“Serikali imepunguza gharama za umeme kwa wananchi wake. Sasa ni jukumu la Shirika la Umeme Zanzibar (ZECO) kuhakikisha wananchi wanaohitaji umeme wanaunganishwa mara baada ya kufanya malipo. Kusiwe na ucheleweshaji usio wa lazima,” alisema na kuwataka wafanyakazi kuachana na rushwa, wizi na urasimu, badala yake wafanye kazi kwa uadilifu,” Hemed Suleiman Abdulla alisema.
Makamu wa Pili wa Rais wa Zanzibar, Hemed Suleiman Abdulla amefanya ziara ya kushtukiza Makao Makuu ya ZECO Gulioni ambapo hakuridhishwa na haki ya utendaji kazi.
Katika ziara yake hiyo, Makamu wa Pili wa Rais alionekana kama vile hakuridhishwa na uendeshaji hatua ambayo inapelekea kuonesha kushindwa kujiendesha ipasavyo.
Akizungumzia suala la uungwaji umeme kwa wananchi, Makamu wa Pili wa Rais alisema kuna zaidi ya watu 3000 wanasubiri kuunganishiwa umeme.
Ametoa muda wa Mwezi Mmoja Wananchi hao wawe tayari wameunganishiwa huduma hiyo.
Amesema suala la ucheleweshaji kuungiwa umeme wananchi hao inaonesha wazi uwepo wa mianya ya Rushwa kwa watendaji na kueleza kuwa Serikali haitamvumilia mtendaji yoyote atakaejaribu kujihusisha na aina yoyote ya Rushwa.
Pamoja na hayo Mhe. Hemed ameonesha kutoridhishwa na masuala ya kifedha hasa ukusanyaji na kuwataka kuziba mianya iliyokuwepo ili kudhibiti ukusanyaji huo na kuongeza pato la Taifa.
Makamu wa Pili wa Rais wa Zanzibar ameushauri Uongozi wa Shirika la Umeme Zanzibar kuandaa Mfumo mzuri wa Malipo mfumo ambao utapelekea kuwajua wenye madeni.
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Tanzania: Samia Hands Over NBC’s 354m/ – Crop Insurance Compensation to Farmers Affected By Hailstorms
President Samia Suluhu Hassan, has handed over a cheque of 354m/- from the National Bank of Commerce (NBC) as compensation to tobacco farmers, who were affected by hailstorms during the previous farming season in various regions across the country.
Handing over the cheque in Dodoma, the compensation is part of the crop insurance service provided by NBC in collaboration with the National Insurance Corporation (NIC).
Furthermore, President Samia has also handed over health insurance coverage to members of the Lindi Mwambao Cooperative Union based in Lindi Region, through the Farmers’ Health Insurance service provided by the bank in partnership with Assurance Insurance Company.
While visiting the bank’s pavilion at the Nanenane Agricultural Exhibition and being received and briefed by the bank’s Managing Director, Mr. Theobald Sabi, she said: “This crop insurance is one of the crucial solutions in ensuring farmers have a reliable income, without fear of challenges such as natural disasters, including hailstorms.
“I call upon all farmers in the country to make the best use of this important opportunity by accessing these kinds of insurance services. I also highly commend NBC and all the stakeholders participating in this programme.”
Elaborating further on the crop insurance service, the Minister of Agriculture, Hussein Bashe, stated that it will help to recover the loss farmers incurred, especially in various calamities beyond their control.
Citing them as floods, fires, and hailstorms, which have significantly affected the well-being of farmers and caused some to be reluctant to invest in the crucial sector, Mr Bashe added: “However, our President, this step by NBC is just the beginning, as this is the second year since they started offering this service, and the results are already visible.
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“As the government, we promise to continue supporting the wider implementation of this service, with the goal of ensuring that this crop insurance service reaches more farmers.”
ALSO READ: NBC participates in TFF 2023/24 awards, promises to enhance competition
On his part, Mr Sabi said that the farmers who benefited from the compensations are from 23 primary cooperative unions in the regions of Shinyanga, Geita, Tabora, Mbeya, Katavi, and Kigoma.
He added: “In addition to these insurance services, as a bank, through this exhibition, we have continued with our programme of providing financial education and various banking opportunities to farmers, alongside offering them various loans, including loans for agricultural equipment, particularly tractors, to eligible farmers.:
At the NBC booth, President Samia also had the opportunity to be briefed on the various services offered by the bank to the farmers namely crop insurance and health insurance services.
There, the President had the chance to speak with some of the beneficiaries of the services, including the Vice-Chairman of the Lindi Mwambao Primary Cooperative Union, Mr. Hassan Mnumbe, whose union has been provided with a health insurance card from the bank.
Tanzania Declares Marburg Outbreak – Africa CDC Mobilizes Immediate Response
Addis Ababa, January 20, 2025</Strong> — Tanzania has declared a Marburg virus disease (MVD) outbreak after confirming one case and identifying 25 suspected cases in the Kagera Region of Northwestern Tanzania. The Marburg virus, a highly infectious and often fatal disease, is similar to Ebola and is transmitted to humans from fruit bats and monkeys. This outbreak marks the nation’s second encounter with the deadly virus, following the outbreak in Bukoba District of Kagera Region in March 2023, which resulted in nine cases and six deaths.
In response to this urgent threat, the Africa CDC is mobilizing strong support to help Tanzania contain the outbreak. A team of twelve public health experts will be deployed as part of an advance mission in the next 24 hours. The multidisciplinary team includes epidemiologists, risk communication, infection prevention and control (IPC), and laboratory experts to provide on-ground support for surveillance, IPC, diagnostics, and community engagement.
The Director-General of Africa CDC, Dr. Jean Kaseya, has engaged with Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan and the Minister of Health to ensure coordinated efforts and secure political commitment for the response.
“Africa CDC stands firmly with Tanzania in this critical moment. To support the government’s efforts, we are committing US$ 2 million to bolster immediate response measures, including deploying public health experts, strengthening diagnostics, and enhancing case management. Building on Tanzania’s commendable response during the 2023 outbreak, we are confident that swift and decisive action, combined with our support and those of other partners, will bring this outbreak under control,” Dr. Kaseya stated.
Africa CDC has recently supported efforts to enhance the diagnostic and sequencing capacity of public health laboratories in Tanzania. PCR Test kits and genomic sequencing reagents have been dispatched, with additional supplies in the pipeline. To ensure rapid identification and confirmation of cases, the institution will also provide technical assistance to strengthen detection and genome sequencing for better characterization of the pathogen. Additionally, support will be provided to improve case management protocols and enhance the capacity to deliver safe and effective treatment.
Africa CDC is committed to working closely with the Government of Tanzania, regional partners, international organizations, and global stakeholders, including the World Health Organization, to stop the spread of the Marburg virus.