Tanzania: Digital Payment System Reduces Fraud

Tanzania: Digital Payment System Reduces Fraud

ZANZIBAR — THE Zanzibar government has reported that the implementation of e-payments in its financial systems has significantly reduced fraud.

Minister for Infrastructure, Communications and Transport, Dr Khalid Salum Mohammed informed the House of Representatives that the adoption of technology in various financial systems has helped identify and close many loopholes that previously resulted in financial losses within public institutions.

Dr Mohammed was speaking on behalf of Dr Saada Mkuya Salum, the Minister of State in the Office of the President (Finance and Planning), who was absent during the session.

His remarks were in response to a question from Mr Bakar Hamad Bakar, the representative for Wawi constituency, who inquired about the benefits of digitalisation in the financial system.

“The transition to digital payments has improved financial discipline and minimised fraudulent activities by dishonest public servants,” Dr Mohammed stated.

He also emphasised the ongoing push for cashless transactions and urged customers to utilise e-payment options instead of cash.

Source: allafrica.com

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Tanzania: Plan International Encourage Girls to Speak Out

DAR ES SALAAM: PLAN International Tanzania has encouraged girls nationwide to step forward and articulate the challenges they face in pursuing their goals, including leadership roles.

The organisation’s Director, Ms Jane Sembuche, made the call during a press briefing in Dar es Salaam about the upcoming International Day of the Girl Child celebrations.

Ms Sembuche announced the launch of two campaigns, “Girls Take Over” and “Hear Our Voices,” aimed at empowering girls to express their concerns to relevant authorities.

The celebrations are expected to attract hundreds of girls from over 60 countries where the organisation operates, advocating for these campaigns.

The International Day of the Girl Child, observed annually on October 11, seeks to raise awareness about the importance of safeguarding girls’ rights and promoting their empowerment globally.

Ms Sembuche urged the government to address challenges hindering girls from achieving their aspirations, including the revision of the Marriage Act of 1971 to eliminate the influence of early marriages.

ALSO READ: THN urged to enhance girls’ participation in economy

She also called for enhanced protection for girls, particularly against sexual violence, and increased investment in their well-being.

Alumna of the “Girls Take Over” campaign, Ms Jacqueline Mtamya, highlighted the programme’s impact on her leadership skills and ambassadorial positions.

Meanwhile, Ms Zafaran Ramadhan, a graduate from the University of Dar es Salaam, stressed the importance of encouraging girls to pursue science subjects to navigate the evolving landscape of science and technology.

She noted that more girls in these fields would enhance efforts to combat gender-based violence.

Ms Mariam Surve, a student at the Lugalo Military Medical School of Science and Medicine and a mental health advocate, emphasised the opportunities offered by Plan International’s campaigns, particularly “Girls Take Over,” as a significant platform for building confidence and showcasing leadership abilities.

“I believe that through the ‘Girls Take Over’ campaign, I will become open-minded and gain exposure to fulfill my dreams.

Through our ‘Hear Our Voices’ campaign, I urge governmental and non-governmental organisations to support us. We, as girls, possess the power, strength, determination, and dreams. What we lack is hope and the support to create a conducive environment to achieve our dreams,” stated Ms Surve.

Source: allafrica.com

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Zungu: Jamii ijitenge na taarifa zisizo sahihi

Dar es Salaam. Jamii imeaswa kutofungama na makundi ya watu yenye lengo la kubomoa umoja uliojengeka baina yao kwa kusambaza taarifa zisizo sahihi na kuibua chuki na taharuki.

Wito huo umetolewa leo Septemba 28, 2024 jijini Dar es Salaam na Naibu Spika wa Bunge, Mussa Zungu katika siku ya pili ya mkutano wa 53 wa Jumuiya ya Waislamu wa Ahmadiyya Tanzania.

Zungu amesema kila mtu katika jamii anapaswa kujiona ana wajibu wa kulinda amani na kuisaidia Serikali katika kuhakikisha wanaofanya vitendo vya uvunjifu wa amani wanachukuliwa hatua za kisheria.

Ametoa wito kwa viongozi wa dini kuiombea nchi na kuendelea kuhubiri masuala ya amani na upendo kwa waumini.

Vilevile ameipongeza jumuiya hiyo kwa kuendelea kutoa elimu kwa jamii juu ya athari ya kuchanganya masuala ya dini na siasa.

“Kuchanganywa kwa masuala ya dini na siasa kunaweza kuleta mkanganyiko na kuzalisha mianya ya ama wanasiasa kuitumia dini vibaya au watu wa dini kutumia siasa vibaya kwa ajili ya masilahi yao binafsi,” amesema.

Katika mkutano huo, Zungu pia amezungumzia mmomonyoko wa maadili hasa kwa vijana, akitaja utandawazi na matumizi yasiyo sahihi ya mitandao kama baadhi ya visababishi.

Amesema ili kuondokana na changamoto hiyo ni muhimu wazazi kuhakikisha wanahimiza na kusimamia watoto kupata elimu ya darasani pamoja na ya dini.

Vilevile amewataka viongozi wa dini kuhakikisha jamii inapata mafunzo sahihi ya dini ili kuwajenga kuwa na hofu ya Mungu.

“Elimu sahihi ya kimaadili mnayowapa watoto wenu ndiyo inayojenga jamii imara yenye kujenga waumini wenye maadili. Mtu hawezi kuwa mpenzi wa Mungu kisha akaacha kufanya wema kwa viumbe wengine hasa wanadamu,” amesema.

Kwa upande wake, Mkurugenzi wa Elimu Msingi, Abdi Maulid amesema mtoto akipata elimu ya darasani na ya dini itasaidia kuzalisha wanataaluma katika fani mbalimbali wenye maadili.

Amir wa jumuiya hiyo, Khawaja Ahmad amesema madhehebu hayo yamekuwa yakifanya mkutano kila mwaka kwa lengo la kuwakutanisha waumini na kuwakumbusha wajibu wao kama binadamu hapa duniani ikiwemo kumcha Mungu.

Amesema mkutano huu unalenga kuongeza hofu ya Mwenyezi Mungu, kuhimiza kuepukana na maovu, kuchochea moyo wa huruma na upendo na kuwakumbusha waumini kuendeleza tamaduni ya kuisaidia jamii katika nyanja mbalimbali, ikiwemo utoaji wa huduma za afya, elimu na misaada ya kibinadamu kwa wenye uhitaji bila ya kujali itakadi ya imani zao.

“Vilevile kuwaelimisha na kuwahimiza vijana kuwa na mienendo bora ya kimaisha na kuwa raia wawajibikaji kwa nchi yao, na kuwa viongozi waadilifu katika jamii kwa mustakabali wa jamii na Taifa bora,” amesema.Continue Reading