Afrika yakabiliwa na uhaba wa marubani,wahandisi

Arusha. Ushindani katika usafiri wa anga katika Bara la Afrika unatajwa kuwa mdogo kutokana na mashirika ya ndege kuwa machache na kuwa yakiongezeka yatasaidia kuongeza ushindani,nauli kushuka pamoja na ubora wa huduma kuongezeka.

Aidha, bara hilo linatajwa kuwa na upungufu wa rasilimali watu wakiwemo marubani na wahandisi katika sekta hiyo muhimu ambayo inazidi kukua kwa kasi.

Kutokana na sababu hizo, wakurugenzi wakuu na wakuu wa Mamlaka ya Usafiri wa Anga Afrika ( AFCAC), wanakutana jijini Arusha kwa siku mbili kujadili namna ya kuboresha sekta hiyo.

Akizungumza katika mkutano huo leo Jumatano Juni 5, 2024, Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Mamlaka ya Usafiri wa anga nchini (TCAA), Hamza Johari, amesema malengo makubwa ni kuweka mikakati ya pamoja katika bara hilo kuhakikisha usafiri wa anga unakuwa salama.

“Tunataka tuangalie masuala ya kiushindani katika usafiri wa anga,tumeona kwamba ushindani si mkubwa sana kwani mashirika ya ndege ni machache,yanapokuwa machache nauli nazo zinakuwa juu tunataka yawe mengi,yanavyokuwa mengi yakashindana vizuri basi nauli na zenyewe zitarekebika.

” Tunataka tuangalie masuala ya rasilimali watu kwa maana ya kwamba tuna upungufu wa idadi ya marubani wanaohitajika katika sekta upungufu wa wahandisi wanaohitajika pia,”amesema Johari.

Kwa mujibu wa takwimu zilizotolewa Oktoba 5, 2023 mkurugenzi huyo, amesema kuanzia mwaka 2003 hadi 2023, idadi ya ndege zilizokuwa zinatoa huduma katika anga la Tanzania zimeongezeka kutoka 101 hadi 206,marubani wakitoka 234 hadi 603 huku waongoza ndege wakiongezeka kutoka 70 hadi kufikia 154.

Amesema kulikuwa na ongezeko la wakaguzi wa usalama kutoka 28 hadi 44, wahandisi wa mitambo ya viwanja wakiongezeka kutoka 20 hadi 44 na wataalam wa anga wakiongezeka kutoka 50 hadi kufika 83.

Kuhusu marubani amesema Tanzania inahitaji marubani 780 hivyo kuna upungufu mkubwa kuendana na kasi ya ukuaji ambapo hadi wakati huo walifadhili marubani 22 waliokuwa wakisoma nje ya nchi ila kwa sasa NIT itafundisha kwa Dola 48,000 ambazo ni sawa na Sh120.3 milioni badala ya Dola 120,000 zilizokiwa sawa na Sh300.9 milioni.

Hatua nyingine ni kuhakikisha usafiri wa anga Afrika unazidi kuwa salama na endelevu na kuwa wataangalia eneo la ulinzi kwani kumekuwa na tabia ya watu wenye nia ovu ikiwemo magaidi,kuteka ndege, kulipua viwanja na kutega mabomu japo matukio hayo hayatokei kwa wingi katika bara la Afrika lakini lazima wachukue tahadhari.

“Sasa hivi dunia imekua katika teknolojia kila kitu kinakwenda kidijitali na tunavyokwenda kwenye ulimwengu huo kunaweza kutokea mashambulio ya mifumo na mifumo ikiharibika tutashindwa kufanya shughuli zetu,tutaangalia zaidi uhalifu huo wa mitandaoni ili tusije kushambuliwa na tutengeneze sauti moja kama Afrika,”ameongeza Johari.

Akifungua mkutano huo, Waziri wa Uchukuzi, Profesa Makame Mbarawa, amesema wakuu hao watajadiliana na kutoka na maazimio ya pamoja katika kuboresha usafiri huo pamoja na miundombinu huku suala la usalama likipewa kipaumbele kwani bila usalama hakuna usafiri wa anga wa uhakika.

Kuhusu suala la uchafuzi wa mazingira,Waziri Mbarawa amesema wakuu hao na wataalamu wa sekta ya anga watajadiliana jinsi wanaweza kuhakikisha anga linakuwa safi na salama na kuongeza maendeleo katika nchi hizo.

“Tanzania tumefanya kazi kubwa kwenye sekta ya usafiri wa anga na tuna miradi mbalimbali inaendelea na lengo la Serikali ni kuendelea kufungua usafiri wa anga na kuifanya anga zetu ziwe salama.

“Tunaendelea na ujenzi mkubwa wa viwanja vya ndege katika mikoa mbalimbali ikiwemo kiwanja cha Msalato Dodoma ambacho kitagharimu zaidi ya Sh365 bilioni,”amesema.

Waziri huyo amesema lengo la Serikali ni kuhakikisha mikoa yote inakuwa na viwanja vya ndege vya kisasa na kuwataka Watanzania waendelee kutumia usafiri huo ambao ni usalama zaidi ukilinganisha na usafiri mwingine.Continue Reading

East Africa: Tanzania Urges Farmers to Seek Export Markets

East Africa: Tanzania Urges Farmers to Seek Export Markets

Tanzanian authorities have urged maize farmers to seek markets in neighbouring countries for their surplus.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the country expects a bumper harvest, and the surplus will exceed the preliminary demand assessment of maize, more than 1,2 million tonnes estimated for export markets in neighbouring countries.

The National Food Reserve Agency is set to purchase cereals from farmers earlier in July due to expected bumper maize harvests from key growing areas in the southern region.

National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) executive director Dr Andrew Komba said the agency was set to start buying maize, rice and other food crops from farmers for storage and selling to local and foreign food markets beginning July.

NFRA strategy was to manage food reserves to ensure sustainable supply that would meet both domestic and export needs, the food agency officials said.

The agency had opened 14 crop purchasing centres in leading maize producing areas in the southern highlands. Ministry of Agriculture had allocated Tsh300 billion (US$115 million) for buying some 300 000 tonnes of food crops during the harvesting season between June and July.

Minister for Agriculture Hussein Bashe said Tanzania expects to produce 31,5 million tonnes of food crops compared with 20.4 million tonnes harvested last year. He zsaid the country expects to harvest over 10 million tonnes of maize during the 2024 season that runs between mid-June and July.


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Tanzania: EACOP Project Affected People Harassed and Arrested in Tanzania for Speaking to Media

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania — The StopEACOP Coalition condemns the ongoing blatant harassment and intimidation of East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project Affected People (PAPs) in Tanzania.

On Sunday, June 2nd, police invaded the villages of Diloda and Golimba in Hanang’ District and arrested four PAPs: Gabrieli Daudi, Tiofili Israeli, Marseli Martini,Kamili Fabiano and a community leader Damiano Malle. Their only crime is speaking to the media about their concerns regarding poor compensation and intimidation tactics employed by police in connection with the controversial EACOP project.

These individuals were detained overnight and released today, June 3rd, without charge. Lawyers representing the arrested were denied any explanation for the arrests, with police only stating that the four must return for questioning in “2-3 days” after their investigation is concluded.

This incident follows a May 25th press conference on Africa Day by Ugandan and Tanzanian CSOs working with EACOP-affected communities. The press conference, attended by local and international media, highlighted the project’s severe environmental and social impacts and urged the Chinese government to refuse involvement.

The StopEACOP Coalition is concerned by the continuous misuse of police to stifle opposition to the controversial pipeline. The coalition calls on the Tanzanian government to immediately cease harassing EACOP-PAPs and uphold their fundamental right to freedom of expression.

We further urge the governments of China and France to speak out against this harassment associated with projects developed by companies from their countries. TotalEnergies and China National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC) are also responsible for remaining quiet when these injustices are associated with projects they are involved in.


“It is with profound disgust that we witness the ongoing arrests, harassment and poor treatment of community leaders who are simply looking to raise their concerns about EACOP’s devastating impacts on their lives and the wellbeing of their families. It is this violence and destruction that further informs our fight against TotalEnergies and their supporters. We remain resolute: EACOP must be stopped entirely, affected communities must receive restorative justice and reparations, and their developmental aspirations must be respected and upheld.”  – said Zaki Mamdoo, StopEACOP Campaign Coordinator

“As people of faith, we express our solidarity with the EACOP-affected communities in Tanzania. We commend their courage in remaining unfazed despite continued intimidation since March this year. It is deeply troubling that the authorities have resorted to heavy-handed tactics to silence them instead of pursuing meaningful dialogue and addressing these valid concerns. We call out the Tanzanian government under Mama Samia Suluhu to Stop the intimidation and uphold justice, human dignity, and environmental protection. These communities deserve to have their voices heard, and their right to freely express themselves must be respected without fear of retaliation.”  said Meryne Warah, Organising Director at Greenfaith Global

“The ongoing harassment and intimidation of communities affected by EACOP in Tanzania by the authorities is a clear violation of their fundamental rights. We urge the Tanzanian government to uphold the rule of law, respect the rights of these communities, and charge them if there is a valid case instead of forcing impoverished villagers to travel over 120km for fruitless investigations.”  said lawyer Patience Mlowe


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Credit Bank secures anchor investor listing plan backing

Credit Bank’s anchor shareholder, the Sansora Group of companies, has backed the lender’s plan to list shares on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) by way of introduction in a move to grant it visibility and allow price discovery of the investment on the stock market.

This signifies a retreat from an earlier plan announced in August last year that the lender intended to raise Sh1 billion from the stock market through an initial public offering (IPO).

Listing by introduction occurs when a company takes its existing shares and lists them on an exchange without the aim of raising capital immediately, but to be able to do so at a later date when the company is in need of capital.

Listing prospects

Sansora’s backing is a major boost to the bank’s listing prospects ahead of the annual general meeting (AGM) scheduled for June 24 with the listing proposal topping the agenda.

“Our company is broadly supportive of the plans to list at the NSE, even as we await shareholder and regulatory guidance. We at Sansora believe the listing will receive broad support from other shareholders at the upcoming AGM on June 24.

However, Sansora has no plans to sell its stake in the bank in the foreseeable future,” Sansora Group chief executive Leon Nyachae said in an interview.

Sansora, which owns about 27 percent of the bank’s shares said the listing proposal has opened the lender to a growing interest from both the local and foreign investors.

Last year (2023) the tier 3 lender sold a 20 percent shareholding to a Mauritius-based private equity fund Shorecap III after the deal was consummated in April following approvals from the Competition Authority of Kenya and the Central Bank of Kenya.

Credit Bank is seeking more funding to implement its aggressive five-year (2021-2025) growth plan with hopes of achieving an asset base of Sh49 billion and Tier II status.

The lender is also in talks with a foreign private equity (PE) firm to sell an additional 25 percent stake.

As at December 31, 2022, the bank’s authorised share capital was 75,000,000 ordinary shares of Sh100 each of which 29,159,714 shares were issued and fully paid.

“The Sansora group of companies have served as the anchor shareholder of Credit Bank since 1986 and we look forward to playing this role for many years to come,” said Mr Nyachae.

Credit banks began operations in 1986 as a non-bank financial institution before securing a commercial banking licence in 1995.
Between 1995 and 2010, the lender served a niche market, mainly large businesses, before the strategy review in 2010 which positioned it as a retail-facing bank.

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Why visa-free policy is a game changer for Africa’s one-market

The African Development Bank (AfDB) Group has backed Kenya’s open visa entry policy as a key cog in the fruition of a proposed free market on the continent.

Kenya in January 2024 joined Rwanda, Seychelles, Gambia and Benin in removing visa requirements for travellers from other African countries to boost trade and investments.

And now AfDB has lauded the move as a game-changer in facilitating the free movement of workers around the continent and helping create the African Union-backed African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) trading bloc.

AfCFTA is projected to be the world’s largest market on full implementation with a population of about 1.4 billion people.

“Implementing policies that enable free mobility of labour and services—such as the open visa entry for Africans being championed by Kenya and Rwanda—would facilitate the operation of the AfCFTA,” AfDB analysts wrote in the African Economic Outlook 2024 report published last week.

“The AfCFTA can be a game changer if fully implemented and domesticated by all African countries. It will create a single continental market for goods and services, with free movement of capital, talent and skills.”

Kenya’s visa-free entry policy requires travellers to apply through Electronic Travel Authorisation (eTA) 72 hours before arrival to be granted permission to enter Kenya.

Nairobi, however, requires travellers to pay $30 when applying for eTA, a condition that analysts insist is a visa by another name.

Critics have also pointed out that the eTA system— the online visitor registration platform — was not accommodative for African traders who need to travel to Kenya for emergency reasons and those wishing to change travel time.

The complaints prompted the Department of Immigration and Citizen Services to exempt citizens of Ethiopia, South Africa, Comoros, Congo-Brazzaville, Eritrea, Mozambique and San Marino from paying the fees when applying to travel to Kenya via eTA.

The fees do not also apply for citizens from member countries of the seven-nation East African Community trading bloc.

The backing from AfDB has come at a time when traders have complained of lengthy border checks and varied quality standards at the border points, listing them among the biggest threats to the creation of a common market on the continent.

The complaints arose from their experience following the launch of the Guided Trade Initiative (GTI) in October 2022, which aimed at stress-testing the operational, institutional, legal and trade policy environment ahead of the full rollout of AfCFTA.

The initiative covered trade in tens of products such as tea, coffee, ceramic tiles, batteries, processed meat products, sugar, pasta, glucose syrup, dried fruits and sisal fiber.

The pilot scheme was implemented in eight countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ghana Egypt, Mauritius, Cameroon and Tunisia.

Traders, however, said bureaucratic red tape at border posts in some participating countries was proving to be a bigger barrier to free movement of goods on the continent than its weak transport and logistics capacity.

“If it is taking us so long just to do standards, you can imagine the kind of challenges we are facing around access to the markets,” Flora Mutahi, the founder of Melvin Marsh International, told a forum in Nairobi last year. “Logistics around getting to the market…are cumbersome. These are barriers that we need to first overcome.”

Trade Principal Secretary Alfred K’Ombudo said at the time that the biggest task for the Accra-headquartered AfCFTA secretariat should be more of simplifying customs procedures, than eliminating tariff barriers which, he says, are coming down.

“If you want to trade internationally, it’s not just about bringing down tariffs, but it’s about dealing with borders…transport logistics, shipping industry, and making sure that your goods arrive competitively,” Mr K’Ombudo said.

He added: “It’s about ensuring that you package your goods according to the requirements of the foreign market and comply with the requirements in sanitary and phytosanitary and all of those issues.”

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Tanzania: President Samia Receives Honorary Doctorate

Tanzania: President Samia Receives Honorary Doctorate

SEOUL — Tanzania President Samia Suluhu Hassan has received her fifth Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy (Honoris Causa) from the Korean Aerospace University recognizing her contribution in the Aerospace Sector.

The award was bestowed to the President by the University President Hee Young Hurr, in Seoul, Republic of Korea, on June 3, 2024.

President Samia is in Seoul for an official state visit and she is scheduled to grace the first South Korea-Africa Summit on Tuesday, June 4.


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Gardening triumph in semi-arid Isinya

When Alice Migwi and her husband bought their one-acre land in Isinya, Kajiado County it was all dry and sulky. It was hard to imagine that 12 years later, it would be this tranquil, with lots of greenery, butterflies and birds, ornamental plants, and Pemba and Kikuyu grass creating a beautiful lawn.

Their labour of love has paid off, she says.

At her home, she has created a beautiful xeriscape, a practice of designing landscapes to reduce or eliminate the need for irrigation or constant watering.

She has grown over 25 species of succulent plants. The garden has more than five species of agaves, which have rosettes of succulent leaves used to make tequila. Her garden also has false pineapples, aloe vera, ponytail palms and jade plants.

Alice Migwi tends to her garden in Isinya Kajiado County on May 28, 2024. 

Photo credit: Billy Ogada | Nation Media Group

Her balcony has potted plants and she has used traditional kettles and cups, giving the space a touch of Africa.

On one side of the garden, there is a colourful array of flowering plants including marigolds and African daisies. She refers to this area as the “pollinator hotspot.”

“My home now attracts a lot of bees and butterflies. I love to see how nature interacts with each other. I also have birds, lizards, frogs, geckos, and even hedgehogs,” says the 48-year-old, adding, “I get to interact with nature despite living in a dry area”.

For many people, the late 40s signals a more relaxed living, perhaps away from the city, but they cannot live far because of the long commute time to work or school. However, Ms Migwi says living in Isinya has worked perfectly for her family and the greenery is now a bonus.

“We have lived in several places, including Uganda, Tanzania and different locations in Nairobi. Now I’m working as a consultant/entrepreneur, so Isinya is a perfect place. As much as it seems rural, it just felt right. Our children are also big enough to cope with living here and we have only one daughter in school whom we drop and pick and it works out quite fine. I also have another brother who lives not too far away and that gives us comfort in its own way,” she says.

Ms Migwi’s love for gardening started when she was young.

“Since I was a child, I have always been fascinated by flowers, especially roses and the mimosa. The little things fascinated me so much and so I always had a love and interest for plants. The more I ventured into it, the more I just fell in love with it,” she recalls.

Her first garden gave her a space to experiment with vegetables and beautiful flowers such as monsteras – the evergreen perennial vines and other flowers that are essential for any plant lover with high expectations of creating beautiful botanical worlds.

“The climate of this area said a lot about how the art would be done. It is so dry and hot. I had the idea of planting beautiful flowers, but the plants died a painful death even when I watered them. They reminded me of the climatic conditions I live in,” Ms Migwi recalls.

She did not give up. She went back to the drawing board.

“Plants will let you down, they will die, and that’s probably every gardener’s first experience. We always have that period where you start and then you say no, this is not for me,” says the mother of three.

Baby sun rose ground cover plants at Alice Migwi’s garden in Isinya Kajiado County on May 28, 2024.

Photo credit: Billy Ogada | Nation Media Group

She has had many such episodes but always comes back stronger.

“Just two years into desert landscaping, my love of working with plants and creating garden spaces has grown far beyond the reach of secateurs or loppers,” says Ms Migwi, adding, ” I’m a creative person at heart. I thought about how I could paint the landscape into a picture that represents who I am, a place that would make me and others feel at home. While most people choose to grow food, I wanted to do something different.”

The art extends into her house. The corridors are lined with potted money plants [Epipremnum aureum, grown to fill the house with prosperity and wealth]. She also has a Hoya, a reliable warm-weather bloomer which thrives in the right soil, plenty of light, and adequate water. She also has multicoloured Aglaonema, which she bought from local vendors.

“Many residents here don’t know about ornamental plants, but they [plants] grow best here. So I thought, if I can show people, they can go and practice it in their homesteads so they can have beauty around them,” she says.

For those looking to pot their flowers, she says “potted plants can become stressed because they are confined to a small space.”

“Plants communicate and thrive when they grow together, sharing nutrients and water. When a plant is alone in a pot, it can become weak and dry up quickly. They may appear unhappy because they are solitary and require more attention,” she says.

Her secret to maintaining a lush garden is to stick to the basics. When planting, she uses compost alone or mixed with soil. Occasionally she feeds the plants to ensure they have nice, healthy-looking leaves, and finally, she adds natural fertiliser. She uses a mixture of black cotton soil and sand.

“The black cotton soil holds a lot of water. The sand is added to drain the excess water because plants don’t thrive in waterlogged conditions. Plants store water in their leaves, taking only what they need and releasing any excess. If you grow them directly in the black cotton soil, they will rot,” she says.

 French Marigold at Alice Migwi’s garden in Isinya Kajiado County on May 28, 2024. 

Photo credit: Billy Ogada | Nation Media Group

“When trying to improve your space, it’s important to consider your climate. Don’t try to grow something just because you’ve seen it elsewhere and assume it will work for you. When it comes to ornamental plants, soil quality is not a concern. If the climate is suitable, the soil will be too,” she adds.

“As drought-tolerant plants, “I don’t water them at all. Instead, they draw water from the humidity,” she says.

Ms Migwi does not see it as a challenge to look after her plants. “I only do weed.” “If you are a busy person and you want to garden, you can start with ornamental plants. They are easy to maintain, they don’t bother you with diseases, you don’t have to worry when you travel,” she notes.

But for her lawn, what was supposed to be her living space became her drying space. She had to spread 20 tonnes of fertiliser to get her Kikuyu and Pemba grass to stick.

“The rainy season was a blessing for my grass, it gave me the boost I needed,” she says.

Beyond her own garden, Alice extends her passion to the community. As a consultant, she designs outdoor spaces for local families, often creating areas for play and relaxation surrounded by wildlife-friendly and fragrant planting. She is also an author, sharing her knowledge and love for gardening with others.

Alice’s vision as a gardener is to create a community space with native plants where people can interact with nature.

“I enjoy all aspects of gardening, from planting seeds to pruning hedges and clearing branches. Gardening is the best form of exercise, and I’m always surprised by how good my body feels after just a few minutes in the garden,” she says.

Alice Migwi has found joy and peace in xeriscaping, proving that with passion and perseverance, even the driest lands can bloom beautifully.

“The glory of gardening is to have your hands in the dirt, your head in the sun, and your heart in nature,” she reflects on the words of Alfred Austin (English poet).

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South Korea agrees to lend billions to Tanzania, Ethiopia


Tanzania and Ethiopia said they had signed accords with South Korea for loans of billions of dollars, part of broader deals that will give the Asian nation access to Africa’s crucial mineral resources and vast export market.

South Korea is hosting at least 30 heads of state, including Tanzania and Ethiopia, at a South Korea-Africa summit this week.

Tanzania said it will borrow $2.5 billion over the next five years from South Korea through concessional loans.

Read: Ruto, Samia eye trade deals with South Korea

The country also signed two accords on Korean use of its ocean resources and minerals used in clean energy technologies such as nickel, lithium and graphite, presidential spokesperson Zuhura Yunus said on Sunday.

Ethiopia, a fast-growing economy with 126 million people, signed a $1 billion financing deal over four years for infrastructure, science and technology, health and urban development, the state-affiliated Fana media outlet said.


Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan is also seeking cooperation in sectors including sustainable use of ocean resources, development of natural gas deposits and creative industries, and for Tanzania to supply labour to South Korea, according to Yunus.

Since Friday, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol has held meetings with the leaders of Sierra Leone, Tanzania and Ethiopia and was due to meet separately with heads of other states including Zimbabwe, Togo, Rwanda and Mozambique on Monday.

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