Ahadi ya TRA kwa mawakala wa forodha

Ahadi ya TRA kwa mawakala wa forodha

Kamishna Mkuu wa Mamlaka ya Mapato Tanzania (TRA), Yusuph Mwenda, amewataka mawakala wa forodha nchini kufanya kazi kwa weledi, uadilifu na kujiepusha na vitendo vya rushwa huku akiwaahidi mazingira bora ya kazi.

Ameyasema hayo jana Agosti 1, 2024, alipokutana na wanachama wa Chama cha Mawakala wa Forodha (TAFFA) kwa lengo la kusikiliza changamoto zao, kujadiliana namna ya kuzitatua na kuboresha huduma za forodha ili kuhakikisha wanalipa kodi stahiki.

Mwenda amesema wapo kwenye mchakato wa kuboresha mifumo yao ili kutimiza agizo la Rais Samia Suluhu Hassan ili kuweza kuingiza mapato mengi na kuondoa changamoto ya rushwa.

“Pale changamoto zitakapojitokeza naomba ushirikiano ili tufanye kazi pamoja kuepusha ucheleweshaji wa mizigo ya watu kukaa muda mrefu. Pia Serikali haitaki udanganyifu,” amesema.

“Neno rushwa linazungumzwa sana inaonekana rushwa zinatolewa sana. Nashauri hilo suala lisifanyike, ni kosa zaidi, tutaboresha ili huduma zitolewe haraka hasa kwenye maeneo ambayo kuna shida hiyo.”

Mwenda amewataka TAFFA wafanye kazi kwa kushirikiana na TRA ili kupunguza changamoto ya ucheleweshwaji wa mizigo huku akiwasisitiza kutopokea rushwa kutoka kwa wateja ili kuwahisha bidhaa zao.

Aidha, Mwenda amewahakikishia wanachama hao kuwa ameyachukua maoni yao na changamoto kwa yale yaliyokuwemo ndani ya uwezo wao watakwenda kuyafanyia kazi na yale ya kisera watayapeleka sehemu husika.

Kwa upande wake, Rais wa TAFFA, Edward Urio, amesema ushirikiano wao na maofisa wa idara ya forodha umewasaidia kuvuka malengo waliowekewa katika ukusanyaji kodi kwa mwaka wa fedha 2023/2024.

“Tumevuka malengo ya ukusanyaji wa kodi kutokana na ushirikiano mzuri kati ya maofisa wa TRA na sisi mawakala wa forodha na kufanikiwa kukusanya kodi kwa niaba ya Serikali,” amesema Urio.

Amesema kwao ni faraja kubwa baada ya Mwenda kukubali kukutana nao na kujadiliana namna ya kuongeza ufanisi wa ukusanyaji kodi na kuboresha ushirikiano.

“Tunamuhakikishia kuwa malengo aliyopewa si yako pekee yake tutashirikiana naye kuhakikisha yanatimia,” amesema.

Source: mwananchi.co.tz

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Air Tanzania Banned From EU Airspace Due to Safety Concerns
Tanzania Foreign Investment News
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Air Tanzania Banned From EU Airspace Due to Safety Concerns

Several airports have since locked Air Tanzania, dealing a severe blow to the Tanzanian national carrier that must now work overtime to regain its certification or go the wet lease way

The European Commission has announced the inclusion of Air Tanzania on the EU Air Safety List, effectively banning the airline from operating in European airspace.

The decision, made public on December 16, 2024, is based on safety concerns identified by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which also led to the denial of Air Tanzania’s application for a Third Country Operator (TCO) authorisation.

The Commission did not go into the specifics of the safety infringement but industry experts suggest it is possible that the airline could have flown its Airbus A220 well past its scheduled major checks, thus violating the airworthiness directives.

“The decision to include Air Tanzania in the EU Air Safety List underscores our unwavering commitment to ensuring the highest safety standards for passengers in Europe and worldwide,” said Apostolos Tzitzikostas, EU Commissioner for Sustainable Transport and Tourism.

“We strongly urge Air Tanzania to take swift and decisive action to address these safety issues. I have offered the Commission’s assistance to the Tanzanian authorities in enhancing Air Tanzania’s safety performance and achieving full compliance with international aviation standards.”

Air Tanzania has a mixed fleet of modern aircraft types including Boeing 787s, 737 Max jets, and Airbus A220s.

It has been flying the B787 Dreamliner to European destinations like Frankfurt in Germany and Athens in Greece and was looking to add London to its growing list with the A220.

But the ban not only scuppers the London dream but also has seen immediate ripple effect, with several airports – including regional like Kigali and continental – locking out Air Tanzania.

Tanzania operates KLM alongside the national carrier.

The European Commission said Air Tanzania may be permitted to exercise traffic rights by using wet-leased aircraft of an air carrier which is not subject to an operating ban, provided that the relevant safety standards are complied with.

A wet lease is where an airline pays to use an aircraft with a crew, fuel, and insurance all provided by the leasing company at a fee.

Two more to the list

The EU Air Safety List, maintained to ensure passenger safety, is updated periodically based on recommendations from the EU Air Safety Committee.

The latest revision, which followed a meeting of aviation safety experts in Brussels from November 19 to 21, 2024, now includes 129 airlines.

Of these, 100 are certified in 15 states where aviation oversight is deemed insufficient, and 29 are individual airlines with significant safety deficiencies.

Alongside Air Tanzania, other banned carriers include Air Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe), Avior Airlines (Venezuela), and Iran Aseman Airlines (Iran).

Commenting on the broader implications of the list, Tzitzikostas stated, “Our priority remains the safety of every traveler who relies on air transport. We urge all affected airlines to take these bans seriously and work collaboratively with international bodies to resolve the identified issues.”

In a positive development, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has been cleared to resume operations in the EU following a four-year suspension. The ban, which began in 2020, was lifted after substantial improvements in safety performance and oversight by PIA and the Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA).

“Since the TCO Authorisation was suspended, PIA and PCAA have made remarkable progress in enhancing safety standards,” noted Tzitzikostas. “This demonstrates that safety issues can be resolved through determination and cooperation.”

Another Pakistani airline, Airblue Limited, has also received EASA’s TCO authorisation.

Decisions to include or exclude airlines from the EU Air Safety List are based on rigorous evaluations of international safety standards, particularly those established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

The process involves thorough review and consultation among EU Member State aviation safety experts, with oversight from the European Commission and support from EASA.

“Where an airline currently on the list believes it complies with the required safety standards, it can request a reassessment,” explained Tzitzikostas. “Our goal is not to penalize but to ensure safety compliance globally.”

Airlines listed on the EU Air Safety List face significant challenges to their international operations, as the bans highlight shortcomings in safety oversight by their home regulatory authorities.

For Air Tanzania, this inclusion signals an urgent need for reform within Tanzania’s aviation sector to address these deficiencies and align with global standards.

The path forward will require immediate and sustained efforts to rectify safety concerns and regain access to one of the world’s most critical aviation markets.

Source: allafrica.com

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