Bosi TRA azikomalia taasisi za Serikali kulipa kodi
Mamlaka ya Mapato Tanzania (TRA), imesema ni kiu yake kuona taasisi za Serikali zinakuwa mfano wa kulipa kodi vyema mbele ya walipakodi wengine.Continue Reading
Mamlaka ya Mapato Tanzania (TRA), imesema ni kiu yake kuona taasisi za Serikali zinakuwa mfano wa kulipa kodi vyema mbele ya walipakodi wengine.Continue Reading
Surveys suggest that coral cover around the tiny island of Mnemba has declined by nearly 90% over the last two decades owing to climate change and ‘overtourism’. A group of South African scientists are trying to reverse the trend.
Listen to this article 7 min Listen to this article 7 min Spectacular coral reefs, clear blue seas and white sand beaches are some of Zanzibar’s major drawcards, helping to attract more than 100,000 tourists every year.
But the financial benefit of this increasing tide of “overtourism” is putting further strain on the colourful reef attractions that are already getting battered by the impact of climate change.
South African marine scientist Dr Camilla Floros notes that there was an “unprecedented warming event” along sections of the East African coastline earlier this year, when sea water temperatures rose to 31°C to a depth of 30m.
These unusually high temperatures, which lasted for nearly a month, are bad news for many corals that can only thrive within a narrow temperature band.
Floros says that if such unusually high temperatures persist for more than two weeks, the corals start to “bleach”.
(Healthy corals derive their colour from the algal species that live in their tissue – but when water temperatures get too high the stressed coral polyps start to expel the algae, exposing their white skeletons).
Simultaneously, the corals also lose their ability to obtain food from the algae, eventually killing the coral…
Tato chairman has dismissed the new policy is an unnecessary and duplicative burden on touristsContinue Reading
Dodoma. Walimu wanne na mfanyabiashara mmoja wanashikiliwa na polisi kwa tuhuma za kuwatapeli wananchi kwa kuwadanganya kuwekeza katika sarafu za kimtandao (cryptocurrency), kisha kutoweka na fedha walizowekeza.
Msemaji wa Jeshi la Polisi, David Misime, ametoa taarifa leo Septemba 11, akieleza kuwa watuhumiwa walikamatwa Septemba 7, 2024, katika Hoteli ya Gold Crest jijini Mwanza kufuatia malalamiko ya wananchi waliodhulumiwa.
Ingawa Misime hakuwataja walimu hao wala shule wanazotoka, amefafanua kuwa watuhumiwa wamehusishwa na ulaghai kwa kufungua mifumo ya kampuni bandia ili kuvutia uwekezaji wa wananchi.
Misime amesema kuwa matapeli hao huanzisha kampuni hizo na kuwapa wawekezaji wa awali fedha kidogo kama faida ili kuvutia wengine wawekeze zaidi.
Hata hivyo, baada ya kukusanya kiasi kikubwa cha fedha, kampuni hizo hufungwa na matapeli hao kutoweka mtandaoni, na kuwafanya wawekezaji kushindwa kuwasiliana nao.
Jeshi la Polisi limewataka wananchi kuchukua tahadhari na kuepuka kujiingiza kwenye udanganyifu huu, kwani teknolojia ya uwekezaji wa sarafu za kimtandao bado haijaidhinishwa rasmi nchini.
Wananchi wanashauriwa kutoa taarifa wanapoona ulaghai wowote unaohusisha uwekezaji mtandaoni au biashara za aina hiyo, ili kuepusha kupoteza fedha zao.
Misime amesisitiza kuwa ni muhimu kuhakikisha uhalali wa makampuni au watu wanaohamasisha biashara za mtandaoni kabla ya kujiingiza, kwani wengi wamejikuta wakiibiwa fedha kutokana na kuingia kwenye matapeli wa mtandaoni.Continue Reading
SGR in Tanzania is the envy of many a neighbouring country. Happy Tanzanians are asking themselves, where have we been all this time?Continue Reading
Our embassies can assist citizens not only in securing jobs and scholarships but also by facilitating business opportunities.Continue Reading
In Tanzania, where over 7.8 percent of the population lives with some form of disability, the digital divide is an offside call that’s gone unnoticed.Continue Reading
The investment, set to be executed in two tranches, will enhance Posco’s involvement in Black Rock.Continue Reading
The figures, published by the Bank of Tanzania (BoT) show that these tourists brought in a record $3.534 billion during the year ended July 2024.Continue Reading
This Fellowship is the maiden initiative undertaken to enhance educational opportunities for meritorious students, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds, enrolled at IIT M Zanzibar.Continue Reading
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