Serikali kushirikisha vijana kupambana na uhalifu

Serikali kushirikisha vijana kupambana na uhalifu

Serikali kushirikisha vijana kupambana na uhalifu

Dodoma. Waziri wa Mambo ya Ndani ya Nchi, Innocent Bashungwa amesema wizara yake kupitia vyombo vya usalama na taasisi nyingine za Serikali, zitashirikiana na vijana ili kupata suluhu kwa baadhi ya changamoto zilizopo na zinazoendelea kujitokeza katika jamii.

Changamoto hizo ni pamoja uhalifu, kupambana rushwa, dawa za kulevya, ukatili na unyanyasaji wa kijinsia.

Bashungwa  aliyemwakilisha Naibu Waziri Mkuu na Waziri wa Nishati Dk Doto Biteko ameyasema hayo leo Desemba 14, 2024 wakati akizungumza katika mkutano mkuu wa sita wa Chama cha Skauti Tanzania (TSA), uliofanyika katika ukumbi wa Bunge wa Pius Msekwa jijini Dodoma.

 “Tutaangalia hata kwenye taasisi ambazo viongozi wetu wa dini ni sehemu ya skauti Tanzania, tupanue wigo wa mtandao wa vijana katika makundi mbalimbali kwa kushirikiana na programu ya polisi jamii twende kwenye vijiji na kata tuhakikishe masuala ya kiuhalifu yanakomeshwa,”amesema.

Pia amesema watakaa na kuangalia makundi hayo kwa pamoja, jinsi ya kuyaratibu kwa namna  wanavyoweza kuhakikisha wanasimamia maadili, kupinga ukatili wa kijinsia na utunzaji wa mazingira.

“Kwa haya yote tunaenda kuweka utaratibu maalum ambao tutakaa na kuangalia makundi ya vijana yaliyomo ndani ya Serikali, Skauti Tanzania na taasisi mbalimbali hata za dini ni namna gani tutashirikiana kuhahakikisha hatuliachii Jeshi la Polisi pekee katika ulinzi na usalama,” amesema.

Kwa upande wake,  Rais wa Skauti Tanzania ambaye pia ni Waziri wa Elimu, Sayansi na Teknolojia, Profesa Adolf Mkenda amesema, hivi karibuni licha ya chama hicho kufanya kazi vizuri,  kilichafuka na hakutarajia machafuko makubwa kwa kiasi hicho.

Amesema alipoteuliwa kushika nafasi hiyo alikuta kuna kazi kubwa, lakini kilichomuumiza kichwa zaidi kilikuwa ni mgogoro wa skauti uliotokana na wanachama kutozingatia katiba na kanuni zao, jambo ambalo lilijenga ombwe lililosababisha mfarakano ndani ya chama hicho.

“Kwa kweli vita ya Skauti ni mbaya sana, kwa hiyo naomba tunapokwenda mbele tuhakikishe tunaheshimu katiba yetu  na viongozi wetu. Tusithubutu kujenga taasisi ambayo ina ugomvi, mvutano na mfarakano ambao hauendani na hadhi ya mlezi wetu (Rais Samia Suluhu Hassan),” amesema.

Naye Skauti Mkuu wa Tanzania, Rashid Mchata amesema katika mkutano wa Skauti Duniani uliofanyika katika mji wa Cairo, nchini Misri, Agosti mwaka, Tanzania ilitunukiwa tuzo ya ukuaji idadi ya wanachama na kuchukua nafasi ya kwanza katika bara la Afrika.

Amesema mkutano huo utapitisha rasimu ya mabadiliko ya katiba ya chama hicho ili kukidhi mahitaji ya sasa ya chama.

Pia mkutano huo utapitisha mabadiliko ya sera mbalimbali ikiwemo kuanzisha sera na tathimini  ya usalama dhidi ya madhara ya unyanyasaji.


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Tanzania's opposition party ACT Wazalendo honours veteran politician under new policy
Tanzania Foreign Investment News
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Tanzania’s opposition party ACT Wazalendo honours veteran politician under new policy

Unguja. Opposition party ACT Wazalendo today officially bids farewell to its former Chairman, Juma Duni Haji, also known as Babu Duni, as part of a new policy designed to honor retired senior leaders at a ceremony held at Kiembesamaki, Zanzibar.

The initiative highlights the party’s commitment to recognizing and supporting individuals who have served with dedication and integrity.

Babu Duni, who stepped down earlier this year, was succeeded by Othman Masoud, now the First Vice President of Zanzibar.

The policy aims to provide ongoing respect and support to retired leaders, ensuring their continued recognition and contribution to the party’s development.

“Recognizing their significant contributions to the development and prosperity of the party, this policy ensures that retired leaders continue to be acknowledged and respected by both the party and the community,” the policy states.

To benefit from this policy, leaders must not have left or been expelled from the party. They must have served the party with honor and dedication. The national leadership committee will determine whether a leader has fulfilled these criteria.

The policy seeks to honor retired leaders, protect their dignity, acknowledge their contributions, leverage their ideas for the party’s growth, and support them to the best of the party’s ability.

In honoring these leaders, the party will provide a vehicle, the type of which will be determined by the national leadership committee. Additionally, they will receive a monthly allowance, with the amount also set by this committee.

Other benefits include health insurance. If a leader does not own a home, the party will cover their rent at a rate decided by the committee.

The leadership committee may also grant special recognition based on the leader’s contributions. Retired leaders will participate in decision-making meetings according to procedures outlined in the party’s constitution.

Depending on the party’s resources at the time, the policy may also apply to retired deputy chairpersons for both the mainland and Zanzibar, the Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General for both mainland and Zanzibar, and the party’s Attorney General.

Additionally, leaders, executives, or members with exceptional contributions to the party’s protection, advocacy, and defense may also benefit, as determined by the leadership committee.

Currently, those who are eligible for benefits under this policy include Juma Duni Haji (retired party Chairman) and Zitto Kabwe (retired party leader).Continue Reading