East Africa: East African Crude Oil Pipeline – Communities Left in the Cold #AfricaClimateCrisis

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline Project (EACOP) will transport oil produced from Uganda’s Lake Albert oilfields to the port of Tanga in Tanzania, where the oil will then be sold to world markets. While this may be considered an economic boon for East Africa by some, climate activists are raising concerns about the threat to the livelihood of community members, sensitive ecosystems, and worsening the climate emergency.Continue Reading

African ICT infrastructure can pave way for leap forward

African ICT infrastructure can pave way for leap forward. One major lesson for Africa from the Covid-19 pandemic is that it had an outsize negative impact on workers in jobs that cannot be performed remotely.  Such jobs are typically in the informal sectors that dominate Africa’s economies. Services and other sectors more amenable to remote work were far less affected, which…Continue Reading