Tanzania amends sugar laws to tame shortages, prices


Targeting to stabilise sugar supply and control prices, Tanzania has imposed regulations on sugar production, importation and distribution within its borders.

Parliament has passed a bill containing amendments to the Sugar Industry Act that gave the National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) exclusive mandate to import, store and distribute sugar for domestic consumption.

Finance Minister Mwigulu Nchemba said that the newly amended Sugar Act would help to control arbitrary shortages, hoarding of the commodity and inflating of prices.

“This amendment will monitor price stabilisation. It is the government’s responsibility to intervene during market failures,” Mr Nchemba said.

The newly amended Sugar Act gives the Sugar Board of Tanzania (SBT) discretion in issuing import licences. SBT will not issue licences unless it is satisfied that the local production is below the required level.

Read: Sugar price cap brews a storm in Tanzania


The new amendments require local sugar producers to declare their production costs then submit any relevant information that may be required by the SBT at the beginning of every production season.

Domestic manufacturers are also required to declare and publish in a widely circulated Tanzanian newspaper the names of their distributors in every region at the beginning of every production season.

The Act now directs issuance of provisional licences and registration of sugar manufacturers, small-scale sugar plant operators and industrial consumers through the SBT.

Tanzania Sugar Producers Association (TSPA) said in a statement on Monday that it is expected to raise production to 663,000 tonnes by 2026 to cater to the local demand.

TSPA Chairman Ami Mpungwe said that sugar production had decreased from 144,000 tonnes in 2017 to 30,000 in 2023, causing acute shortages of the commodity.

Mr Mpungwe said that seven sugar factories were issued with permits to import sugar in 2023 to fill the supply gap and push reduction of retail prices.

Read: Samia’s new food export rules to protect local market

The government has been spending about $150 million to import sugar from other countries to fill the deficit.

Shortages have pushed retail prices from Tsh2,800 ($1.05) to Tsh4,000 ($1.5) per kilo at in shops across the country.

Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC) director for Advocacy and Reforms Fulgence Massawe asked the government to attract more competitive sugar producers to increase production of sugar.

He said that the government should come up with better policies for land acquisition and ownership, friendly immigration laws for investors with friendly and prompt registration and provision of business permits within a day for foreign investors.

“Allowing the importation of sugar has significant impact on the balance of trade and use of forex. The government should promote domestic production and investment in sugar production,”, Mr Massawe said.

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Mozambique and Tanzania to Introduce Coastal Shipping Services

Maputo — Mozambique and Tanzania intend to introduce coastal shipping services in order to boost trade between the two countries, undertaken by small and medium-sized enterprises.

According to Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi, who was speaking to reporters, on Wednesday, in Dar es Salaam, on the last day of his working visit to Tanzania, in order to put this intention into practice, the Mozambican government is due to organize a Business Forum between the two countries in the near future to explore the commercial gains that maritime trade will bring to the citizens of both countries.

“One of the things that can be thought of and that can immediately begin is coastal traffic between the ports, from Dar es Salaam, from Mtwara [in Tanzania] to the port of Nacala [in the northern Mozambican province of Nampula] even passing through the port of Pemba [in Cabo Delgado province] because this movement will bring some activity to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs’, he said.

He explained that there are Mozambican products that are in demand by Tanzanians, such as cashew nuts, cement, zinc sheeting, just as Tanzania also has goods that are in demand in Mozambique.

“There’s a lot that Tanzanians need in Mozambique, they have factories that sometimes don’t have products, so we’ll have to organize a more structured business forum between Mozambique and Tanzania’, he said.

On the other hand, delegations from Mozambique and Tanzania expressed their concern at the significant drop in trade between the two neighboring countries, which fell from 55.8 million dollars in 2022 to 20.1 million dollars in 2023.

“During our discussions, we analyzed ways and means of reversing this dismal trade situation’, Nyusi said.

However, the President believes that there will be greater maritime circulation between the two countries in the near future. “The stability of the metical [the Mozambican currency] helps a lot for those who want to do business in Mozambique. It doesn’t fluctuate much’, he said.

Nyusi, on Wednesday, also took part as a guest in the official opening ceremony of the 48th Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair.

At a meeting on Tuesday in Dar es Salaam, with Mozambicans resident in Tanzania, his audience asked Nyusi who is sponsoring and financing the terrorist raids that have ravaged parts of Cabo Delgado province since 2017.

But Nyusi could not give them any names. “We don’t know very well who is financing them’, he admitted, “but we are following the matter. The Defence and Security Forces are investigating. Now we have measures against the financing of terrorism’.

“Some names are appearing’, he added. “They are being questioned, but we can’t confirm that they are the ones’.

Nyusi stressed that caution is needed in investigating those suspected of collaborating with terrorism. He said that some evidence suggests that the sponsors of terrorism are rich individuals living in the major cities.

Source: allafrica.com

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Tanzania: Samia Praises PBZ’s Expansion, Nyusi Requests Branch

DAR ES SALAAM — President Samia Suluhu Hassan has commended the efforts made by the People’s Bank of Zanzibar (PBZ) through its expansion plan in various regions of the country, particularly Mainland Tanzania.

According to President Samia, the bank’s strategy to continue expanding in different areas of the country, especially in mainland Tanzania, allows it to fulfill its primary duty of serving the citizens of both sides of the Union.

President Samia took the stance at the 48th Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair -SabaSaba, while visiting the bank’s booth accompanied by her guest, President President Filipe Nyusi of Mozambique.

She added: “Alongside your excellent services, I am particularly impressed by your plan to continue expanding in different regions of the country, especially in the mainland Tanzania, as this step will further strengthen you as an institution ready to serve the citizens of both sides of the Union.”

Gracing the occasion and being enticed by the bank’s performance, President Nyusi requested the financial institution’s leadership to consider opening a branch in his country.

He added: “I hope that your strategy of expanding in different areas of Tanzania goes beyond the borders of the country. Therefore, I kindly request you to explore the ways in which you can also come to Mozambique and open your first branch for the benefit of the citizens, including the business community of both sides.”

In response the bank’s Managing Director Mr. Arafat Haji responded positively, stating that they will incorporate the idea in their expansion strategy, aligning with their commitment to serve customers beyond Tanzania’s borders.

While at the booth, the two Heads of State had the opportunity to learn various services provided by the bank and listen to its expansion plan, where Mr Haji noted that currently they operate 33 branches and steadily increasing footprint, including recently opening new branches in Morogoro and Mbeya, and plans to expand further into Mwanza, Arusha, and Tanga.

He added: “As the bank’s growth strategy extends beyond just physical locations, we also prioritise investment in digital services to reach citizens in areas, where our branches are yet to reach.

“Equally, we plan to launch our mobile application, which will be officially introduced soon with the aim of further extending and facilitating our services to our customers nationwide.”

Elaborating on the bank’s willingness to work closely with the public sector, Mr Haji said: “In order to enhance our relationship with the government, we are prepared to improve various government services, including our government payment system, to facilitate and accelerate various government payments, including taxes and other collections from citizens through our excellent banking services.”

Source: allafrica.com

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Tanzania Ready to Enter the World of AI

THE Information and Communication Technologies Commission (ICTC) has revealed that the country is ready to deploy Artificial Intelligence (IA) whilst allaying fear among Tanzanians that the technology would not replace human labour but increase productivity.

ICTC Director-General, Dr Nkundwe Mwasaga said this recently at the Tanzania Employers Association (ATE)’s Annual General Meeting held in Dar es Salaam when making his presentation on ‘Tanzania’s readiness to adopt the IA and the future of jobs’.

“AI has not come to kill jobs, but it will change the way of working and thus increase productivity,” Dr Mwasaga asserted.

Furthermore, he said, “AI technology will change the way that people work, so Tanzanians should develop their skills and learn new areas that come with this technology.”

According to him, those new areas (professions) include robot coordinators, machine learning trainers, AI ethicist, chatbot designers and AI powered healthcare technician. In showing the readiness of the country, Dr Mwasaga said Tanzania is gearing up to honor Africa’s brightest young minds in artificial intelligence and robotics competition for the first time in October this year.

He said the competition, which is supported by the African Union (AU) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AU-NEPAD) in collaboration with the ElevateAI Institute, has been instrumental in shaping a strategy to promote the responsible use of AI across the continent.

“With a prize pool of 100,000 US dollars (more than 250m/-) the competition aims to cultivate emerging talent and create a platform for young African minds passionate about AI and robotics,” he added.

Emphasizing the significance of AI, Dr Mwasaga applauded public institutions that have embarked on the use of emerging technologies, citing an example of the High Court of Tanzania which has begun using AI to conduct and coordinate proceedings in various courts in the country, a move that will expedite the delivery of justice.

Recently, Chief Court Administrator, Professor Elisante Ole Gabriel reaffirmed the court’s commitment to integrating technology into its operations.

According to him by 2025, all of the court’s work will be done online.

“We have become the first institution to use the AI technology, thus proceedings that judges used to write 200 pages now they will only talk and once they finish to speak they press a button and it starts translating in different languages, so the work of Magistrates and Judges will be only small in making decisions,” he said.

He said the AI technology has commenced in several courts in the country as a pilot project, including the High Court of Tanzania, One stop center for probate and family matters- Temeke among others

Source: allafrica.com

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Mozambique: Tanzania Among Top Investors in Mozambique

Mozambique: Tanzania Among Top Investors in Mozambique

Tanzania has been named one of the top ten African countries with the largest investments in Mozambique over the past ten years.

The President of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi, revealed this on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, while officiating the 48th International Trade Fair (DITF), famously known as Sabasaba.

Highlighting the economic partnership, President Nyusi noted that between 2018 and 2023, the total external trade between the two countries in imports and exports reached $250 million, with a cumulative flow of $143 million from 2013 to 2023.

Explaining the role of DITF, President Nyusi emphasized that the exhibition will stimulate entrepreneurial growth, fostering economic development for both nations through business investments and private sector participation from both countries, along with foreign capital.

Also read: Nyusi commends Tanzania, SADC

On her part, President Samia Suluhu Hassan lauded the exhibition, attributing its success to the government’s efforts in strengthening national, regional, and international cooperation, which has boosted the inclusive economy.

Tanzania’s President said that in 2023, the Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC) registered 504 projects worth 5.68 billion/-, with exports increasing to 17.38 trillion/- last year from TZS 12.3 trillion in 2019.

Dr. Samia also promised to continue developing and completing infrastructure projects to facilitate business operations and transportation while encouraging local businesses to seize the exhibition opportunity to learn and prepare to serve larger domestic, regional, and international markets.

Source: allafrica.com

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RC Mtanda aipa mbinu ATCL kuhimili soko la ushindani

Mwanza. Wakati Shirika la Ndege la Taifa (ATCL) likitarajia kupokea ndege mpya aina ya Boeing 787- 800 Dreamliner, shirika hilo limeshauriwa kuboresha huduma kwa wateja na kuongeza idadi ya safari ili kuvutia wateja na kustahimili kwenye soko la usafirishaji wa anga nchini.

Wito huo umetolewa leo Jumatano Julai 3, 2024, na Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Mwanza, Said Mtanda wakati wa hafla ya uzinduzi wa Jengo maalum la wateja wa hadhi ya juu ‘Business Class’ lililojengwa na Shirika la VIA Aviation katika Uwanja wa Ndege wa Mkoa wa Mwanza.

Huku akidokeza ofisi yake ofa nane za kampuni za ndege za kimataifa kuhitaji kufanya safari katika uwanja huo, Mtanda ameeleza kutofurahishwa na tabia ya safari za ndege za shirika hilo kuahirishwa bila wateja kujulishwa jambo alilodai ni kufanya kazi kwa mazoea na kusababisha usumbufu kwa wateja.

“Ninayasema haya kwa sababu hii ni biashara na tusipozungumza wakati wateja wenu wanalalamika kwenye suala hilo tutakuwa hatutendi haki. Ili muweze kushindana na wengine lazima muboreshe huduma kwa wateja kwa sababu biashara ni ushindani na huduma kwa wateja,” amesema Mtanda.

Kupitia mkoa huo wenye wakazi zaidi ya milioni 3.6 kwa mujibu wa Sensa ya Watu na Makazi mwaka 2022, Mtanda amesema wageni na wenyeji wake wanategema huduma ya usafiri wa anga huku kimbilio lao likiwa ni ATCL. Pia ameiomba ATCL kuweka unafuu wa gharama ya nauli ili kumwezesha kila mwananchi kutumia huduma zake.

“Hapa Mwanza ili upate tiketi ya Air Tanzania lazima uikate siku tatu, nne au tano kabla ya safari ndani ya siku mbili kuelekea safari yako huwezi kupata tiketi maana yake watu wenye haraka na wenye dharura hawawezi kusafiri,” amesema.

“Hata mimi RC nikiitwa Dar es Salaam inabidi nibanane na meneja nimwambie nimeitwa pale Ikulu sasa atalazimika atafute abiria mwenye unyenyekevu ampunguze kwa sababu Serikali lazima iwe kazini muda wote. Matindi ututafutie ndege nyingine ikibidi hiyo inayokuja ileteni Mwanza,” amesema Mtanda.

Kiongozi huyo amesema katika kutambua changamoto ya usafiri wa anga mkoani Mwanza, Serikali inatumia Sh13 bilioni kufanya maboresho katika jengo la abiria ambalo likikamilika litahudumia abiria wa kitaifa zaidi ya 800 na kimataifa zaidi ya 600 kwa wakati mmoja.

“Yale mambo ya ku-cancel (kuahirisha safari za ndege) halafu tunakuja hadi uwanjani hata meseji hakuna, Matindi hilo lifanyieni kazi. Siku moja nakuja hapa naambiwa eti hiyo ndege imeahirisha safari leo sasa simu zetu si hawa watu wa ATCL wanazo. Wananyue simu watuarifu,” amesema.

Mkurugenzi Mkuu ATCL, Ladislaus Matindi amekiri mahitaji ya Mkoa wa Mwanza kwa huduma hiyo kuwa makubwa huku akidokeza kuwa shirika hilo lazima lihakikishe huduma hiyo inafikishwa kila eneo nchini ili kufikisha huduma kwa kila mtanzania bila kujali mahala alipo.

“Ndege kubwa inakuja asubuhi na jioni, mchana zinakuja hizo ndege ndogo bado hazitoshelezi mahitaji ya wenzetu wa Mwanza, ndani ya nchi tunakwenda vituo 10 ikiwemo Kilimajaro, Bukoba, Songea, Mbeya, Arusha, Kigoma, Zanzibar wote hawa lazima wapate huduma ili ni shirika la Watanzania lazima wahudumiwe wote hata kwa kiasi kidogo,” amesema Matindi.

Kwa mujibu wa Mkurugenzi wa Biashara na Mauzo wa ATCL, Patrick Ndekana hadi kufikia Juni 2024, ATCL imebeba abiria 1,123,696, wastani wa abiria 93,000 kwa mwezi huku abiria 253,593 kati yao wakibebwa kutoka na kwenda kituo cha Mwanza pekee sawa na asilimia 23 ya abiria wote waliobebwa katika safari za shirika hilo.

“Wastani wa ujazo ni zaidi ya similia 90 hii ikiashirika kuna uhitaji wa kuongeza miruko kwa mkoa wa Mwanza. Kuanzia Julai 14, 2024, tutaanza kutumia ndege aina ya Boeing 737 Max 9 yenye uwezo wa kubeba abiria 181 kwa tripu moja na tani mbili za mizigo. Hii itakuwa chachu itatuwezesha kutoa huduma ya usafiri wa anga nchini na mizigo, hii ni ongezeko la viti takribani 49,” amesema Ndekana.

Ndekana amesema kwa sasa ndege kubwa inayofanya safari zake kwenda Mwanza ni Airbus 220 inayobeba abiria 132, hivyo, kuongeza uwezo wa abiria 49 kutaongeza ufanisi na huduma kwa wakazi wa mkoa huo.

“ATCL ina ndege 14 zinazoruka na tunategemea kupokea ndege moja aina ya Boeng 787-800 mwezi Agosti. Pia tuna ndege ndogo ya viti 50 ambayo ni Bombadier Q300 ambayo tunategema ilikuwa matengezo muda wowote kuanzia sasa itakuwa kwenye operesheni zetu,” amesema Ndekana.

Katika hatua nyingine, Ndekana amesema uzinduzi wa jengo hilo maarufu kama ‘Serengeti Lounge Via Aviation’ litasaidia kuboresha huduma kwa wateja wa waaminifu wa ATCL zaidi ya 58, 475, wateja 870 kati yao wakiwa wa daraja la juu. Pia amesema Novemba mwaka huu, shirika hilo litaongeza safari za ndege kwenda Dubai kutoa nne kwa wiki hadi kila siku.Continue Reading

Tanzania’s Samia replaces TRA chief amid diplomats, traders tax complaints


Speculation is rising over the abrupt removal of Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) Commissioner General Alphayo Kidata earlier this week against a backdrop of discontent among foreign investors and domestic traders over questionable taxation practices.

President Samia Suluhu Hassan on Tuesday named Zanzibar revenue chief Yusuph Juma Mwenda as the new TRA boss in place of Mr Kidata who had held the position since April 2021, moving him to an unspecified advisory role in State House.

Mr Kidata was in his second stint as the head taxman and his latest transfer came as the government prepared for discussions with members of the diplomatic corps to address a raft of complaints they raised last week about allegedly unfair taxation of foreign direct investments (FDIs) in Tanzania.

Although there has been an argument that the 60-year-old Kidata (born December 28, 1963) was already past public service retirement age, the timing of the move also coincided with a second strike within a year by local market traders protesting long-running harassment by TRA officials and agents.

Curiosity was further piqued by State House Chief Secretary Moses Kusiluka’s announcement, in the same July 2 brief, of a replacement for Industries and Trade Minister Ashatu Kijaji who was part of the government team involved in protracted talks with the traders last week.

Dr Kijaji moved to the Vice President’s Office as Minister of State responsible for Union and environmental affairs, exchanging portfolios with Selemani Jafo. No reasons were given for any of the new appointments.


Earlier on June 26, Tanzania-based ambassadors and high commissioners from 10 countries lodged a formal request to Foreign Affairs Minister January Makamba for a meeting to address “recent and ongoing challenges” faced by foreign investors in relation to TRA tax administration.

The envoys who signed the request letter, a copy of which was obtained by The EastAfrican, were from the United States, Canada, Britain, Ireland, Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden and South Korea.

They cited, among other things, “unevidenced” TRA notices demanding payments and account reconciliations dating back up to 15 years, extraordinary tax bills not supported by law, and TRA’s rejection of tax concession agreements with the Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC)- another state agency – on the grounds that they had not been “gazetted.”

“Investors also report that TRA agents threaten investors and Tanzanian partners when companies protest or appeal these practices, and freeze or seize bank accounts and company assets without notification nor timely legal recourse,” the envoys’ letter stated.

According to them, TIC’s success in raising the value of FDI registrations from $3 million in 2021 to $5.5 million in 2022 had become “undermined” by the trend. They said despite undergoing regular audits by TRA and state-endorsed international audit firms, some investor companies were “now receiving notices with additional demands for tax payment.”

The envoys cited an instance where one unnamed company was issued with a Tsh1.2 billion ($455,400) tax notice requiring it to pay up “within three working days for discrepancies dating back 12 years, under the threat of having its operational accounts frozen and funds withdrawn.”

Mr Makamba responded through official correspondence the following day (June 27), pledging to convene a roundtable of the envoys, relevant government officials and representatives of aggrieved investors to address the concerns head-on, although he did not immediately specify a date.

He said for the meeting to be productive, the investors being referred to should prepare a compendium or presentation detailing their grievances, adding that “the sooner this report is presented to us, the sooner we will be able to schedule the requested meeting.”

The minister asserted that Tanzania was committed to protecting and ensuring the “ironclad” success of all FDIs and the government would “take very seriously any alleged transgression, by any public entity, that endangers the country’s reputation as an investor-friendly destination.”

Strike pic

Traders chat outside their closed shops in Kariakoo Market, Dar es Salaam during a strike over taxes on June 25, 2024. PHOTO | THE CITIZEN | NMG

Last week’s strike by traders in Dar es Salaam and other urban markets revolved around long-standing demands for a more transparent tax system in the face of constant badgering by TRA compliance inspectors.

The traders’ concerns had remained unresolved since a previous strike at the major Kariakoo market in Dar es Salaam in May last year. This time around, the government managed to cool things down with tentative promises of quick solutions in a series of talks with traders’ representatives in the administrative capital Dodoma.

Read: In Tanzania, traders strike over harassment

As part of the solutions package, TRA was instructed to set up a more efficient system involving proper documentation of receipts and invoices for traders to be assessed more accurately on what they owe in taxes at any given time and have the system operational by July 1.

Key government officials involved in the talks included Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa, Finance Minister Mwigulu Nchemba, Minister of State in the President’s Office for Planning and Investment Prof Kitila Mkumbo, and Dr Kijaji while still holding the industries and trade docket.

On their part, the foreign envoys have requested the attendance of the same cabinet ministers along with Mr Makamba and the TRA commissioner general at their own upcoming meeting.

Mr Kidata has a somewhat chequered history in the civil service, especially during the tenure of ex-president John Magufuli when he experienced several ups and downs and much shifting around.

He was TRA boss under Magufuli from January 2016 to March 2017 before being appointed permanent secretary in the Ministry of Regional Administration and Local Governments at State House. Shortly afterwards he was sent to Canada as Tanzania’s envoy, only to be recalled within 10 months, in November 2018, and stripped of his ambassadorial status in circumstances that were never made public.

Again a short time later, in September 2019, the late president appeared to have another change of heart and appointed Kidata to the relatively junior position of Mtwara regional administrative secretary. He was serving in that capacity when Samia, having succeeded Magufuli following his demise, reinstated him to the TRA pilot seat in the early weeks of her presidency.

Under his second watch at the revenue agency, Kidata presided over a steady rise in monthly tax collections that have not dipped below Tsh2 billion ($784,300) since August last year, hitting an all-time high of Tsh 3.05 billion ($1.19 million) in December 2023. 

Annual tax revenues went up 30 percent from Tsh18 trillion ($7.05 million) in 2020/21 – the last year of Magufuli’s tenure – to Tsh24 trillion ($9.41 million) by the end of the financial year 2022/23.

In Tanzania’s latest budget, TRA has been given a new collection target of Tsh29.41 trillion ($11.31 billion) for the 2024/25 fiscal year as the country aims to cover more than two-thirds (67.4 percent) of its Tsh49.35 trillion ($18.98 billion) expenditure plan through domestic financing.

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TCD inavyotoa fursa kwa Chadema, ACT kuunda ushirikiano Uchaguzi Mkuu 2025

Habari ya Mwenyekiti wa Chadema, Freeman Mbowe, kuchaguliwa kuwa Mwenyekiti wa Kituo cha Demokrasia Tanzania (TCD), si yenye kushtua, maana ni utaratibu wa vyama vyenye wabunge kupishana katika uongozi wa taasisi hiyo.

Habari kuwa Kiongozi wa ACT-Wazalendo, Dorothy Semu, ndiye amekuwa Makamu Mwenyekiti wa TCD, ndiyo inasogeza mjadala. Mwenyekiti Chadema, Mwenyekiti TCD, halafu Kiongozi wa ACT-Wazalendo, Makamu Mwenyekiti TCD. Watafanyaje kazi?

Tafsiri ambayo haikwepeki baina ya vyama vya Chadema na ACT-Wazalendo ni kuwa vimekuwa hasimu kwenye jukwaa la “vyama vya upinzani”. Yaani, baada ya mchuano wa CCM na vyama vya upinzani, nje ya chama hicho kinachoongoza dola Tanzania, kuna msigano wa wazi kati ya Chadema na ACT-Wazalendo.

Vyama vya ACT-Wazalendo na Chadema, mara nyingi vina mitazamo ya aina moja kuhusu masuala, lakini hutofautiana njia ya kuyafikia mambo husika. Ajabu, tofauti hiyo ya njia ndiyo husababisha migongano, kiasi cha viongozi na wafuasi wao hulumbana majukwaani na mitandaoni hadi kudhihirisha uhasimu mkubwa uliopo baina yao.

Mathalan, Chadema na ACT-Wazalendo, wote maono yao yanaweza kuwa yanasema Mwanza kuna sangara wa kutosha. Halafu, wakatofautiana jinsi ya kufika Mwanza. Chama kimoja kikasema njia bora ni kwenda kwa treni, kingine kikawa na mapendekezo ya kutumia barabara. Treni na barabara huzua zogo na kusahau makubaliano ya kimsingi kuwa sangara wapo Mwanza.

Huu siyo mfano, bali ndivyo ilivyokuwa. Chadema walijenga msimamo kwamba wanahitaji Katiba mpya. ACT-Wazalendo, wakatoa maono yao ya kupata Tume Huru ya Uchaguzi kuelekea Katiba mpya. Mpaka hapo, utaona kuwa Chadema na ACT-Wazalendo, walikuwa na makubaliano kwamba Katiba mpya ni lazima.

Sasa, Katiba mpya moja kwa moja, ambao ni msimamo wa Chadema, halafu Tume Huru kwanza kuelekea Katiba mpya, mtazamo wa ACT-Wazalendo, ikawa ndiyo hoja ya mapambano baina ya vyama hivyo. Hawatofautiani hatima, wanatofautiana namna ya kuifikia.

Namna ambavyo hutofautiana njia ya kufikia hatima ya jambo, ndivyo hujenga misuguano kijamii. Upo wakati watu hujiuliza, kwani wapinzani wa Chadema ni ACT-Wazalendo au CCM? Swali hilohilo lipo upande wa ACT-Wazalendo dhidi ya Chadema.

Kipindi hiki, Mbowe na Dorothy, wamekabidhiwa uongozi wa TCD, lipo swali linaweza kuwa linagonga vichwa vya wengi; watafanyaje kazi? Watasikilizana na kuelewana kwa sababu wanatambua hatima yao ni moja au watachagua kulumbana kwenye njia ya kufikia hatima kama kawaida yao?

Ushauri kwa Mbowe, Dorothy

Rais wa 16 wa Marekani, Abraham Lincoln anatajwa kuwa bora kuliko wengine 45 waliopata kuongoza taifa hilo kubwa duniani. Sifa zipi ambazo zinampambanua kwa ubora miongoni mwa wengine wote waliowahi kukalia ofisi ya Rais wa Marekani, Oval Office? Kwa utangulizi tu ni kwamba ukiona kiongozi anaitwa bora, ujue alionyesha ubora.

Rais wa 44 wa Marekani, Barack Obama, anatajwa kuwa mmoja wa viongozi bora zaidi kupata kuliongoza Taifa la Marekani. Obama mwenyewe alipata kujipambanua katika hotuba zake kwa kunakili nukuu nyingi za Lincoln, zaidi alishakiri kwamba alijifunza mengi kiuongozi kupitia mtindo wa uongozi wa Lincoln.

Kitabu kinachoitwa “Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln”, kilichoandikwa na mwanahistoria wa Marekani, Doris Kearns Goodwin na kuchapishwa mwaka 2005, kinaeleza kwa nini Lincoln alikuwa bora. Kinadhihirisha kwamba Lincoln ni kiongozi wa kufaa kuigwa na vizazi vyote. Obama amepata kukiri kuwa kitabu hicho kilimsaidia kuteua Baraza la Mawaziri.

Watu wengi humsifu Lincoln kwa uongozi wa utu, ulioweka misingi ya haki za binadamu na kupiga marufuku ubaguzi. Ni Lincoln aliyefanya kampeni ya kupinga biashara ya utumwa Marekani na alipochaguliwa kuwa Rais, alitangaza ukomo wa biashara ya utumwa na kupitisha azimio la kumuweka huru kila mtumwa (Emancipation Proclamation), Januari mosi, 1963.

Hata hivyo, yapo mengi yenye kumfanya Lincoln awe bora. Alionyesha utofauti chanya ndiyo maana viongozi wengi hutamani kumuiga. Ni hakika kwamba kila kiongozi wa nyakati za sasa akimuiga Lincoln na kumpatia, naye atatamkwa kuwa bora. Viongozi aina ya Lincoln hutokea mara chache, ili kutoa tafsiri ya maana ya uongozi uliotukuka.

Ndani ya kitabu cha Team of Rivals, sifa kubwa ya Lincoln inatajwa ni jinsi ambavyo alikuwa na uwezo mkubwa wa kumudu presha za kiuongozi. Uwezo wake mkubwa wa kutambua karama na uwezo wa watu wengine, hata wale waliokuwa wapinzani wake wa kisiasa. Hapa ndipo hasa kwenye ukuu wa Lincoln na ndipo ushauri kwa Mbowe na Dorothy, unapopenya.

Ni sababu ya Goodwin kukiita kitabu chake, Team of Rivals; The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, akimaanisha kwamba Serikali ya Lincoln ilijumuisha watu waliokuwa wapinzani wa kisiasa wa Lincoln, lakini mwenyewe alitambua kile walichokuwa nacho, akawaheshimu, akawateua na kushirikiana nao kufanya kazi bora kwa nchi.

Kwa tafsiri ambayo si rasmi, unaweza kusema Timu ya Wapinzani; Maarifa ya Kisiasa ya Abraham Lincoln. Sababu namba moja ambayo ilimfanya Lincoln atambue uwezo wa wapinzani wake na kuwapa nafasi za uongozi ni utulivu na usikivu wake. Alipenda kusikiliza watu wenye mitazamo tofauti na ya kwake, ndiyo maana aliweza kuujua ubora wa wapinzani wake.

Washindani wa Lincoln wa kisiasa ambao aliwapa nafasi kwenye Baraza la Mawaziri ni Waziri wa Fedha, Salmon Chase, Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje, William Seward, Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali, Edward Bates. Hao ni kuwataja kwa uchache, waliopata kutoana jasho la kisiasa na Lincoln, lakini akatambua uwezo wao na kuwateua wamsaidie kazi.

Obama anaposema kitabu cha Team of Rivals kilimjenga katika kufanya uteuzi wa Baraza la Mawaziri, anaaminisha kweli. Maana alishindana vikali na aliyekuwa Seneta wa New York, Hillary Clinton, kuwania tiketi ya chama cha Democratic kuwa mgombea urais katika Uchaguzi wa Rais wa Marekani mwaka 2008. Hata hivyo, Obama baada ya kushinda urais alimteua Hillary kuwa Waziri wa Mambo ya Nje.

Hoja ya kushika

Imeelezwa kuwa Lincoln aliweza kufanya kazi na wasaidizi wake, ambao aliwateua miongoni mwa wapinzani wake kwa kuwa alikuwa msikivu. Kusikilizana ndiyo njia itakayowawezesha Mbowe na Dorothy kufanya kazi kwa maelewano, licha ya historia ya vyama vyao kutofautiana na kulumbana mara kwa mara.

Katika kusikilizana, pengine wakafanya kazi iliyotukuka, ambayo inaweza kushawishi ushirikiano mkubwa mbele ya safari. Tanzania itafanya uchaguzi wa Serikali za mitaa, Novemba 2024, hivyo huu ni mwaka wa uchaguzi. Vyama vya ACT-Wazalendo na Chadema, vitakuwa imara zaidi kwenye uchaguzi, endapo vitashirikiana.

Tanzania itafanya Uchaguzi Mkuu 2025, kwa maana hiyo umebaki mwaka mmoja. Chadema na ACT-Wazalendo, ili kuikabili CCM wakiwa imara, wanahitaji ushirikiano. Hivyo, kitendo cha Mbowe na Dorothy, kuongoza TCD, ni fursa ya kuona jinsi ambavyo inawezekana kufanya kazi pamoja.

Uchaguzi Mkuu 2020, Chadema na ACT-Wazalendo, walikuwa na makubaliano. Walishiriki uchaguzi kama timu. Matokeo yaliwasambaratisha. Walisimama pamoja kuyakataa matokeo. Wakatofautiana jinsi ya kuyaendea matokeo.

Chadema walikataa kila kilichotokana na Uchaguzi Mkuu 2020. ACT-Wazalendo, wao waliyakataa, halafu wakachukua walichopata. Hilo lilizua malumbano baina ya vyama hivyo.

TCD ni taasisi inayounganisha vyama vyenye uwakilishi bungeni; CCM, Chadema, ACT-Wazalendo na CUF, wakati NCCR-Mageuzi ambacho hakina uwakilishi, chenye ni mwanachama mshiriki, maana hadi Uchaguzi Mkuu 2020, kilikuwa na ushiriki bungeni. Kila mwaka unachaguliwa uongo mpya. Mbowe na Dorothy, wataongoza TCD kwa mwaka mmoja.Continue Reading