Siku tisa kuelekea uchaguzi, zinahitaji haya

Dar es Salaam. Wakati sekunde zikizidi kuyoyoma, saa zikikimbia na siku tisa tu zikisalia kabla ya Watanzania kuelekea kupiga kura katika uchaguzi wa serikali za mitaa, kila mmoja ana wajibu wa pekee kuhakikisha anashiriki kikamilifu kwenye mchakato huu wa kidemokrasia.

Uchaguzi huo, uliopangwa kufanyika Novemba 27, 2024 una nafasi kubwa ya kubadili mustakabali wa jamii zetu kwa miaka mitano ijayo.

Hii ni nafasi ya kuandaa daraja la maendeleo au kujiweka katika mahangaiko na changamoto za kijamii na kiuchumi.

Kwa siku tisa zilizosalia kuelekea uchaguzi huo, kuna mambo ya msingi unayopaswa kuzingatia.


Ni muhimu kila mpiga kura kuhakikisha majina yake yameorodheshwa kwenye daftari la wapiga wakazi.

Daftari hilo, ndilo linalotumika kuorodhesha majina ya wakazi wa maeneo husika na ndilo linalokuhalalisha kushiriki kupiga au kupigiwa kura.

Kwa mujibu wa Tume Huru ya TaiFa ya Uchaguzi (INEC) mwaka 2019, zaidi ya wapiga kura milioni sana walijiandikisha, lakini takriban asilimia 15 hawakujitokeza kupiga kura kwa sababu ya changamoto za kutothibitisha majina yao mapema.

Katika siku hizi chache, ni jukumu la kila mmoja kuhakikisha hana vikwazo vya kiutaratibu na sheria vinavyomzuia kushiriki mchakato huo.

Wagombea na sera zao

Kwa siku zilizobaki Ofisi ya Rais, Tawala za Mikoa na Serikali za Mitaa (Tamisemi) na vyama vya siasa vina jukumu la kuhakikisha wananchi wanapata taarifa za kina kuhusu wagombea.

Kwa sababu tayari uteuzi umeshafanyika na pazia la kampeni linaenda kufunguliwa, sera ndizo zitakazoamua ushindi wa mgombea.

Uchaguzi si sherehe ya majina maarufu bali ni mchakato wa kuchagua viongozi wenye uwezo wa kuleta maendeleo.

Katika uchaguzi wa serikali za mitaa wa mwaka 2019, utafiti wa Repoa ulionyesha asilimia 45 ya wapiga kura hawakujua kikamilifu sera za wagombea wao, jambo lililochangia uchaguzi wa viongozi wasiowajibika kwa jamii.

Mpiga kura anapaswa kutumia siku hizi tisa zilizobaki kuhudhuria mikutano ya kampeni, zitakapozinduliwa, kusoma ilani za vyama na hata kuuliza maswali magumu ili kufanya maamuzi sahihi.

Amani na utulivu

Historia ya Tanzania imejaa mifano ya mafanikio ya kuendesha chaguzi kwa amani.

Lakini tunapaswa kuwa waangalifu dhidi ya kauli na vitendo vinavyoweza kuchochea vurugu.

Mwaka 2020, ripoti ya Kituo cha Sheria na Haki za Binadamu (LHRC), ilionyesha asilimia 20 ya vurugu za uchaguzi zilitokana na mivutano ya kidini na kikabila, hasa wakati wa kampeni.

Sasa ni wakati wa kudumisha mshikamano, kuelekeza mijadala kwenye hoja badala ya chuki na kuhakikisha tunaacha mfano bora kwa kizazi kijacho.

Hamasa kwa wapiga kura

Ushiriki wa wananchi katika uchaguzi ni ishara ya nguvu ya kidemokrasia.

Katika uchaguzi wa serikali za mitaa wa mwaka 2019, ni asilimia 65 tu ya waliojiandikisha walijitokeza kupiga kura.

Takwimu hizo zinaonyesha bado kuna kazi kubwa ya kuwahamasisha watu kushiriki.

Familia, marafiki na majirani wanapaswa kushirikiana kuhamasishana ili ifikapo Novemba 27 kila mmoja awe sehemu ya mabadiliko.

Kuimarisha maandalizi ya siku ya uchaguzi

Kwa wapiga kura, kuhakikisha wanajua vituo vyao vya kupigia kura ni hatua muhimu.

Hii husaidia kuepuka msongamano na kuchanganyikiwa siku ya uchaguzi.

Kwa mujibu wa ripoti ya INEC 2019, asilimia 10 ya wapiga kura walishindwa kupiga kura kwa wakati kwa sababu ya kushindwa kufika vituoni mapema.

Kwa mamlaka zinazohusika, hatua hizi chache zilizobaki ni fursa ya kuhakikisha vifaa vyote vya uchaguzi vipo tayari, watumishi wamepewa mafunzo ya kutosha, na mazingira ya vituo vya kura ni rafiki kwa wapiga kura wote, wakiwemo wazee, wanawake wajawazito na watu wenye ulemavu.

Kujiepusha na rushwa, uvunjifu maadili

Rushwa imeendelea kuwa changamoto katika chaguzi mbalimbali.

Transparency International iliripoti mwaka 2020 kwamba asilimia 18 ya wapiga kura walirubuniwa kwa njia ya rushwa ili kuwachagua wagombea fulani.

Wakati huu tunapokaribia siku ya uchaguzi, ni muhimu kuhakikisha maamuzi ya wananchi hayashawishiwi na zawadi za muda mfupi, bali yanatokana na utashi wa kweli wa mabadiliko.

Kulinda haki za wengine

Kila mmoja ana haki ya kupiga kura kwa uhuru na usalama.

Mikutano ya kampeni inapaswa kuheshimu sheria za uchaguzi na wapiga kura wanapaswa kuacha tabia ya kuwakatisha tamaa wengine kushiriki.

Kwa mujibu wa sheria za uchaguzi nchini, vitendo vya kuwatishia wapiga kura vinaweza kusababisha kifungo cha hadi miaka mitatu jela.

Kujiandaa kisaikolojia na kifamilia

Katika siku hizi chache, ni muhimu kuhakikisha kwamba familia zimetayarishwa kwa siku ya uchaguzi.

Hakikisha watoto wapo salama, na ratiba ya siku hiyo imepangwa vizuri ili kuepusha mizozo.

Uchaguzi ni suala la kijamii linalohitaji mshikamano wa kifamilia na kijamii.

Siku tisa zinaweza kuonekana kuwa chache, lakini zinaweza kuwa msingi wa kuleta mabadiliko makubwa.

Kama Taifa, tunapaswa kutumia kila saa iliyobaki kuhakikisha tunajiandaa kwa njia sahihi kushiriki katika zoezi hili muhimu.

Huu ni wakati wa kuonyesha uzalendo kwa kuchagua viongozi wanaostahili na kuhakikisha kuwa demokrasia yetu inazidi kuimarika.

Tukumbuke kwamba kila kura ina uzito mkubwa. Kwa kila mmoja wetu anayejitokeza kupiga kura, tunaandika ukurasa mpya wa historia ya Taifa letu.

Tafakari, jipange na uhakikishe siku ya Novemba 27 inakuwa ya kipekee kwa maendeleo yetu.

Vyombo vya habari pia vina nafasi muhimu ya kuhakikisha vinaripoti taarifa bila kuegemea upande wa chama chochote cha siasa.

Kwa mujibu wa Baraza la Habari Tanzania (MCT), uandishi wa uchaguzi unapaswa kuwa wa uwiano, kuzingatia maadili na kutoa fursa sawa kwa wagombea wote.

Katika siku hizi tisa, vyombo vya habari vina jukumu la kuelimisha wapiga kura, kufichua changamoto za kiutaratibu, na kupaza sauti za wananchi wanaotafuta mabadiliko.

Huu ni wakati wa kuonyesha uzalendo kwa kuchagua viongozi wanaostahili na kuhakikisha kuwa demokrasia yetu inazidi kuimarika.

Tukumbuke kila kura ina uzito mkubwa. Kwa kila mmoja anayejitokeza kupiga kura, anaandika ukurasa mpya wa historia ya Taifa.Continue Reading

Zanzibar First VP calls for thorough investigations into mysterious deaths

Unguja. Zanzibar’s First Vice President, Othman Masoud, has called on the government to fully investigate and clarify the circumstances surrounding the recent deaths of four individuals in a mysterious incident.

He urged the affected families to remain patient as authorities work to uncover the truth and ensure justice is served.

The tragedy occurred on the night of November 9, 2024, when a Dayna vehicle, driven by Msina Sharif (39), crashed into a tree, leading to the deaths of the driver and his assistant, Abdala Bakari (28).

Two young passengers, Mohamed Issa (10) and Hamza Abdalla Abasi (10), both pupils from Kidoti Primary School, sustained injuries.

Initial reports from the Zanzibar Police, released on November 10, stated that the vehicle lost control and crashed after attempting to flee from a police check point.

Deputy Director of Criminal Investigations, Zubeir Chembera, confirmed that a special committee had been set up to investigate the incident further, especially in light of social media rumors and claims that the victims were shot by police officers.

“We are conducting a thorough investigation into this tragic event. A committee has been formed to examine why the vehicle fled, why other vehicles attacked police officers, and whether shots were fired by the police,” Chembera said. “Once the investigation is concluded, we will share our findings with the public.”

The incident occurred during a police operation in the North A District of Kidoti Village, where officers had stopped a Toyota Dyana truck with no registration plates.

According to Chembera, the driver ignored orders to stop, honked the horn, and attempted to flee. Other vehicles joined in, allegedly throwing stones at the police.

In response, police fired warning shots in the air, but the driver continued to evade them, eventually losing control and crashing into a tree.

Chembera reiterated that while the crash is believed to have caused the fatalities, the investigation is ongoing to determine whether any police actions contributed to the deaths.

Meanwhile, the ACT Wazalendo party has called for full accountability. Hamad Mussa Yussuf, a spokesperson for the opposition party, condemned the incident as an act of ‘murder’ and demanded the police reveal the identities of those responsible for the deaths and take swift action against them.

“This is a grave tragedy, and we demand justice. The police must publicly disclose who was responsible for these deaths and ensure that those involved face the law immediately,” Yussuf said.

VP visits grieving families

During a visit to the families of the victims on November 15, 2024, First Vice President Othman Masoud expressed his condolences and reiterated the government’s commitment to uncovering the truth.

He emphasized that it was the government’s duty to thoroughly investigate such incidents and provide the public with clarity, especially when lives are lost under mysterious circumstances.

“This is a tragic event, and it is the responsibility of the government to investigate it fully. The truth must be revealed without concealment, so the community can understand what happened. This process is crucial for ensuring justice and preventing similar incidents in the future,” Othman stated.

In his remarks, Othman praised the families for their patience in the wake of this tragedy, acknowledging the difficulty of their situation while assuring them that the government would pursue justice.

He called on the public to remain calm, as they had demonstrated during the incident, and to allow the ongoing investigation to proceed.

Othman’s statement, issued through the First Vice President’s office, underscored the importance of transparency and accountability. He added that without a full understanding of the facts, it would be difficult to address the deeper issues that led to the deaths and prevent such occurrences in the future.Continue Reading

Coca-Cola announces date, entry fee for grand food festival celebrating Tanzania’s culinary heritage, culminating three-month campaign

Dar es Salaam. Coca-Cola has announced that its grand food festival will take place on November 23, at 710 Gardens in Kawe, Dar es Salaam, as the finale of a campaign launched three months ago to celebrate Tanzanian cuisine.

The festival will gather food enthusiasts and culture lovers for a full day of exceptional culinary experiences, live music, and cultural festivities. More than 20 local vendors, celebrated for their culinary skills at previous Coke Kitaa Food mini-fests, will showcase their talents alongside renowned chefs and food influencers from Tanzania and across East Africa.

Notable chefs include Dennis Ombachi, the Kenyan rugby sevens icon also known as “The Roaming Chef.” Attendees will have the chance to experience Tanzania’s rich food heritage, presented with creativity and flair.

In addition to the culinary highlights, festival-goers will enjoy live performances by top Tanzanian artists and a vibrant music mix from popular DJs, providing entertainment from 11:00 am until midnight.

This grand festival marks the conclusion of Coca-Cola Food Fest Tanzania, a series of weekly Kitaa Fests held across Dar es Salaam and other major cities since mid-September. These events have given local chefs and vendors a platform to display their talents, engage with the community, and boost their businesses.

“The Coca-Cola Food Festival offers more than just delicious Tanzanian cuisine; it’s about celebrating creativity and bringing people together. We’re thrilled to present a platform where local flavours meet Coca-Cola beverages, creating a unique experience for all,” said Kabula Nshimo, Senior Marketing Manager at Coca-Cola Tanzania.

The event will also feature “Tanzania on a Plate,” where local vendors will showcase the best of Tanzanian cuisine, complemented by entertainment from popular comedians and top Tanzanian DJs.

The festival aligns with Coca-Cola’s global “A Recipe for Magic” campaign, which emphasises the joy of sharing meals and bringing people together. The campaign highlights the belief that whether it’s a simple meal or a special occasion, moments are made magical when enjoyed with Coca-Cola.Continue Reading

Tanzania government, Tourism players agitate for public-private partnership in shaping future of industry

Dar es Salaam. The government has underscored importance of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and community involvement in shaping the future of tourism in Tanzania.

Opening the tourism policy reform summit at Serena Hotel in Dar es Salaam today, Natural Resources and Tourism Minister, Dr. Pindi Chana said there’s a need of a collaborative framework that highlights the significance of PPP and community participation.

Dubbed, ‘Blue & Green: Making the Most of Tanzania’s Coast and Hinterland Ecosystems’, has been organized by the Tourism Confederation of Tanzania (TCT) in partnership Ministry of Natural Resources and EnviroSasa.

In her speech read by the Assistant Director of Tourism, Mr Phillip Chitaunga, Dr Chana said that collaboration is key, and pledged to explore how they could work together—government, tourism industry, and communities—to make this vision a reality.

“By aligning local, regional, and national priorities, we aim to create a tourism development model that is economically viable, environmentally responsible, and socially inclusive” Dr Chana emphasized.

Over the two days, the tourism policy reform summit that attracted nearly 100 stakeholders from both public and private sectors, will be engaging in the Blue-Green Program, which focuses on sustainable coastal and hinterland tourism development.

“Our vision is clear, to develop a tourism industry that not only celebrates our rich natural landscapes—from the pristine shores of the Indian Ocean to the lush and biodiverse hinterlands—but also ensures that these resources are preserved for future generations” she added.

At the same time, Dr Chana said there’s a need to ensure that local communities benefit directly from the opportunities that tourism provides, creating livelihoods and strengthening resilience.

The cabinet Minister said that the Summit would also assess tourism resources at the district level, exploring the potential for both marine and terrestrial tourism in specific zones.

In the final session the Summit will be dedicated to developing strategic proposals that align with Vision 2050, the Heshimu Bahari goals, and the Pamoja Framework, she noted.

“Together, we will outline actionable steps for integrating marine and coastal conservation into tourism planning—ensuring that our infrastructure is eco-friendly and that our tourism sector adapts to the challenges posed by climate change” Dr Chana explained.

Chairman of the Tourism Confederation of Tanzania (TCT), Mr Moustafa Khataw, said the summit is a pivotal moment to develop actionable strategies for sustainable development across the ecosystems, emphasizing economic growth, environmental conservation, and social inclusivity.

Mr Khataw said that TCT, as the apex body of the Tanzania tourism private sector associations, remains committed to bridging government efforts and private sector ambitions.

“By endorsing the PAMOJA framework, we advocate for a bottom-up approach in policy and planning, emphasizing community-led initiatives at the district level” he noted.

The move, Mr Khataw said, aligns with TCT strategic partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism and other key stakeholders.

“We are thrilled to advance dialogue on breaking traditional circuit-based tourism models, transitioning towards a more integrated travel route and regional approach” he noted

“I am confident that with collaborative effort and shared commitment, we can achieve the sustainable development goals laid out for Tanzania’s coast and hinterland” TCT Chief noted.

TCT Chief Executive Officer, Ms Lathifa Sykes said: “The ‘Blue & Green: Making the Most of Tanzania’s Coast and Hinterland Ecosystems’ event is set to be a pivotal moment in the transformation of Tanzania’s tourism industry, fostering collaboration, sustainability, and growth in alignment with the country’s long-term development goals”.

Attendees include representatives from the President’s Office, Planning Commission, the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, Coastal Region Heads, the Ministry of Finance and Planning, Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA), and the Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC).

The summit lacked the presence of officials from National Environmental Management Council (NEMC), Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) and Occupational safety and health (OSH).Continue Reading