Initial information Lake Victoria plane crash report

Initial information Lake Victoria plane crash report

Initial information Lake Victoria plane crash report: ‘Rescue forces would have arrived sooner, many people would have come out alive”

  • The preliminary information of the report of the plane crash of the precision organization that happened in the area of ​​Lake Victoria Tanzania, has been issued by the Ministry of Transport in Tanzania, and shows that the rescue forces were late to arrive at the scene of the incident.

    The accident happened around 2 am Tanzanian time, but according to the report it states that the boat of the marine police unit arrived around 7am Tanzanian time.

    “The boat arrived at seven o’clock at the scene of the incident, after arriving they had the challenge of running out of fuel and oxygen, before they arrived, one fisherman already started to remove dead bodies from the plane” the report says

    The report also did not provide the exact cause of the accident, saying that the investigation is still ongoing.

    The Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority previously noted that after the initial report there will follow a preliminary investigation report which is expected to be published one month after the accident and then a full report after one year.

    The ATR 42-500 precision plane with number PW 494 crashed in Lake Victoria a few meters from Bukoba airport, preparing to land from Dar es Salaam via Mwanza. The accident killed 19 of the 43 people on board, including the pilot and his assistant.

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