Hisia tofauti uteuzi wa mawaziri, Mkurugenzi wa Uchaguzi

Hisia tofauti uteuzi wa mawaziri, Mkurugenzi wa Uchaguzi

Dar es Salaam. Kufuatia mabadiliko ya baadhi ya viongozi yaliotangazwa leo Februari, 26 ambapo Rais Samia Suluhu Hassan, amewateua na kuwahamisha wizara baadhi ya  mawaziri na naibu mawaziri, wakuu wa mikoa, makatibu na naibu makatibu wakuu pamoja na kumteua Mkurugenzi wa Uchaguzi wadau mbalimbali wametoa maoni yao juu ya mabadiliko hayo.

Mkurugenzi wa Habari, Uenezi na Mahusiano na Umma wa Chama cha wananchi CUF, Mohamed Ngulangwa amesema ni jambo la Kawaida kwa Rais kuteua na kutengua na kuhusu Tume ya Uchaguzi, wenyewe kama chama cha Wananchi CUF wanasubiri Tume huru itakayosimamia Uchaguzi Mkuu na Uchaguzi wa Serikali za mitaa, vijiji na vitongoji.

Vilevile amesema mabadiliko yoyote yatakayofanyika katika muundo wa Tume ya Uchaguzi iliyopo sasa hayawezi kuwa na tija kwenye demokrasia.

Victoria Mwanziva ambaye ni mkuu wa Wilaya ya Ludewa katika maoni yake ya mtandao wa Twitter amesema anawatakia kazi njema wote viongozi wote waliochaguliwa huku akiwataka waweke mbele maslahi ya Taifa.

“Kila la Kheri viongozi wetu, tunazidi kuwaombea na kuwatakia Kheri katika utumishi wenu kwa Taifa letu, Tanzania.” Amesema Mwanziva.

Kwa upande wake Askofu William Mwamalanga ambaye ni Mwenyekiti wa kamati ya kitaifa ya Maaskofu na Mashekhe ya maadili, amani na haki za binadamu kwa jamii ya madhehebu ya dini nchini amesema uteuzi wa leo umetiwa doa kwa kuteuliwa  kwa Mawaziri na Manaibu ambao wizara   walizotoka hawakufanya vizuri.

“Tukichukulia kwa mfano wizara ya Ardhi, Elimu, Afya na kilimo ni muhimu kuleta sura za kazi zaidi watu wanaothubutu badala ya kuwapa watu uwaziri, ukatibu mkuu na ukuu wa mkoa kwa kisiasa, hatuwezi kuingia kwenye hatua za kweli za kimaendeleo” amesema Mwamalanga.   

Yohana Msita kutoka Twitter amewahasa viongozi hao kwa kuwataka kuchapa kazi ili kuendana na ndoto za Rais.

“Nendeni mkapambane kutimiza ndoto za Rais Samia” amesema Msita.

John Pambalu mwenyekiti wa Baraza la vijana Chadema (Bavicha) amesema bado kuna haja ya kuwa na katiba mpya kwa ajili ya kupunguza mamlaka makubwa anayopewa Rais katika kufanya uteuzi.

“Katika madai ya Katiba, moja kati ya jambo linalopigiwa kelele na wadau wote wa demokrasia na utawala bora, ni mamlaka makubwa ya Rais kuteua watu bila ya kuwa na vyombo vya kisheria vilivyopewa mamlaka ya kumbana ili achague watu ambao wamekidhi vigezo na matarajio chanya ya walio wengi,”amesema.

Source: mwananchi.co.tz

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Tanzania Confirms Second Marburg Outbreak After WHO Chief Visit
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Tanzania Confirms Second Marburg Outbreak After WHO Chief Visit

Dar es Salaam — Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan has declared an outbreak of Marburg virus, confirming a single case in the northwestern region of Kagera after a meeting with WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The confirmation follows days of speculation about a possible outbreak in the region, after the WHO reported a number of deaths suspected to be linked to the highly infectious disease.

While Tanzania’s Ministry of Health declared last week that all suspected cases had tested negative for Marburg, the WHO called for additional testing at international reference laboratories.

“We never know when an outbreak might occur in a neighbouring nation. So we ensure infection prevention control assessments at every point of care as routine as a morning greeting at our workplaces.”Amelia Clemence, public health researcher

Subsequent laboratory tests conducted at Kagera’s Kabaile Mobile Laboratory and confirmed in Dar es Salaam identified one positive case, while 25 other suspected cases tested negative, the president told a press conference in Dodoma, in the east of the country today (Monday).

“The epicentre has now shifted to Biharamulo district of Kagera,” she told the press conference, distinguishing this outbreak from the previous one centred in Bukoba district.

Tedros said the WHO would release US$3 million from its emergencies contingency fund to support efforts to contain the outbreak.

Health authorities stepped up surveillance and deployed emergency response teams after the WHO raised the alarm about nine suspected cases in the region, including eight deaths.

The suspected cases displayed symptoms consistent with Marburg infection, including headache, high fever, diarrhoea, and haemorrhagic complications, according to the WHO’s alert to member countries on 14 January. The organisation noted a case fatality rate of 89 per cent among the suspected cases.

“We appreciate the swift attention accorded by the WHO,” Hassan said.

She said her administration immediately investigated the WHO’s alert.

“The government took several measures, including the investigation of suspected individuals and the deployment of emergency response teams,” she added.

Cross-border transmission

The emergence of this case in a region that experienced Tanzania’s first-ever Marburg outbreak in March 2023 has raised concerns about cross-border transmission, particularly following Rwanda’s recent outbreak that infected 66 people and killed 15 before being declared over in December 2024.

The situation is particularly critical given Kagera’s position as a transport hub connecting four East African nations.

Amelia Clemence, a public health researcher working in the region, says constant vigilance is required.

“We never know when an outbreak might occur in a neighbouring nation. So we ensure infection prevention control assessments at every point of care as routine as a morning greeting at our workplaces.”

The Kagera region’s ecosystem, home to fruit bats that serve as natural reservoirs for the Marburg virus, adds another layer of complexity to disease surveillance efforts.

The virus, closely related to Ebola, spreads through contact with bodily fluids and can cause severe haemorrhagic fever.

Transparency urged

Elizabeth Sanga, shadow minister of health for Tanzania’s ACT Wazalendo opposition party, says greater transparency would help guide public health measures.

“This could have helped to guide those who are traveling to the affected region to be more vigilant and prevent the risk of further spread,” she said.

WHO regional director for Africa Matshidiso Moeti says early notification of investigation outcomes is important.

“We stand ready to support the government in its efforts to investigate and ensure that measures are in place for an effective and rapid response,” she said, noting that existing national capacities built from previous health emergencies could be quickly mobilised.

The situation coincides with leadership changes in Tanzania’s Ministry of Health, with both the chief medical officer and permanent secretary being replaced.

This piece was produced by SciDev.Net’s Sub-Saharan Africa English desk.

Source: allafrica.com

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