Aliyekuwa akiwadai fidia ya Sh306.6 milioni RPC, AG akwaa kisiki mahakamani

Sumbawanga. Aliyefungua kesi ya kudai fidia ya zaidi ya Sh306.6 akwaa kisiki Mahakama Kuu Tanzania.

Limi Mchome mwenye ualbino, alifungua kesi ya madai akiwadai Kamanda wa Polisi (RPC) Mkoa wa Katavi na wenzake wawili, zaidi ya Sh306.6 milioni kama fidia, baada ya watu wasiojulikana kuukata mkono wake wa kulia na kuondoka nao, licha ya kuwahi kutoa taarifa ya uwepo wa watu waliokuwa wakimfuatilia.

Uamuzi wa kuitupa kesi hiyo ulitolewa jana Jumatatu, Agosti 26, 2024 na Jaji Abubakar Mrisha wa Mahakama Kuu kanda ya Sumbawanga, na kumwamuru pia alipe gharama za kesi baada ya kukubaliana na pingamizi la awali lililowasilishwa na wadaiwa.

Limi alikatwa mkono wake wa kulia na watu wasiojulikana na wakaondoka nao, hivyo akafungua kesi ya madai akidai fidia hiyo kwa kile alichodai ni uzembe wa RPC na wenzake kutochukua hatua ya kuzuia uhalifu huo.

Katika madai yake alisema miezi kadhaa kabla ya kukatwa mkono, mkuu wa upelelezi Mkoa (RCO) Katavi, alijulishwa juu ya uwepo wa kundi lililokuwa likimtafuta, lakini hakuchukua hatua ya kumlinda, wakati huo akiwa na umri wa miaka 30.

Tukio hilo lilitokea usiku wa Julai 14, 2015 katika Kijiji cha Mwachona Wilaya ya Mlele mkoani Katavi, watu wasioujulikana walivunja mlango wa chumba alichokuwa amelala, huku wakimfungia kaka yake kwa nje ili asitoke.

Limi alifungua kesi ya madai namba 6 ya 2023 dhidi ya RPC Katavi kama mdaiwa wa kwanza, Katibu Mkuu Wizara ya Mambo ya Ndani ya Nchi kama mdaiwa wa pili na Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali (AG) kama mdaiwa wa tatu.

Hata hivyo, wadaiwa hao waliwasilisha pingamizi la awali wakisema kesi hiyo ni mbaya mbele ya macho ya sheria kwa kuwa imefunguliwa nje ya muda wa miaka mitatu unaoruhusiwa kisheria, hivyo wakaiomba mahakama iitupilie mbali kesi hiyo.

Katika kesi hiyo, Limi anayejulikana pia kama Remi Luchoma, aliomba alipwe Sh215 milioni kama fidia ya kukatwa mkono wake wa kulia na Sh85 milioni kama kipato ambacho angepata kama angekuwa na mkono wake kwa miaka 35.

Mbali na madai hayo, alikuwa anadai Sh5 milioni kama malipo ya kupoteza huduma, apewe matunzo ya watoto wake ikiwamo kuwasomesha kwa kuwa hana tena uwezo wa kuwasomesha lakini pia kupatiwa mkono wa kisasa wa bandia.

Hoja za kisheria za pingamizi

Baada ya kufungua kesi hiyo, wadaiwa wakiwakilishwa kortini na wakili wa Serikali Mjahidi Kamugisha, waliwasilisha pingamizi la awali wakisema kesi hiyo imepitwa na muda (time barred) huku Limi akiwakilishwa na wakili Gadiel Sindamenya.

Akitetea pingamizi la awali, wakili Kamugisha alisema kwa kuangalia hati ya madai, kiini chake ni madai ya uzembe na kwamba madai ya aina hiyo yanatakiwa yafunguliwa mahakamani ndani ya muda wa miaka mitatu tangu uzembe utokee.

“Hii ina maana muda wa kikomo wa kufungua shauri hilo kwa uzembe uliotokea Julai 13,2013 ulimalizika Julai 14,2015. Huu ndio msimamo wa sheria. Madhara ya kufungua kesi nje ya muda ni mahakama kuitupa kwa gharama,” alisema.

Hata hivyo, wakili Sindamenya aliyekuwa akimtetea Limi katika hoja zake alisema pingamizi hilo halina mashiko akisema hoja za wadaiwa zimejikita katika kipengele cha 6 cha sheria ya ukomo sura ya 89 kama ilivyofanyiwa marejeo mwaka 2019.

Kwa maoni yake alisema hiyo sio sawa na ni madai yenye makosa makubwa na kueleza kuwa kosa hilo lilitendeka Julai 14, 2015, upelelezi ukafanyika na watu sita wakakamatwa na kufikishwa kortini kwa kosa la kujaribu kumuua Limi.

Wakili huyo aliongeza kusema kuwa Oktoba 23,2019, washitakiwa 5 walitiwa hatiani na kuhukumiwa kifungo cha maisha jela, akieleza ilikuwa vigumu kufungua kesi kwa wadaiwa wakati kesi ya jinai ilikuwa bado inaendelea kortini.

Alieleza kuwa baada ya washitakiwa kutiwa hatiani, Limi alikusanya ushahidi wa uzembe anaoulalamikia wa Mkuu wa Upelelezi mkoa (RCO) Mkoa wa Katavi kwa kushindwa kutimiza wajibu wake wa kulinda raia na mali zao.

Zaidi ya hayo, Sindamenya alisema kulikuwa na siku 60 za kukata rufaa baada ya hukumu ambazo zilimalizika Desemba 23, 2019 na kwamba ni kanuni ya asili kuwa hukumu ya Mahakama Kuu ni lazima ipate baraka za Mahakama ya Rufani.

Wakili huyo alieleza kuwa Februari 8, 2021 alitoa notisi ya siku 90 kwa wadaiwa, hivyo kwa kuhesabu kuanzia siku ya hukumu hadi siku ambayo alifungua kesi hiyo ya madai, kesi hiyo itakuwa ilifunguliwa ndani ya muda wa kisheria unaotakiwa.

Aliiomba mahakama kuzingatia ibara ya 107(A)(2)(e) ya Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania na kuepuka kufungwa na mambo ya kiufundi ambayo yananyima haki ya msingi, hivyo alitupe pingamizi hilo na kusikiliza kesi ya msingi.

Uamuzi wa jaji ulivyokuwa

Akisoma uamuzi wake kuhusiana na pingamizi hilo, Jaji Mrisha alisema ni jambo ambalo halibishaniwi kuwa mdai alifungua kesi hiyo ya madai ya uzembe dhidi ya wadaiwa, lakini hoja iliyoko mbele yake ni kama kesi imefunguliwa nje ya muda.

Jaji Mrisha alisema mawakili wa pande mbili wanakubaliana kuwa msingi wa kesi hiyo ni madai ya fidia, yanayotokana na uzembe na muda wa kisheria wa kufungua kesi ni ndani ya miaka mitatu na kwamba huo ndio msimamo wa sheria.

Alisema madai ya mdai ni uzembe uliosababishwa na wajibu maombi kwa kushindwa kumlinda asikatwe mkono na kueleza kuwa msingi wa uzembe huo ulitokea 14 Julai 2015, lakini kesi ilifunguliwa Julai 17, 2023.

“Hii inaonyesha ni baada ya miaka sita. Kwa hiyo mdai (Limi) alipaswa kufungua kesi ya madai ya uzembe uliotokea ndani ya miaka mitatu,” alisema Jaji Mrisha.

Hata hivyo, Jaji Mrisha alisema katika wasilisho la mdai aliondoa muda wa usikilizwaji wa kesi ya jinai na tarehe ya hukumu na akaondoa pia muda wa washitakiwa kukata rufaa pamoja na siku 90 za notisi aliyowapa wadaiwa.

Alisema ni msimamo wa sheria kuwa pale kesi inafunguliwa baada ya kupita muda uliowekwa na sheria, mdai ni lazima aonyeshe kwenye hati ya madai sababu za upekee wa kesi yake na Jaji akarejea baadhi ya kesi zilizobeba msimamo huo.

Kutokana na msimamo huo, Jaji alisema alipata muda wa kupitia hati ya madai ya kesi hiyo iliyofunguliwa Julai 17, 2023 na kugundua hakuna aya ambayo mdai anaelezea sababu za kupata msamaha wa kutozingatia sheria ya ukomo.

“Hata kama nitachukua wasilisho lake kuwa mdai alichelewa kufungua kesi kwa sababu alikuwa akisubiri ushahidi wa kutosha katika kesi ya jinai iliyokuwa ikiendelea kortini, kwa maoni yangu sababu haina mashiko mahakama kuikubali,” alisema.

Jaji akaongeza kusema “Msimamo wa sheria uko wazi kwamba mwathirika katika kesi ya jinai hazuiwi kufungua shauri la madai ya fidia mahakamani, kwa kuwa mahakama ya jinai sio sahihi kupima madai ya mtu anayeomba fidia”

Katika uamuzi wake huo, Jaji Mrisha alisema suala la ukomo wa muda ni jambo linalokwenda kwenye mzizi wa mamlaka ya mahakama na haiangukii katika Ibara ya 107(2)(e) ya Katiba ya Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania ya mwaka 1977.

Jaji alisema kwa hoja alizozieleza anakubali pingamizi lililowasilishwa na wadaiwa na kukubaliana nao kuwa kesi imefunguliwa nje ya muda, hivyo inatupiliwa mbali na mdai atawajibika kulipa gharama za kesi hiyo.Continue Reading

Raila Odinga: ‘My heart is ready, my hands are steady’ for AUC top job


Kenya on Tuesday unveiled the candidature of its former Prime Minister Raila Odinga for chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) at a colourful ceremony graced by several East African Community (EAC) heads of State.

President William Ruto led the launch at State House, Nairobi, where he hosted East African Community (EAC) Chairman Salva Kiir Mayardit, who is also the president of South Sudan, Presidents Samia Suluhu Hassan (Tanzania) and Yoweri Museveni of Uganda.


Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan is greeted by President William Ruto after delivering her speech during the launch of Kenyan candidate Raila Odinga’s bid for the African Union Commission (AU) chairmanship at State House Nairobi on August 27, 2024. Francis Nderitu | Nation Media Group

Also in attendance were Burundi Prime Minister Gervais Ndirakobuca, Rwanda State Minister for Foreign Affairs James Kabarebe, former Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete and his Nigeria counterpart Olusegun Obasanjo, among other dignitaries.

Read: EAC leaders in Nairobi for Raila AUC bid launch

Speaking at the event, Dr Ruto said Mr Odinga enjoys a positive reputation as a zealous Pan-African who has consistently demonstrated strong faith in Africa’s possibilities, and exemplary commitment to the cause of laying a robust foundation for Africa’s transformation.


The head of State showered Mr Odinga with praises, noting that he is the best candidate for the position and that he would do all it takes to make him win the February 2025 election.

“I know that Raila Odinga not only possesses the requisite credentials but he is also the ideal candidate to lead the AUC. Accordingly, Kenya endorses his candidature unreservedly and we commit wholeheartedly to support his candidature, vision and leadership,” he said.

“Mr Odinga’s remarkable leadership and exemplary career make him a perfect fit to sit at the helm of the AUC and drive Africa’s transformation and Agenda 2063. He is an ardent champion of African unity, African Integration, infrastructural connectivity and youth empowerment.”

Mr Odinga’s strategic focus, he said, is to harness Africa’s rich and vast human and natural resources for the benefit of Africa’s peoples— making him the “optimal choice” for this position.

“I therefore welcome the continent to rally behind Mr Odinga’s candidature to propel Africa to sustainable peace and a new era of shared prosperity.”


Kenyan candidate for the African Union Commission chairmanship, Raila Odinga, speaks during the launch of his bid at State House Nairobi on August 27, 2024. Francis Nderitu | Nation Media Group

Campaign secretariat

During the State House event, Dr Ruto launched Mr Odinga’s campaign secretariat, which will be jointly led by Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing’oei and former US Ambassador to the United States Elkanah Odembo.

Mr Odinga said that he was ready to serve Africa.

“My heart is ready, my hands are steady and with your support, I shall get the opportunity to be of service to Africa, the cradle of mankind. I am made in Eastern Africa for Africa,” he said.

He exuded confidence that he would win the seat in the first round of the elections.

Mr Odinga will contest against Djibouti Foreign Minister Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, former Mauritius Foreign Minister Anil Kumarsingh Gayan and Richard James Randriamandrato, a former Madagascar Foreign Minister.

Read: Youssouf: My pledge to Africa as AUC chair

Mr Odinga pledged to push for scrapping of visa for intra-Africa travel and removal of trade barriers as he spelled out his vision of a united continent characterised by peace and prosperity for all.

“As a lifelong Pan-Africanist, I will offer participatory leadership to ensure delivery on the priorities of the African people as envisioned in the African Union Agenda 2063,” he said.

“This is Africa’s century… We must harness our vast human and natural resources, and integrate the energy of our youth with the vision and wisdom of our leaders.”

Read: AUC top seat contenders face age-old problems

He added: “Kindly buy my vision, the charge is 34 plus votes in the first round. I particularly appeal to fellow East Africans, that we walk this journey together and go to Addis as a team in February 2025.”

Kenya’s Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, an arch-rival of Mr Odinga on Kenya’s political scene, described the launch as a “great moment for our country.”

“We are here to unveil Kenya’s finest to go and lead Africa. The people of Kenya have been united behind Raila to be AUC chair and Africa, our motherland deserves the best,” he said.

Read: Odinga AU ambitions halt his local moves

President Suluhu lauded Mr Odinga, saying “he is not only a wise statesman but one who can make a strong case for Africa”.

“With Raila Odinga, we envision an ever strong and growing Africa and the Republic of Tanzania assures Kenya of its for support. Tanzania says Baba anatosha achaguliwe (Raila fits the bill and should be elected).”


South Sudan President Salva Kiir arrives at State House Nairobi for the launch Kenyan candidate Raila Odinga’s bid for the African Union Commission (AU) chairmanship on August 27, 2024. Francis Nderitu | Nation Media Group

President Kiir said his presence in the country was to confirm South Sudan’s endorsement of Mr Odinga.

“As chairman of EAC, I strongly appeal to the region to rally behind Raila as the region’s candidate. Let us talk to our friends across the continent to enable Raila be the next chairman of African Union Commission,” he said.

Mr Museveni described Mr Odinga as a Pan-Africanist who is not just a job seeker but qualified for the post.

“He is the one to lead us in that big battle for prosperity and is the candidate who is fit for this job,” he said.


Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni speaks during the launch Raila Odinga’s bid for the African Union Commission (AU) chairmanship held at State House Nairobi on August 27, 2024. Francis Nderitu | Nation Media Group

He said he was glad that President Ruto, DP Gachagua and other Kenyan leaders had united for the sake of Mr Odinga’s candidacy.

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Tanzania: Mwinyi Awards Best Performing Students

Zanzibar — A total of sixty best performing students in Pemba Island who scored Division I in this year’s Form VI National Examination have been awarded undergraduate scholarships.

The announcement was made by President Hussein Mwinyi during a luncheon hosted at the State House at Pagali in Pemba for the best performing students in Form VI and Form IV national examinations for 2023/2024 academic year.

He said that the government will continue motivating students to work hard by awarding scholarships, laptops and money to those who score Division I “Because we want to eliminate failures and target to produce experts in different fields including science, technology and art.”

He said that currently when the country faces shortage of teachers for science subjects, the government will continue hiring teachers to fill the gaps.

Also read: Zanzibar records current account surplus

Regarding school infrastructure development, Dr Mwinyi said his government is already implementing its plan of building new primary and secondary schools, including renovating the old ones.

He expressed his happiness following the records that for the first time, Pemba has made history by eliminating Division Zero in the Form VI results this year.

According to the Zanzibar Minister for Education and Vocational Training, Ms Lela Mohamed Mussa, Form IV students who scored Division I are 175 and Form VI are 220, making a total of 395 students.

Escorted by their teachers the students attended a special luncheon event, where the minister promised to encourage parents, teachers and students to strengthen collaboration to maintain and improve students’ good performance.

Last year, during a ceremony to award best students President Mwinyi said that his government would continue to prioritise education due to its significance in development.

“We cannot execute development projects without enough experts; therefore, education must be priority number one,” Dr Mwinyi stressed.

He said the government will continue to build high rise buildings in primary and secondary school infrastructure to end the system in which students attend classes in shifts.

“We want one classroom to accommodate 45 students only.”

The president added that this year, the government expects to construct 2,000 additional classrooms and employ more teachers for Mathematics and Science subjects for secondary schools.

He also instructed the Ministry of Education to continue with school’s inspections programme so that teachers can follow the stipulated guidelines and teaching procedures carefully.


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Tanzania: Chief Secretary Kusiluka – Building Digital Economy Is a Collective Duty

On July 29, this year, President Samia Suluhu Hassan launched the Tanzania Digital Economy Strategic Framework.

The framework names the pillars of any digital economy as an enabling digital infrastructure, governance and enabling environment, digital literacy and skills development, digital innovation culture and enabling technologies, nurturing digital inclusion and accessibility and digital financial services. Correspondent PETER KEASI recently held an exclusive interview and briefly discussed the strategy with the Chief Secretary, Ambassador Dr Moses Kusiluka. The Chief Secretary said the government is encouraging the private sector to rise to all emerging opportunities. He said that since the framework has been launched by the president, all Tanzanians and people living in Tanzania, more so the youth, have the duty of building an economy driven by digital technologies and the internet…

QUESTION: Tanzania’s 10-year Digital Economic Strategic Framework was launched by President Samia Hassan on July 29, 2024, is that right?.

ANSWER: Correct. The president launched the strategy during the 15th meeting of the Tanzania National Business Council (TNBC). The meeting was held at the State House in Dar es Salaam.

QUESTION. But some people argue that not much light has been shed on this development of national importance. How do you, very briefly, describe the context of this strategy? How did it come about?

ANSWER: Tanzania belongs to a transformative world. I have had an opportunity in the recent past to state that the entire world is fast moving towards digital transformation. I said Tanzania cannot afford to remain behind. World economies of the future will be propelled and indeed economies are already being driven by digital technologies and the internet. That is why I said Tanzania cannot afford to remain behind.

That fact appreciated, we had to do some homework to achieve the goal of having Tanzania’s economy being part of that kind of emerging world economy. TNBC has working groups of experts that sits over identified subjects and come up with expert proposals or solutions. So the council appointed the TNBC Digital Transformation Working Group. It did a wonderful job. The working group drew Tanzania Digital Economic Strategic Framework that was finally adopted by the government. What I want to emphasise here is the fact that the government cooperated fully with the private sector in formulating this strategy. It adopted it and endorsed its use so that Tanzania can build a competitive economy.

This is the background against which the Tanzania Digital Economic Strategic Framework 2024-34 was conceived, adopted by the government and finally launched by President Samia Suluhu Hassan on July 29, 2024.

QUESTION: Can you, in simple terms, explain what a digital economy framework would mean in any country?

ANSWER: It would mean a theoretical design or model of principles of a digital economy. When you want to build a digital economy, you have to have a model to refer to. In the digital economy package, you will find on one side the Information Communications Technology (ICT) and on the other the digital media and the content on those media. The TNBC working group put it well to answer your question. It said a digital economy framework refers to a conceptual model or structure that describes the key components and principles of an economy driven by digital technologies and the internet.

One will realise that digital technologies and the internet are of paramount importance in driving a digital economy.

In our case, the digital economy framework outlines how Tanzania can harness the power of digital technologies to boost economic growth, create jobs and improve the lives of its citizens.

QUESTION: In a recent interview with journalists, you were emphatic about involvement of the Tanzanian youth in implementing the digital economic framework.

ANSWER: Yes I was. This framework is about transformation; it is about seeing our economy growing healthily, it is about unearthing job opportunities; in short, it is about improving lives of Tanzanians. Young people are the majority of Tanzanians; they need jobs. We need to have an economy that is creating jobs for them. That economy has to be a ticking economy. If you want to have a healthy, growing economy, majority of participants must be young people who are capable of using and benefiting from digital technologies and can use the internet. This is what we are saying. We are encouraging the private sector to rise to this opportunity, to harness the power of digital technologies so that our economy grows fast, in a healthy manner and it creates jobs for young people.

But young people are not expected to sit by, idle around and complain. They need support, alright, but they too have to rise to opportunities; they have an inescapable duty of searching for and using affordable digital literacy and digital technologies; they have to struggle to acquire requisite skills to be employable, employ themselves and creating jobs for others.

In short, we are saying the government has presented the framework and it is encouraging the private sector to rise to all emerging opportunities; the framework has now been launched by the president, all of us, more so the youth, have the duty of building an economy driven by digital technologies and the internet. This is important for us all.

QUESTION: The President’s Office, Local Government and Regional Administration (TAMISEMI), as a ministry, has a unique position in strengthening regional and district TNBC councils. We are told it is using its position positively to ensure TNBC councils promote robust businesses and investment. Is this what is happening on the ground?

ANSWER: Yes, because as you have said, TAMISEMI has a special position that can be used to strengthen TNBC councils at district and regional levels. The meeting adopted a resolution relating the urgent need and importance of strengthening our councils at those two levels.

QUESTION: What would you want to see being done to accommodate the urgency and the importance the TNBC meetings called for?

ANSWER: I would want to see many things done and in a better way. Meetings are of paramount importance. Councils must meet in a scheduled manner. Every district, every region is unique in its own way. The kind of businesses and investment opportunities in one district are different from those you find in the next district or next region. So investment and business challenges in districts and regions can be best addressed right there in TNBC meetings that bring together representatives of private and public sectors. I would want to see one stop centres established, in all districts, to serve the private sector. I would like to see by-laws that are friendly to and promote businesses in every district. Nuisance by-laws do not promote doing business; they undermine investment efforts. It is not only important to have stable and predictable policies and laws at national level, but it is also important to have by-laws in districts that serve our central national mission.

I would like to see TAMISEMI encouraging every district and every region to work towards getting the annual presidential award. The award is given to a region that has done well in creating a helpful and favourable environment for doing business and in attracting investments. The award is a big honour to a recipient region.

ALSO READ: Youth key players in digital economy, says Dr Kusiluka

I would like to see TAMISEMI helping regions and districts which have underperformed in creating conducive environment for doing business and attracting investments. This can be done by way of appropriate facilitation: giving training and requisite resources to leaders of our TNBC councils so that they can perform their duties efficiently. Maybe there is a need now for exploring ways of punishing underperforming regional and district leaders on this particular issue.

I would like to see all districts and regions being enabled by TAMISEMI to provide online services in order to cut down the cost of doing business. Similarly, I would like to see digital collection of revenue from the private sector in all districts and regions.

I would like to see robust cross-border trade in border districts and regions. It is in our national interest to eliminate all obstacles to healthy cross-border trade. We need to increase exports and earn foreign currency. We shall succeed by reducing permit application costs, licence rates and by building strategic border markets.

In November 2019, TNBC published an interesting study report titled ‘Best Practices and Lesson from Regional and District Level Public Private Dialogues’. This publication is still very relevant and important for all of us to read.

QUESTION: You underscore the need for increased exports in order to increase foreign currency. Ports are important in increasing exports?

ANSWER: That is correct. The meeting called for proper supervision relating to consolidation and de-consolidation in our ports.

QUESTION: Was there a resolution on tax administration and laws relating to incentives between Zanzibar and Mainland?

ANSWER: There was one. It called for having fresh look on the two aspects and remove hindrances.

QUESTION: What did the meeting say on tourism?

ANSWER: The meeting called for diversification of tourism products. It also called for a convincing strategy that will help Tanzania promote coastal tourism. It also called for promotion of southern circuit tourism.


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East Africa: Tanzania, Japan for Stronger Ties

East Africa: Tanzania, Japan for Stronger Ties

Tanzania and Japan have agreed to continue working closely to strengthen their existing relationship and cooperation for mutual benefits.

The two countries reached the agreement during a bilateral meeting held between the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, Cosato Chumi and the Deputy State Minister of Japan Kyoto Tsuji, at his office in Tokyo.

The two leaders agreed to continue working closely to strengthen the existing bilateral relationship and cooperation for the mutual benefits.

Also read: Sacred diplomacy: Tanzania, Vatican diplomatic future

Speaking during the meeting, Chumi expressed his gratitude to the Japanese government for its contribution to the Tanzania’s development in various sectors, including infrastructure, investment, education and health.

He said Tanzania is committed to increasing trade and investment levels between the two countries, thereby fostering economic and social development for the mutual benefits.

In response, Tsuji reaffirmed Japan’s readiness to continue collaborating with Tanzania and strengthening the existing relations for the benefit of both nations, adding that Japan would continue to partner with Tanzania and other African countries so as to expand trade with the African continent to help and facilitate development in the continent.

Chumi is in Japan to attend the 9th Ministerial level of Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) that started yesterday and ends today in Tokyo.


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Tanzania: Exim to Raise Fund for Mental Health Facilities Upgrades

Tanzania: Exim to Raise Fund for Mental Health Facilities Upgrades

EXIM Bank to raise 300m/- over the next three years for financing essential services and infrastructure upgrades in mental health facilities.

The bank’s Head of Marketing and Communications Stanley Kafu unveiled this when introducing Exim Bima Festival 2024 as a platform for bringing together individuals, organisations and various sectors for raising the funds.

“Exim’s initiative aligns with the government’s broader goals to ensure that every citizen has access to quality healthcare, including mental health services,” he said.

The initiative, which is one of the events for celebrating the bank’s 27th anniversary is scheduled for Wednesday this week in Dar es Salaam.

Mr Kafu highlights that this year’s festival is not only about raising awareness of the importance of insurance in the society but also focuses on enhancing access to mental health services and improving the overall well-being of the nation.

Statistics from the Ministry of Health shows a staggering 82 per cent increase in mental health cases over the past decade.

Mental cases have risen from 386,358 in 2012 to 2,102,726 in 2021, making the need for mental health services more urgent than ever.

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Unfortunately, the country’s ability to address this growing challenge is hindered by a shortage of mental health professionals, infrastructure, medical equipment and essential medication.

For example, out of the 28 regions in the country, only five have facilities that provide adequate mental health services.

The most affected group is the youth aged 15 to 39, who represent the nation’s workforce, underscoring the need for intensified efforts to safeguard this generation for Tanzania’s future well-being and development.

Mr Kafu said by improving mental health services, Exim aims to contribute to the creation of a network of communities that can access care quickly and affordably.

Exim Insurance Department Manager Tike Mwakyoma said they are appreciating the support from partners in the insurance industry, who have stood by them since the last festival.

“Let’s continue this unity for the development of all Tanzanians and our nation as a whole,” the manager said.


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Malawi: Maize Prices in Kenya and Malawi Have Soared, but Tanzania’s Haven’t – Economists Explain Why

For more than a year maize prices in Kenya and Malawi have been much higher compared with other countries in the east and southern Africa (ESA) region.

Several factors explain this.

In Malawi, high fertiliser prices which resulted in lower fertiliser usage affected maize supply. This was compounded by adverse weather and trade bans, leading to lower-than-usual production.

In Kenya, high maize prices have been driven up by excessive margins. Sellers are charging prices that are more than the import parity price – the maize price from surplus producing countries, plus transport costs for importing into Kenya.

This is particularly concerning for a country with about 1.2 million of the population facing acute food insecurity.

We are economists at the African Market Observatory, which monitors prices of staple foods and conducts research on market dynamics, including market concentration and barriers to entry, within and across countries in ESA. The analysis is complemented through in-depth field work.

Maize grain prices in selected east and southern African countries (Fig 1)

Maize is the leading staple food in the region. It is commonly traded across borders to meet overall regional demand. Tanzania is the leading producer of non-genetically modified maize and exports to other countries in the region. Since 2023, Tanzania has become an important source of maize exports to the region with bumper harvests due to above average rainfall.

Malawi generally produces enough to meet its requirements while Kenya has consistently been a net importer of maize due to the large population.

If maize markets were working well, the prices in both Kenya and Malawi would consistently reflect the prevailing prices in surplus-producing countries in the region, such as Tanzania, in 2023 and 2024. Competition authorities should take a regional approach to ensure that markets are working well in terms of pricing and trade.

This would entail monitoring markets, assessing barriers to regional trade, and intervening in cases of anti-competitive conduct.

Malawi’s poor harvest

Malawi is typically able to exceed its annual maize requirements of around 3.1 million tonnes. But the country had a poor harvest in 2023. This has been linked to low fertiliser supplies and use in 2022.

The use of fertiliser increases the amount of crop harvested per area of land (crop yield). In May 2022, there was a significant increase in the prices of fertiliser (such as urea) in Malawi due to supply shocks that increased prices across the world. The world prices subsequently declined while fertiliser prices in Malawi remained high, and in general fertiliser prices in the country have been higher than in its neighbouring countries. When compared with five other countries in the region (including Zambia and Kenya), Malawi had the highest fertiliser prices and mark-ups.

Faced with high prices, farmers bought less fertiliser. Fertiliser imports in 2022 were around half of the 2021 volumes (Figure 2).

Delays in fertiliser procurement through Malawi’s Affordable Input Programme added to the problem. The government programme typically provides 250,000 tonnes of fertiliser on a subsidised basis to 2.5 million households.

Some parts of Malawi were hit by Cyclone Freddy in March 2023. But this only affected 440,000 acres (178,061 hectares) of crops. By our estimates, this accounted for about 10% of the overall crop production area.

This means that much of the poor harvest in 2023 was linked to low fertiliser usage.

Malawi fertiliser imports, by year (Fig 2)

Tanzania, for its part, has had a good harvest with an estimated 4 million tonnes of excess maize this year. This is seven times the projected import requirements for Malawi in 2024 and is enough to cover the region’s overall deficit.

If regional markets were working as they should, the price of maize in Malawi would be equal to the price (plus associated import costs) at which maize would be bought from Tanzania. We estimate the import parity price was US$265 per tonne at June 2024 prices. Maize was selling in Malawi for US$433 per tonne, giving a difference of US$168, which is an extra charge, or “excess margin”, of 63%.

The maize price in Malawi is much higher than it would have been had there been normal trading between the two countries.

Kenyan maize dynamics

Kenya’s maize production between 2020 and 2022 averaged almost 3.4 million tonnes per year. To meet its 4 million tonne annual consumption, it has been a net importer of maize.

Kenya imports maize from Tanzania and other countries in the region, including Uganda and Zambia. For instance, in 2023, about 43% (219,260 tonnes) (ITC Trademap)of Kenya’s total maize imports were from Tanzania.

Considering this, Kenya’s maize prices should be similar – that is at import parity levels – to those of its trading partners. But maize prices in Kenya have been much higher than in the rest of the region.

From January 2023 to April 2024 (Figure 3), Kenya’s prices have been marked up substantially above the cost of importing maize from the south-west of Tanzania, which is the maize producing region. In the same period, Kenya’s average price was US$624 per tonne. We calculate the average import parity price as US$359, resulting in average excess margins of about 82% between January 2023 and April 2024.

Kenya’s maize prices (Fig 3)

Most recently, Kenya’s maize price almost halved from over US$600 per tonne in April 2024 to US$315 in May 2024, before increasing to US$374 in June 2024.

This maize price is still above the import parity price from Tanzania at around US$249, meaning that the maize price in Kenya has a 50% excess margin. Overall, Tanzania’s maize prices have been declining since the harvest in April 2023 due to bumper production in 2023 and 2024.

The sharp decline in Kenyan maize prices was likely due to imports from neighbouring countries (such as Tanzania and Uganda) and maize coming on the market that was being hoarded by producers in the hopes of selling maize at higher prices.

This further highlights that maize markets in Kenya are not working well because producers have the ability to distort prices by restricting supply.

The dysfunctional regional markets allow traders and producers to continue to charge higher prices for maize in Kenya. In well functioning regional markets, cheaper maize from neighbouring countries would drive down maize prices in Kenya.

Maize markets in Malawi and Kenya are dysfunctional

Markets in Kenya and Malawi are characterised by excessive margins and high prices for maize and key inputs used in the production of maize. This is made worse by regional markets not working well in terms of pricing and trade.

This requires competition authorities to take a regional approach to monitoring markets and assessing barriers to regional trade and intervene in cases of anti-competitive conduct.

Namhla Landani, Economist at the Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development, University of Johannesburg

Arthur Khomotso Mahuma, Economist and Researcher at the Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development, University of Johannesburg


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