Fears of missed deadline as Tanzania drags feet on EAC road project



Lack of funds for construction, delays in land acquisition and compensation are among factors cited for expected delays in the completion of a major East African Community Road project, which was billed to boost logistics on the bloc, linking its two main transport corridors.

The $751 million Coastline Transnational Highway project, conceived over a decade ago, covers Bagamoyo-Tanga-Horo Horo on the Tanzania side and Lunga Lunga-Mombasa-Mtwapa-Malindi on the Kenyan side.

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Makonda aagiza jengo la abiria Uwanja wa Ndege Arusha likamilike haraka

Arusha. Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Arusha, Paul Makonda amesema kukamilika kwa jengo la abiria uwanja wa ndege wa Arusha kutapunguza msongamano na kuongeza utulivu wa abiria.

Makonda amesema hayo baada ya kutembelea na kukagua mradi wa ukarabati wa jengo la abiria katika uwanja huo ambalo ameagiza likamilike haraka na lianze kutumika Septemba mosi.

Akizungumza baada ya kukagua jengo hilo, Makonda amesema kukamilika mapema kwa jengo hilo kutawezesha abiria kuwa na mahali pazuri pa kusubiri usafiri na kupunguza msongamano uliopo sasa.

Amesema shauku ni uwanja huo kukamilisha maboresho ikiwemo uwekaji wa taa za kuongozea ndege ambayo yatauwezesha kutumika kwa saa 24, tofauti na inavyotumika sasa saa 12 pekee kutokana na kutokuwepo kwa taa.

“Tumetembelea hapa kuona kazi inayoendelea na ni shauku yetu uwanja utumike kwa saa 24,na kupitia Sh7 bilioni zilizotolewa na Serikali kwa ajili ya kuweka taa za kuongozea ndege, tunaamini mradi huo utasaidia uwanja utumike kwa saa 24,” amesema

“Kuhusu kuweka taa tumepata taarifa mkandarasi ameshapatikana na mkataba umesainiwa wa miezi 12 ila tumezungumza na mkurugenzi jana, walau miradi ukamilike ndani ya miezi minane,” aliongeza Makonda

Meneja wa uwanja huo, Godfrey Kaaya, amesema mradi wa jengo la abiria na miundombinu yake utagharimu Sh8 bilioni na umefikia asilimia 90.

Amesema jengo la abiria linalotumika kwa sasa lina uwezo wa kuhudumia abiria 150 wakati lile linalokamilishwa likitarajiwa kubeba abiria 1,000 kwa wakati mmoja.

“Tumejipanga kuhakikisha Septemba lianze kutumika kwani limeshafikia asilimia zaidi ya 90,” amesema.

Kuhusu mradi wa taa za kuongozea ndege, Godfrey amesema mkandarasi ameshapatikana na ameshaanza kazi za awali za usanifu na kuwa watasimamia mradi huo utekelezeke chini ya miezi 12, ili kiwanja hicho kiweze kutumika kwa saa 24.

“Kwa sasa kiwanja hiki kinatumika kwa saa 12 tu, ila ni kiwanja cha ndege cha pili kwa miruko mingi ya ndege Tanzania bara baada ya Julius Nyerere,” amesema

“Tuna miruko karibu 150 kwa siku. Kwa mfano kipindi hiki cha msimu wa utalii, zinakuja ndege 75 na zinaondoka ndege 75 na ndege zote ni ndani ya saa 12, tofauti na viwanja vingine ambavyo vinahudumia ndege kubwa,” ameongeza

Kuhusu ongezeko la abiria, meneja huyo amesema kwa kipindi cha mwaka 2019 kabla ya Uviko -19, kulikuwa na watalii wengi akitolea mfano Julai mwaka huo, walivyopokea abiria zaidi ya 38,000 akilinganisha na Julai 2024 walivyohudumia abiria zaidi ya 45,000.

“Hao abiria zaidi ya 45,000 asilimia zaidi ya 90 ni watalii, hivyo ni kiwanja muhimu hasa katika biashara ya utalii,” amesema.

Maboresho ya uwanja huo wa ndege ni muhimu kwani asilimia kubwa ya watalii hupita Kaskazini huku Arusha ikitumika kama lango kuu, hivyo kukamilika kwa miradi hiyo kutachochea kasi ya maendeleo kwa kiwango kikubwa.

Kwa sasa mwonekano wa kuingia katika uwanja huo umeanza kubadilika kufuatia maboresho yaliyofanywa, likiwemo eneo la maegesho ya magari ambalo limekamilika na linatumika.

Barabara ya kuingia katika uwanja huo imeboreshwa tofauti na ilivyokuwa awali, likiwa limebaki jengo la abiria linalokamilishwa na uwekaji wa taa.

Kama una maoni kuhusu habari hii, tuandikie ujumbe kupitia WhatsApp: 0765864917.Continue Reading

Over 20 million people internally displaced in Horn of Africa: IOM


Some 20.1 million people were internally displaced in July in the Horn of Africa region, the United Nations migration agency said on Thursday.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) said in a report released in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, that the number is an increase from 19.2 million people in June.

The IOM attributed the total surge to a rise in internally displaced persons from Burundi, Ethiopia, and Sudan. Most of the displaced people were in Sudan (10.2 million), Somalia (3.5 million), Ethiopia (3.3 million) and South Sudan (2 million).

“There are 10.2 million newly forcibly displaced people in Sudan, including 7.9 million internally and 2.1 million in neighbouring countries since the beginning of the conflict in April 2023,” the IOM said.

Other causes of displacements, according to the UN agency, are floods caused by heavy rains and food insecurity, especially in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia.

Read: Africa home to nearly half of global displaced population, report says


IOM also noted that the Greater Horn of Africa region had some 5.4 million refugees and asylum seekers. Uganda hosts the greatest number of refugees at 1.7 million, followed by Ethiopia at 1 million, and Kenya at 906,000.

About 67 million people were food insecure in the region in July, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development, a regional bloc in Africa. Of the number, 39 million are in IGAD member states, including Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Sudan, and Uganda.

On August 2, international agencies issued an alert that the Horn of Africa would experience below-average rainfall during the October-December season that would transition to drought. This would mean a rise in the number of displaced persons due to food insecurity. 

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East Africa: Tanzania Leads Education Reforms As EAC Faces Sector Challenges

East Africa: Tanzania Leads Education Reforms As EAC Faces Sector Challenges

The ongoing East African Community (EAC) conference on education, held in light of the African Union’s designation of 2024 as the Year of Education, has spotlighted the persistent challenges in the region’s education sector.

The conference, themed “Educate an African Fit for the 21st Century: Collective Action for Quality, Inclusive, and Life-long Learning in East Africa,” aims to assess the progress and difficulties facing member states in aligning with the continent’s educational agenda.

The gathering follows the Africa Human Capital Heads of State Summit in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where regional leaders, including Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan, endorsed the Dar es Salaam Human Capital Declaration.

This declaration emphasizes the need for significant investments in health, education, and employment to harness Africa’s youthful population and achieve a demographic dividend.

Despite notable efforts, including the harmonization of education systems and the development of frameworks to facilitate student and staff mobility, the EAC region continues to face several challenges.

These challenges include limited access to education, varying education quality, insufficient teacher capacity, inadequate financing, and the integration of technology in education.

With Sub-Saharan Africa scoring the lowest globally on the World Bank’s Human Capital Index, the urgency for increased investment in education is clear.

Under President Samia’s leadership, Tanzania has initiated significant reforms aimed at improving education access, quality, and relevance.

These reforms include extending compulsory schooling from seven to ten years by 2027/28, a major curriculum review, and investments in educational infrastructure and teacher quality.

The government’s focus on vocational training alongside traditional education paths underscores its commitment to equipping youth with practical skills for the job market.

Education experts have called for greater collaboration among EAC member states and international partners to address the region’s educational challenges.

Source: allafrica.com

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