Billions down the drain in dubious Tanzania NSSF project

Billions down the drain in dubious Tanzania NSSF Dege Eco Village project. Marketed as the ultimate solution to the real estate woes in Dar es salaam. But, behind the scenes, Dege was an audacious scheme to defraud NSSF contributors out of hundreds of billions of shillings.Continue Reading

Protecting Water Sources – Tanzania State Directives

Tanzania Water Crisis: VICE-PRESIDENT Dr Philip Mpango has directed Regional Commissioners to supervise the countrywide campaign of planting water friendly trees along water sources, while ordering people who have built houses on mountainous sources of water to immediately vacate in order to protect the areas.Continue Reading

TRA no longer using task forces to collect Tanzania revenues

Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) said yesterday that it had held several discussions and reviews with businesspeople who had been treated unfairly by task forces in recent years. Tanzania business environment had been tainted with harassment from taxman in revenue collection processContinue Reading