Rufaa ya Mbowe yatupwa siku 910 tangu afutiwe shitaka la ugaidi

Dar es Salaam. Mahakama ya Rufani Tanzania imetupa rufaa iliyokatwa na Freeman Mbowe, ambaye pia ni Mwenyekiti wa Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema), akipinga uamuzi wa Jaji Irvin Mgetta.

Hukumu hiyo ya jopo la majaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani Tanzania, imetolewa zikiwa zimepita siku 910 tangu Mbowe na wenzake watatu wafutiwe mashitaka ya ugaidi na Mahakama Kuu Machi 4, 2022.

Hukumu hiyo imetolewa Agosti 30, 2024 na jopo la majaji Lugano Mwandambo, Issa Maige na Amour Khamis, ambao walikubaliana na uamuzi wa Jaji Mgetta wa Septemba 23, 2021 wa kutupa pingamizi la Mbowe.

Kiini cha rufaa hiyo ni kesi ya ugaidi ya mwaka 2021 ambayo Mbowe na wenzake watatu walishitakiwa kwa makosa mawili, moja la kula njema ya kutenda kosa la ugaidi, na la pili ni kutoa fedha kwa lengo la kufadhili vitendo vya ugaidi.

Hata hivyo, Machi 4, 2022, Mkurugenzi wa Mashitaka nchini (DPP), alimfutia Mbowe na wenzake Halfan Hassan, Adamu Kusekwa na Mohamed Ling’wenya, mashitaka ya uhujumu uchumi na kuwaachia huru.

Msingi wa rufaa hiyo siyo uamuzi wa Jaji Joachim Tiganga wa Mahakama Kuu Divisheni ya Makosa ya Rushwa na Uhujumu Uchumi kuifuta kesi hiyo, bali uamuzi mdogo wa Jaji Mgetta katika shauri hilo, wakati kesi ikiwa hatua za mwanzo.

Mbowe alikata rufaa dhidi ya uamuzi wa Jaji Mgetta aliyetupa pingamizi lake, moja akidai polisi hawakumfikisha mahakamani ndani ya saa 48, alipokamatwa na kushitakiwa kwa makosa ya ugaidi na wenzake watatu.

Hoja ya pili ya Mbowe ni wajibu rufaa katika rufaa hiyo ambao ni DPP, Inspekta Jenerali wa Polisi (IGP) na Mwanasheria Mkuu wa Serikali (AG), kutompatia hati ya mashitaka na fursa ya kupata wakili wa kumtetea kortini.

Pingamizi lilivyokuwa

Kwa mujibu wa kumbukumbu za Mahakama Kuu kuhusu pingamizi la Mbowe ambazo majaji wa Mahakama ya Rufani wamezirejea, Mbowe alidai Julai 21, 2021 kwa amri ya IGP alikamatwa na Polisi akiwa jijini Mwanza.

Julai 26, 2021 ikiwa ni baada ya kupita siku sita tangu alipokamatwa alifikishwa katika Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi Kisutu jijini Dar es Salaam kwa makosa mawili ambayo ni kula njama ya kutenda kosa la ugaidi na kufadhili vitendo vya ugaidi.

Akishuku haki zake za msingi zimekiukwa, Mbowe aliwasilisha maombi Mahakama Kuu akiegemea ibara ya 30(3) na (4) ya Katiba ya Tanzania akitaka Mahakama itamke DPP, IGP na Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi walikiuka haki zake za msingi.

Katika hoja ya kwanza, Mbowe aliwashutumu DPP na IGP kwa kushindwa kumfikisha kortini ndani ya saa 48 na kwamba, licha ya kukamatwa Julai 21, 2021, wajibu rufaa walimfikisha kortini Julai 26, 2021 ambayo ni siku sita.

Kutokana na kitendo hicho, mrufani (Mbowe) anadai akiwa mahabusu, wajibu rufaa walimtendea vitendo visivyo vya kibinadamu na kufikia hatua ya kulazwa kwenye sakafu ya zege na kutolewa maneno au kauli za unyanyasaji.

Katika hoja ya pili, Mbowe alilaumu Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi kwa kukiuka vifungu vya 29(2) na (3) vya Sheria ya Uhujumu Uchumi na kifungu cha 131 cha Sheria ya Mwenendo wa Makosa ya Jinai (CPA) kama kilivyofanyiwa marejeo 2019.

Alijenga msingi wa pingamizi hilo kuwa wajibu rufaa hawakumpa nakala ya hati ya mashitaka na hakupata uwakilishi wa wakili alipofikishwa mahakamani mbele ya Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi Kisutu.

Katika kiapo cha majibu, wajibu rufaa walikana kukiuka haki za msingi za mrufani na wakaenda mbali zaidi na kuwasilisha notisi ya pingamizi la awali wakihoji uhalali wa maombi, wakisema kesi ya msingi ilikuwa kortini.

Jaji Mgetta aliyesikiliza pingamizi hilo, alikubaliana na wajibu rufaa akisema wakati huo kulikuwa na mwenendo wa shauri la jinai mahakamani, Mbowe akishitakiwa kwa makosa ambayo ndiyo kiini cha amri ambazo anaziomba.

“Nina mtazamo kuwa muombaji angeweza kutumia fursa ya kuibua madai hayo huko (Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi Kisutu),” alisema.

Jaji Mgetta alisema Mbowe anafanya mahakama iingilie mchakato wa kesi ya jinai inayoendelea.

“Kwa hiyo katika mazingira hayo, nimeridhika kuwa Mahakama hii haina mamlaka ya kushughulikia madai yaliyowasilishwa na muombaji (Mbowe) ambaye angeweza kuwasilisha madai yake katika Mahakama inayosikiliza (Kisutu)”

Kutokana na hoja hizo, Jaji Mgetta alitupa pingamizi la Mbowe ambaye hakuridhika akaamua kukata rufaa Mahakama ya Rufani, akiiomba ibatilishe na kufuta amri ya Jaji Mgetta na kuiamuru Mahakama Kuu isikilize pingamizi.

Wakili Kibatala, wanasheria

Wakati shauri la rufaa lilipoitwa mbele ya jopo la majaji watatu kwa ajili ya kusikilizwa, Mbowe aliwakilishwa na wakili Peter Kibatala, wajibu maombi wakiwakilishwa na mawakili wa Serikali, Daniel Nyakiha na Getrude Songo.

Katika hoja zake, Kibatala alieleza kwa kuwa nafuu inayoombwa na mteja wake inahusu Katiba, isingewezekana ishughulikiwe na Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi Kisutu ambayo mamlaka yake ni kuangalia hatia ya mshitakiwa.

Wakili Kibatala alisisitiza kuwa, mamlaka ya kusikiliza suala la kikatiba limewekwa pekee kwa Mahakama Kuu ambayo itakaa kwa madhumuni hayo na ni jambo lisilowezekana kwa suala la kikatiba kushughulikiwa na mahakama ya jinai.

Akijibu hoja hiyo, wakili Nyakiha alisema kwa kuwa malalamiko ya mrufani katika Mahakama Kuu ni kuhusiana na madai ya ukiukwaji wa taratibu katika utoaji haki, basi lingepaswa kushughulikiwa kwa mapitio ya mahakama.

Wakili Kibatala katika hoja ya kujazilia alisema nafuu inayoombwa na mteja wake kwa uasili wake, haiwezi kushughulikiwa kwa njia ya mapitio ya mahakama na kwamba, hoja mbele yao ni ya kikatiba ya matendo ya DPP na IGP.

Hukumu ya majaji

Kwa kuanzia, majaji waliosikiliza rufaa hiyo walianza kwa kuelezea Ibara ya 30(3) ya Katiba ambayo inatoa haki kwa mtu yeyote anayedai kifungu chochote cha ibara ya 13 hadi 29 ya Katiba imevunjwa, atawasilisha maombi Mahakama Kuu.

Wakirejea kesi ya mchungaji Christopher Mtikila dhidi ya AG, walisema nafuu inaweza kutolewa katika shauri linalohusu haki za msingi na wajibu upo katika Ibara ya 30(4(5) ya Katiba ambayo imefafanuliwa katika kifungu cha 31(1) cha Sheria ya Haki za Msingi na utekelezaji wa wajibu au kwa kifupi Bradea.

Kifungu hicho kinaeleza wakati wa kufanya maamuzi ya shauri lolote na kama Mahakama Kuu inafikia hitimisho haki za msingi, uhuru na wajibu ulizuiwa kinyume cha sheria, ina mamlaka ya kutoa amri yoyote ili kulinda haki hizo.

Hata hivyo, majaji walisema kifungu cha 8(2) cha Bradea, kinaeleza maombi kuhusu kukiukwa kwa Ibara ya Katiba chini ya sehemu ya II haiwezi kusimama pale mtu huyo anapokuwa na fursa ya kushughulikia ukiukwaji huo wa Katiba.

Majaji walisema, ieleweke kwamba madai ya mrufani yanahusiana na kukiukwa kwa taratibu za sheria ya uhujumu uchumi na CPA ambayo yanataka kulindwa kwa haki za msingi ambazo zimetamkwa na ibara ya 13 ya Katiba.

Kwa mtizamo wa majaji na kwa lengo la kupima jukwaa sahihi la kushughulikia hoja hizo, ni vyema kutofautisha kati ya matendo ambayo ni batili kisheria na yale ambayo yanahusu ukiukwaji wa Katiba ya Tanzania moja kwa moja.

“Tunasema hivyo kwa sababu katika nchi kama ya kwetu ambayo inaongozwa kwa utawala wa sheria na Katiba, kitendo chochote cha vyombo vya Serikali lazima kiwe na msingi katika Katiba,” inaeleza hukumu ya majaji hao na kuongeza:

“Ikiwa hii inachukuliwa halisi, inaweza kumaanisha kuwa kila ukiukwaji wa sheria unasababisha mapitio ya katiba ili kuchukua hatua na hii itafanya mamlaka ya mapitio ya Katiba kuwa sawa tu na mamlaka za jumla za mahakama.”

Majaji walisema dhamira ya watunga sheria ilikuwa ni mamlaka ya mapitio ya Katiba ni mamlaka maalumu kwa ajili ya masuala ya Katiba tu na kufafanua kuwa matendo yanayolalamikiwa yanadaiwa kutokea kabla na baada ya kufikishwa kortini.

“Kwa hiyo ni wazi matendo hayo ambayo yanadaiwa kufanyika kabla ya mrufani kupelekwa mahakamani na yanaweza kuwa tayari yalimuathiri na yangeweza yasishughulikiwe na mahakama ya jinai,” wameeleza.

“Vyovyote iwavyo, kwa kuwa kinacholalamikiwa kutendeka kinakatazwa na sheria, kama kitathibitishwa, basi ni matumizi mabaya ya mamlaka kiasi kwamba yanakiuka sheria ambayo yanaweza kushughulikiwa na mapitio ya mahakama,” wameeleza majaji katika hukumu.

Kwa mujibu wa majaji hao, lengo hilo la mapitio ya kimahakama ni kusimamia watunga sheria na watawala pale wanapozidisha matumizi ya mamlaka yao yaliyoainishwa kwa mujibu wa sheria zilizotungwa na Bunge.

Walisema madai ya mrufani ni ya kunyimwa nakala ya hati ya mashitaka na kutokupewa fursa ya kutafuta wakili, madai ambayo yangeweza kushughulikiwa na sheria za kawaida hivyo Jaji Mgetta alikuwa sahihi kutupa pingamizi la Mbowe.Continue Reading

Britam half-year net profit hits Sh2bn on higher investment income

Insurer and financial services provider Britam posted a 22.5 percent jump in net earnings for the half-year ended June 2024, to Sh2 billion, buoyed by increased investment income.

The rise in half-year net profit from Sh1.64 billion posted in a similar period last year came on the back of net investment income rising 2.5 times to Sh13.27 billion from Sh5.3 billion.

“We are confident in the growth and performance trend that Britam has achieved, supported by its subsidiaries in Kenya and the region. Our business is expanding its revenue base while effectively managing costs,” Britam Chief Executive Officer Tom Gitogo said.

“Our customer-centric approach is fueling growth in our customer base and product uptake, particularly through micro-insurance, partnerships, and digital channels.”

The investment income growth was fueled by interest and dividend income rising 34 percent to Sh9.1 billion, which the insurer attributed to growth in revenue and the gains from the realignment of the group’s investment portfolio.

Britam also booked a Sh3.79 billion gain on financial assets at a fair value, compared with a Sh1.8 billion loss posted in a similar period last year.

The increased investment income helped offset the 12.7 percent decline in net insurance service result to Sh2.13 billion in the wake of claims paid out rising at a faster pace than that of premiums received.

Britam said insurance revenue, which is money from written premiums, increased to Sh17.8 billion from Sh16.6 billion, primarily driven by growth in the Kenya insurance business and regional general insurance businesses, which contributed 30 percent of the revenue.

The group has a presence in seven countries in Africa namely Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Sudan, Mozambique, and Malawi.

Britam’s insurance service expense hit Sh13.6 billion from Sh11.3 billion, while net insurance finance expenses rose 2.6 times to Sh12.3 billion during the same period.

“Net insurance finance expenses increased mainly due to growth in interest cost for the deposit administration business driven by better investment performance. This has also been impacted by a decline in the yield curve, which has led to an increase in the insurance contract liabilities. The increase has been offset by a matching increase in fair value gain on assets,” said Britam.

Britam’s growth in profit is in line with that of other Nairobi Securities Exchange-listed insurers, which have seen a rise in profits.

Jubilee Holdings net profit in the six months increased by 22.7 percent to Sh2.5 billion on increased income from insurance, helping the insurer maintain Sh2 per share interim dividend.

CIC Insurance Group posted a 0.64 percent rise in net profit to Sh709.99 million in the same period as net earnings of Liberty Kenya nearly tripled to Sh632 million from Sh213 million, while Sanlam Kenya emerged from a loss to post a Sh282.2 million net profit.

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Tanzania: Samia Suluhu Hassan Confers Medals As TPDF Marks 60th Anniversary

PRESIDENT Samia Suluhu Hassan, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, has awarded medals to 15 military officers and soldiers for their distinguished service during the celebration to mark the 60th anniversary of the Tanzania People’s Defence Force (TPDF).

The medals were conferred yesterday during a brief ceremony at Magogoni State House in Dar es Salaam.

Among the award recipients were General Jacob Mkunda, Lieutenant General Salum Haji Othman, Major General Amri Salim Mwami, Major General Fadhili Omari Nondo and Rear Admiral Amiri Ramadhan Hassan.

Other honorees included Major General Jackson Mwasoba, Brigadier General Achila Kagombola, Brigadier General Erick Mlewa, Colonel Kizito Mswada, Colonel Mussa Hamimu Ally, Major Laji Temba, Lieutenant Navy Silvia Lolo, Senior Officer First Class Reginard Kadimba, Corporal Judith Ndekela and Private Selemani Mngoni.

The medals symbolise recognition of the officers’ exceptional service and dedication within the TPDF.

The 60th anniversary of the TPDF not only commemorates its history but also reinforces the critical role of a strong defence force in safeguarding Tanzania’s future.

The ceremony was attended by senior military officials and distinguished guests, including former President Jakaya Kikwete, Zanzibar President Dr Hussein Mwinyi, Vice-President Dr Philip Mpango, former Zanzibar President Amani Abeid Karume, Zanzibar Second Vice-President Hemed Suleiman Abdulla, Chief Justice Professor Ibrahim Juma and Deputy Speaker Mussa Zungu.

ALSO READ: Samia orders TR to assess institutions and companies

In another ceremony on Wednesday, President Samia handed over training aircraft and transport buses to the TPDF during an event at the Military Transport Unit in Dar es Salaam as part of the ongoing anniversary celebrations.

During the conclusion of a military field exercise last Saturday in the Coast Region, President Samia pledged to continue strengthening the TPDF with highly trained personnel and modern equipment, emphasising the importance of building a professional and motivated military.

“A stronger military will be achieved through genuine commitment, dedication and a robust economy,” she was quoted as saying, urging the military to uphold discipline, loyalty, and courage as key values of the TPDF.

The President also lauded the TPDF for its exemplary service both within Tanzania and globally, praising its professionalism and discipline.

In her remarks, President Samia thanked the Chinese government for its collaboration during the recent field exercises, which included naval and land drills.

During the event held in the Coast Region, the Head of State also highlighted the Peace Ark hospital ship, which provided medical services to nearly 8,000 citizens, underscoring the importance of such partnerships in enhancing military readiness.

This joint exercise allowed the TPDF to share experiences and strategies in combating terrorism, illegal fishing, piracy, human trafficking and drug smuggling.

It marked the fourth joint exercise between Tanzania and China, following similar drills held in 2014, 2019/2020 and last September.

This year’s exercise was unique, as it involved all branches of the TPDF – air force, navy and ground forces – whereas previous drills had focused on specific units.


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Tanzania: U.S. Set to Extend African Railway Project Through Tanzania

Nairobi, Kenya — The U.S. government says it is set to expand the Lobito Corridor – a railway project that runs from Angola to Zambia through the Democratic Republic of the Congo – all the way to the Indian Ocean through Tanzania. The railway would connect African countries to global markets and enhance regional trade and economic growth, supporters say.

Speaking to reporters online Wednesday, Helaina Matza, the U.S. acting special coordinator for the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, spoke about progress made on upgrading and extending the Lobito Corridor.

Matza, who just finished a weeklong trip to the DRC and Tanzania, said the trip focused on “relaunching our partnership with the DRC and engaging with the Tanzanian government and private sector on next steps towards extending the economic corridor to the Indian Ocean. As President [Joe] Biden has said from day one of the launch of this flagship effort, this corridor has never just been about building infrastructure. It’s about offering high-quality, sustainable infrastructure projects that deliver lasting economic growth.”

The U.S. government, with the support of the European Union, African financial institutions, and the governments of Angola, the DRC and Zambia, is working to rebuild and revive the Benguela railway line that the countries used to export materials and minerals even before independence.

The project will be financed by $250 million supplied by the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation.

U.S. officials say the improved railway line is meant to enhance export possibilities for Angola, the DRC and Zambia. The partly refurbished railway has already carried shipments of Congolese copper to Angola’s Lobito port for shipment to the city of Baltimore on the U.S. East Coast.

Erastus Mwencha, former deputy chairperson of the African Union Commission, said transport systems like the Lobito Corridor can help improve trade among African countries.

“One of the reasons intra-Africa trade is low is because of poor transport networks,” Mwencha said, adding that goods can sometimes be brought from Europe to Africa at more competitive rates than goods being moved from one African country to another.

But Mwencha is worried that the ports and railways used to export Africa’s raw materials remain largely the same as they were during colonial times, and that Africa is also still operating on a colonial-era business model.

“Are we going to follow the colonial model of just bringing these raw materials and minerals and exporting them, or are we going to add value?” he said. “To me, that’s the more important aspect.”

Studies show that a poor transportation network in Africa adds 30 percent to 40 percent to the cost of goods traded among African countries, hampering the development of the private sector.

Matza said the Lobito project would benefit not only the U.S. but also African countries and would facilitate business on the continent.

“When you bring trade routes down from 45 days to 36 hours,” she said, “it opens up a whole new world for markets, and that’s what we’re testing here today: How can we help new agribusiness develop? What are the right places to think about cold storage, warehousing, logistics? What local food producers can we help support along the way?”

In addition to refurbishing existing lines, the project envisions adding 1,300 kilometers of railway from Zambia to Tanzania. The project is slated to be finished by 2029.


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Baloobhai adds Sh474m Bamburi shareholding

Billionaire investor Baloobhai Patel and Standard Investment Bank’s Mansa X Fund bought 10.23 million Bamburi shares in July in the wake of Tanzanian conglomerate Amsons Group’s buyout offer of the cement maker, eyeing capital gains and a potential special dividend payout.

Amsons offer triggered a rise in the trading price of Bamburi shares on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) —from Sh45 to an average of Sh62 since the July 10 publication of the firm’s offer documents.

The Tanzanian firm offered to buy the shares at Sh65 each —or Sh23.59 billion in total— hoping that the premium would entice shareholders to look at its bid favourably.

On Wednesday, Bamburi shareholders received a counteroffer from Kenyan firm Savannah Clinker Limited at a price of Sh70 per share, or Sh25.41 billion in total. The Bamburi share price closed at Sh65.75 on Wednesday.

Amsons filings showed that Mr Patel, through his investment vehicle Aksaya Investment Holdings Limited, held 30.52 million Bamburi shares as at June 30, 2024, equivalent to an 8.41 percent stake in the company.

The acquisition notice published by Savannah shows that by July 31, his stake had climbed to 37.73 million shares, indicating an acquisition of an additional 7.21 million shares during July.

As per Wednesday’s closing price, the additional stake is valued at Sh474 million, with his total holding now valued at Sh2.48 billion.
His share in the company has now more than doubled since the beginning of the year, when he held 14.96 million units.

The filings by Savannah also show that SIB’s Mansa X Fund now holds 3.02 million Bamburi shares, with a current value of Sh198.9 million. The fund was not listed among Bamburi’s top 10 shareholders in the June 30 register.

The shares acquired by Mr Patel and Mansa X were mainly supplied by retail investors, whose collective stake in Bamburi dropped by 8.2 million shares in July to 32.72 million units.

NSE data shows that between July 10 and July 31, investors traded a total of 10.23 million Bamburi shares.

The price increase when the Amsons offer was disclosed provided an incentive for retail shareholders to cash in on their stock, especially when the NSE market price nearly matched the offer price.

The price appreciation effectively gave investors a chance to book their offer profit early without waiting for the conclusion of the Amsons deal, whose timelines are dependent on regulatory approval with a long-stop date of November 2025.

For those buying the shares, the incentive lay in the potential of further capital gains upon the progression of the deal, with the counteroffer now opening an additional avenue for further hikes in the offer price as the parties compete to convince shareholders to favour their deal.

Bamburi shareholders are also eyeing a potential special dividend from the Sh12 billion sale of the company’s stake in its Ugandan subsidiary Hima Cement earlier this year.

Both the Amsons and Savannah offers acknowledge the right of the existing shareholders to receive the special dividend if and when it is announced by Bamburi.

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Tanzania’s Faustine Ndugulile elected WHO Africa Regional Director


Dr Faustine Ndugulile of Tanzania was elected as the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Regional Director for Africa on Tuesday at the ongoing session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa in Brazzaville, Congo.

He received 25 out of 46 votes, defeating candidates from Rwanda, Niger and Senegal. He was supported by 25 African countries, including Kenya.

A former deputy minister of Health in Tanzania, Dr Ndugulile will succeed Dr Matshidiso Rebecca Moeti of Botswana, whose two five-year terms end at the session.

Dr Ndugulile, a medical doctor specialising in microbiology, has extensive experience in public health.

Read: Tanzania speaker to lead global parliamentary body

In his campaigns for the position, he said his priorities include transforming African health systems to achieve universal health coverage, improving maternal and child health and strengthening health security, innovation and research.


“My candidacy represents a collective effort to transform the health landscape of Africa. By prioritising universal health coverage, maternal and child health,” he had told The EastAfrican earlier.

He also said he would aim at strengthening partnerships between African governments and health institutions.

Dr Ndugulile emphasised the need to improve the service index for universal health coverage, which remains below 50 percent in many African countries.

Dr Ndugulile is currently the Member of Parliament for Kigamboni Constituency in Dar es Salaam and serves as Vice-Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Health and HIV/AIDS in Tanzania, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and NEAPACOH.

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Africa: Tanzania’s Dr Faustine Engelbert Ndugulile Tapped for WHO Africa Leadership

Africa: Tanzania’s Dr Faustine Engelbert Ndugulile Tapped for WHO Africa Leadership

Brazzaville — Dr Faustine Engelbert Ndugulile has been nominated as the next Regional Director for the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region, taking the reins from Dr Matshidiso Moeti, who has served two five-year terms at the helm.

African Member States voted to nominate Dr Ndugulile during the Seventy-fourth session of the WHO Regional Committee for Africa, held in Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo. Other candidates were Dr Boureima Hama Sambo (proposed by Niger,) Dr Ibrahima Socé Fall (proposed by Senegal) and Dr Richard Mihigo (proposed by Rwanda).

Dr Ndugulile’s nomination will be submitted for appointment by the 156th session of the WHO Executive Board, which takes place in February 2025 in Geneva, Switzerland. The newly appointed Regional Director will take office thereafter for a five-year term and be eligible for reappointment once.

In his acceptance remarks, Dr Ndugulile expressed commitment to advancing health of the people of the region. “I’m truly honoured and humbled to be elected to the position of WHO Regional Director for Africa. I thank Member States for the trust shown in me. I promise to work with you and I believe that together we can build a healthier Africa,” said Dr Ndugulile.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, congratulated Dr Ndugulile on his election as Regional Director for Africa, and praised Dr Sambo, Dr Fall and Dr Mihigo on their campaigns.

“Dr Ndugulile has earned the confidence and trust of the Member States of the region to be elected the next Regional Director for WHO Africa. This is a great privilege, and a very great responsibility,” said Dr Tedros. “I and the entire WHO family in Africa and around the world will support you every step of the way.”

Dr Tedros also thanked Dr Moeti, the outgoing WHO Regional Director, for 10 years of commitment and excellence in service of the countries and people of Africa.

“I thank my sister Dr Moeti for everything she has done for the health of the people of Africa, but also for who she is,” said Dr Tedros. “I thank her for the example she has set, and the legacy she has left.”

Dr Moeti congratulated Dr Ndugulile and wished him success. “I would like to congratulate you for being elected as the Regional Director for Africa. This is an extremely fulfilling role. Despite the many challenges, I know you will take the baton and go on to accelerate the gains already made, putting the health and well-being of the people of Africa at the centre,” said Dr Moeti.


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