Muswada Sheria ya Fedha watenga asilimia mbili Bima ya Afya kwa Wote

Muswada Sheria ya Fedha watenga asilimia mbili Bima ya Afya kwa Wote

Dodoma. Serikali ya Tanzania imewasilisha bungeni Muswada wa Sheria ya Fedha kwa mwaka 2024 ambao unapendekeza asilimia mbili ya mapato yanayotokana na ushuru wa bidhaa kwenye vinywaji laini, vileo na vipodozi ziwekwe katika Mfuko wa Bima wa Afya kwa Wote (UHC).

Muswada huo umewasomwa mara kwanza bungeni leo Alhamisi, Juni 20, 2024, unapendekeza marekebisho kwenye Sheria ya Bima ya Afya kwa Wote, ambapo kifungu cha 25(3) kinapendekezwa kurekebishwa ili kuainisha kiwango cha ushuru wa bidhaa ambacho kitapelekwa katika Mfuko wa Bima ya Afya kwa Wote.

“Aidha, inapendekezwa kiasi cha asilimia mbili kinachotokana na ushuru wa bidhaa kwenye vinywaji laini, vileo na vipodozi kiwekwe katika mfuko huo,” amesema Waziri wa Fedha, Dk Mwigulu Nchemba katika maelezo ya muswada huo.

Amesema asilimia 100 ya ushuru wa bidhaa unaotokana na dau la kamari pia utatumika kama chanzo cha mapato ya UHC.

Sakata la sukari

Muswada huo, unapendekeza kufanya marekebisho katika Sheria ya Tasnia ya Sukari, ambapo kifungu kipya cha 14A kinapendekezwa kuongezwa kwa lengo la kuiwezesha Wakala wa Taifa wa Hifadhi ya Chakula (NFRA) kuingiza ndani ya nchi, kuhifadhi na kusambaza sukati kwa matumizi ya ndani ya nchi wakati wa upungufu.

“Lengo la hatua hii ni kuwezesha upatikanaji wa sukari nchini na kuondoa uhodhi kwa baadhi ya wenye viwanda bila kuathiri dhamira ya Serikali ya kulinda viwanda vya ndani,” amesema Dk Mwigulu.

Pia, Muswada huo unapendekeza marekebisho katika Sheria ya Ushuru wa Barabara na Mafuta, Sura ya 220, ambapo kifungu cha 3 kinarekebishwa kwa kuiandika upya tafsiri ya msamiati “nishati” ili kujumisha gesi asilia katika tafsiri hiyo.

Aidha, vifungu vya 4, 4A na Jedwali la Pili vinarekebishwa ili kutoza ushuru wa Sh382 kwa kila kilo ya gesi asilia inayotumika kwenye magari na mapato yatakayotokana na ushuru huo yatapelekwa katika Mfuko wa Barabara.

Dk Mwigulu amesema lengo la marekebisho haya ni kuongeza mapato yatakayotumika katika kufanya matengenezo ya barabara pamoja na kuleta usawa kwa kuwa magari yanayotumia mafuta tayari yanachangia mapato kwa ajili ya matengenezo ya miundombinu ya barabara.


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Tanzania's opposition party ACT Wazalendo honours veteran politician under new policy
Tanzania Foreign Investment News
Investment News Editor

Tanzania’s opposition party ACT Wazalendo honours veteran politician under new policy

Unguja. Opposition party ACT Wazalendo today officially bids farewell to its former Chairman, Juma Duni Haji, also known as Babu Duni, as part of a new policy designed to honor retired senior leaders at a ceremony held at Kiembesamaki, Zanzibar.

The initiative highlights the party’s commitment to recognizing and supporting individuals who have served with dedication and integrity.

Babu Duni, who stepped down earlier this year, was succeeded by Othman Masoud, now the First Vice President of Zanzibar.

The policy aims to provide ongoing respect and support to retired leaders, ensuring their continued recognition and contribution to the party’s development.

“Recognizing their significant contributions to the development and prosperity of the party, this policy ensures that retired leaders continue to be acknowledged and respected by both the party and the community,” the policy states.

To benefit from this policy, leaders must not have left or been expelled from the party. They must have served the party with honor and dedication. The national leadership committee will determine whether a leader has fulfilled these criteria.

The policy seeks to honor retired leaders, protect their dignity, acknowledge their contributions, leverage their ideas for the party’s growth, and support them to the best of the party’s ability.

In honoring these leaders, the party will provide a vehicle, the type of which will be determined by the national leadership committee. Additionally, they will receive a monthly allowance, with the amount also set by this committee.

Other benefits include health insurance. If a leader does not own a home, the party will cover their rent at a rate decided by the committee.

The leadership committee may also grant special recognition based on the leader’s contributions. Retired leaders will participate in decision-making meetings according to procedures outlined in the party’s constitution.

Depending on the party’s resources at the time, the policy may also apply to retired deputy chairpersons for both the mainland and Zanzibar, the Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General for both mainland and Zanzibar, and the party’s Attorney General.

Additionally, leaders, executives, or members with exceptional contributions to the party’s protection, advocacy, and defense may also benefit, as determined by the leadership committee.

Currently, those who are eligible for benefits under this policy include Juma Duni Haji (retired party Chairman) and Zitto Kabwe (retired party leader).Continue Reading